What's Old is New

Health Tips
Last Updated Jul 28, 2020
Health Tips

When it comes to nutrition, everything old seems to be new. Many foods as well as what they had to offer were once enjoyed with health in mind.  However, they were later condemned and discredited and deemed unhealthy.
Over the last 2 decades however, health awareness has increased immensely and there has been new and fresh research into previously discredited foods.

From Old to In Vogue


  • Local Food - Many decades ago, nearly all our food was bought fresh from the farm and locally.  Due to the rise of factory and convenience food, this way of life has slowly declined.  However, as we become more environmentally aware and prefer environmentally sustainable foods, local foods are being revived.
  • Sunlight and Vitamin D - Sunlight has been deemed incredibly dangerous by the cancer industry and for good reason.  However, this has also seen the decline in vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is important for bone health as well as boosting the immune system.  By spending 15 minutes in the sun before 11am subjecting our arms and face to the beautiful rays of sunlight, you will be able to absorb vitamin D.
  • Eggs - Eggs were once thought of as the enemy in terms of raising cholesterol levels.  However, new research has concluded that this is not the case and eggs are packed with important and necessary nutrients to ensure good health.  It is very important that when choosing eggs, that authorized free range are given priority!
  • Butter  - Butter is a source of vitamin A, D and vitamin E.  In your grandparents and great grandparent’s day, butter was what they used to spread on their freshly homemade bread.  It wasn’t until the latter half of this century that butter was replaced by non-nutrient dense, partially hydrogenated margarine.  Thankfully, the food industry has seen the light and butter is now slowly outweighing margarine purchase.

If you would like further information on the rise of health foods, contact your Nutritionist.

Originally published on Mar 02, 2015

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