Anxiety, Stress, PTSD Resolved therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
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Anxiety, Stress, PTSD Resolved

Transformations Coaching & Hypnotherapy

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TRTP - The Richards Trauma Process is a unique solution for people who suffer from long-term anxiety, stress, depression, anger, fears, phobias or PTSD. Transformation therapists are highly trained TRTP therapists. TRTP is an elegant three-session process that utilises Dynamic Re-Imagination to change negative unconscious beliefs to positive in session 1. Session two resets past emotional events and readjusts memories. Imagine Your Life without the feelings of anxiety, fearing the future, or worrying about the past re-occurring. Clients 'feel' the difference after their first session. TRTP is NOT talk therapy. TRTP is dynamic interactive therapy. It is robust and achieves amazing results face-to-face or via ZOOM. Book Your complimentary 30-minute consult .. and Get Your Life Back!!.

Stress, Anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress, Depression, Domestic Violence, Bullying

Servicing area

Brisbane and South East Queensland

Focus areas

The Richards Trauma Process (TRTP) Trauma therapy Hypnotherapist Bullying Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Changing habits

Are you suffering from panic or anxiety attacks?

    • Do you suffer from Depression?

    • Do you find it hard to go into crowded places?

    • Are you “hyper-vigilant” prepared… just in case 'X' happens?

    • Are you suffering from stress or sleep disturbance and find you do not cope with normal everyday situations?

    • Do you have problems or habits of an addictive nature: smoking, drugs, over-eating, gambling, drinking?

    • Are you surviving the aftermath of domestic violence or bullying?

    • Have you had suicidal thoughts?

    • Have you been diagnosed with PTSD?

    • Are you living a life of existence?

    • Are you at the point in your life where you have given up on even allowing yourself to dream of a normal future, it’s just too hard to IMAGINE !!

If you answered yes to 3 or more of the above and have had symptoms for longer than 3 months, It is possible you may be experiencing issues relating to unresolved trauma, grief or guilt.

This successful therapy has now been revolutionized with the induction of The Richards Trauma Process (TRTP), a technique is now available to you in Brisbane or via skype anywhere through Australia and internationally.

Have you gone through a traumatic experience? If so, it may be you are struggling with upsetting emotions, frightening memories, or a sense of constant danger. Or you may feel disconnected, numb, fearful, possibly even feel guilty and unable to trust other people. When bad things happen, it can take a while for you, your body but mostly your subconscious mind to process the event and feel safe again.

But with the right treatment, The Richards Trauma Process - TRTP - , you can speed your recovery. Whether the traumatic event happened years ago or yesterday, you can heal and move on, enjoying life and success.

Depression and Anxiety

What is trauma?

Trauma, whether emotional or psychological, is the result of extraordinarily stressful events that shatter your sense of security, making you feel helpless and vulnerable. Trauma shakes the foundations of our understanding of life, upsets our beliefs about safety, and shatters our assumptions of trust.

There are two major groups of trauma:

    1. An intense, Life-Threatening Event or Events,
      These are events which we would normally associate with “Trauma”

    1. “Silent Trauma” where a person or persons are subjected to less dramatic, but re-occurring traumas, like verbal bullying, constant criticism, a high stress work environment, the effects of which have built up throughout life. They are often unaware that these underlying traumas are the core reason behind their current problem. Examples may be:
      • the years of growing up with an over-bearing, dangerous parent
      • mental abuse, verbal cruelty, feeling excluded – or not belonging
      • the schoolyard experiences of being severely bullied
      • a dysfunctional marriage
      • the high-stress work environment and ‘burn-out’

These accumulated traumas we often squash down, ignore and try to “suck it up” – until we finally hit a “wall” and suddenly we can’t cope, can’t function, feel totally overwhelmed and wonder what happened.

Traumatic experiences can involve a threat to life or safety, but any situation that leaves you feeling fearful, overwhelmed, alone or unsafe can be traumatic, even if it doesn’t involve physical danger. It’s not the actual facts that determine whether an event is traumatic, but your perspective and subjective emotional experience of the event. The more frightened and helpless you feel, the more you are likely to be traumatized.

The Process of Trauma

When you experience a stressful or traumatic event the brain goes into survival mode called the “Fight, Flight or Freeze” (FFF) response. In other words, the brain sets the body up to run away, or to fight, or if the event is too much to “comprehend” at that moment, to freeze.

This process causes the blood flow to increase to the large muscle groups and at the same time, it rapidly floods the system with cortisol and adrenaline as our stress levels rise, just momentarily, until we are able to process the situation/event, or until it resolves itself and goes away and life goes on.

This process is designed to enable us to cope with normal ups and downs of life and then when the event is over the brain completes the process by turning the event into a memory allowing us to return to feeling calm.

However, sometimes, the brain does not, or perhaps simply cannot, finish processing the event and doesn’t turn it into a memory which we can file into the past and move on. The result of not processing the event means your remain consciously aware of what happened and so “you re-live this event or events” constantly in your mind, over and over, almost feeling that it's happening all over again. It's like a movie looping, or permanently on replay, and the body feels alert, ready for action, all the time.

This looping causes the body and mind to get stuck in a constant state of flight, fright or freeze. You might experience stress, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, phobias, anger, fits of rage, addictions, all of which are commonly associated with PTSD.

The Solution

For the brain to be able to process these unresolved events two things need to happen:

    1. The body needs to know that “It's over” and you are “safe”.

    1. You need to feel you have power over the event or events.

The good news is that current psychological treatments have been revolutionized and need not take long to help a person overcome stress, anxiety, depression, PTSD symptoms or any other condition. The days of “lying on the couch” for years are long gone.

We train in the latest cutting edge therapies, to offer our clients the most successful treatment for their issues. The latest technique we have adopted is The Richards Trauma Process (TRTP) which incorporates hypnosis, and is being used very successfully to resolve these unprocessed events, fast and effectively, allowing the brain to store them as a past memory and disempowering them.

This allows you to feel safe and empowered, back in control of your emotions and your life and, to be free…”JUST IMAGINE….. what would that feel like to YOU?”


TRTP or The Richards Trauma Process utilizes hypnosis and enables you to overcome stress, anxiety, depression, anger and PTSD quickly, safety and effectively. In a short period of time you can go from an out of control life to one of control.

You have a conscious and an unconscious mind. If you were to imagine an average room the conscious would be the size of a chair in the room. The unconscious would be the size of the rest of the room. It goes without saying that the unconscious mind is the most powerful. If your unconscious is not in agreement with your conscious then you will not do it.

Consciously you may want to overcome your depression, anxiety, stress or PTSD but if your unconscious thinks that it is a way of keeping you safe then you will really struggle. TRTP uses hypnosis to break the pattern in your unconscious so that you can break free. It gives you a way to resolve past anxious or traumatic events.

The Steps of TRTP


In just three steps with a week between each step you can break free of the events that have been the cause of your stress, anxiety, depression or PTSD!

Step 1

We break your limiting beliefs and introduce to the real you. From before we are born to the age of 7 we are like sponges. Whatever somebody says to us we believe and they form the bases of our limiting beliefs. We also pick up limiting beliefs as we grow up. Guess what? Most are not true and most have been suggested by other people. We break the limiting beliefs because they get in the way of making change.

Step 2

We take you back to the most stressful events under hypnosis as a empowered person rather than a victim. We give you a chance to let out all the rage, grief and guilt about the event, you are totally safe when you do this. It gives you control over past events rather than past events controlling you. Unlike conventional
therapy we do not ask for your story of the events, we do not ask you to re-traumatise yourself!!!

Step 3

We take you into the future. Quantum physics says that there is no reason you can't go into the future like you go into the past. Under hypnosis you go into the future and plan your future. When you are suffering the effects of unresolved stress or trauma you are in survival mode, you can't think about the future.
Imagine being able to think and construct your future!!

BOOK A COMPLEMENTARY STRATEGY SESSION so we can discuss and see how and if we can help. PHONE TODAY: 1300 64 53 54


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Business Hours

We're open 5 days.


8:00 am To 6:00 pm


8:00 am To 6:00 pm


8:00 am To 6:00 pm


10:00 am To 5:00 pm


8:30 am To 11:59 am


  • TRTP Mentor
  • Certified TRTP Practitioner
  • The Richards Trauma Process (TRTP) Practitioner
  • Hypnosis Trainer
  • Diploma In Hypnotherapy
  • Master In Medical Science
  • Diploma Psychotherapy

Professional Membership

  • AHA - Australian Hypnotherapists Association

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