What is Tai Chi?

Tai chi is a form of mind-body practice that restores balance and harmony between the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of being through slow, integrated movements. Originally a form of Chinese martial art, the modality is now referred to as meditation in motion as its slow, rhythmic body movements promote inner peace and deeper spiritual connection.

Tai chi in Sydney

What are the Benefits of Tai Chi?

The graceful movements of tai chi offer numerous health benefits, improving the mind, body, emotions and spirit. In addition to toning the muscles and enhancing flexibility, it is believed to combat stress, anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia, diabetes, osteoarthritis and many other conditions. Practising it on a daily basis promises the following:

  • Delayed ageing
  • Fall prevention
  • Increased strength and endurance
  • Improved aerobic capacity
  • Better posture
  • Improved balance and motor coordination
  • Pain reduction
  • Increased self-confidence
  • Better memory and concentration

How Much Does Tai Chi in Sydney Cost?

A tai chi class in Sydney can range anywhere from $50 to $170, depending on its duration, size and delivery method. Many tai chi instructors deliver their classes either face-to-face or online, with classes consisting of traditional tai chi movements or specifically tailored to each client's needs. 

How Many Tai Chi Practitioners Does Sydney Have?

Although there is not enough data on the total number of certified tai chi practitioners in Sydney, let alone the whole of Australia, several studies have shown that the country, along with China,USA and a number of European countries, has a large number of tai chi and qigong instructors, as well as training courses that provide certification programs.

How Many People in Sydney Use Tai Chi?

In Sydney, tai chi is not only used by people with long-term health conditions to improve their mental health or alleviate the side effects of their medications. The results of a 2017 questionnaire survey distributed across four states in Australia, including New South Wales, revealed that 90% of those who had practised tai chi had done so to avoid getting sick and improve their overall health and wellbeing. It only shows that tai chi is considered by many people in the region as vital for maintaining excellent health.