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Natural Treatments for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

Last Updated Oct 01, 2021

Natural Treatments for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

Natural treatments are increasingly sought out for their relative lack of side effects, and are used for a wide array of conditions, including Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). 

What is Attention Deficit Disorder?

In the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), ADD is one of the subtypes of ADHD, a common disorder in children that may persist into adulthood. ADD presents symptoms of short attention span, poor memory, forgetfulness, lack of attention to details and trouble staying organised as a result of a chemical imbalance in the prefrontal cortex region of the brain, which affects its executive functions. The disorder does not demonstrate symptoms of hyperactivity commonly associated with ADHD hyperactive/impulsive type, such as excessively high energy levels, fidgetiness or interrupting conversations and talking at inappropriate times.

Some individuals are unfortunate enough to have symptoms of both disorders – hyperactivity and attention deficit.

What are Common Treatment Options for ADD?

There are many types of medications that can help patients suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Individuals with impulsive behaviors would usually be prescribed nonstimulant medications, while those with inattentive symptoms would be prescribed a stimulant medication to focus their thoughts and ignore distractions.

A stimulant, like Ritalin LA or Ritalin SR, could improve brain function and help someone control their behavior. Unfortunately, they come with a slew of adverse effects, especially when they're taken for an extended period of time. Among the most common side effects of such medications are:

  • Fatigue
  • Irregular sleep patterns
  • Dry mouth
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Tics
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Digestive problems 
  • Irritability 
  • Agitation

What are Natural Treatments for ADD?

Whether you're looking to reduce the side effects of conventional medicines or improve your cognitive functions and behaviour without them, the following natural remedies can be effective treatments for attention deficit disorder:

  • Behaviour Modification and Attention Deficit Disorder: Behaviour modification is a form of psychotherapy that is based on positive or negative conditioning to achieve change in an individual.  Examples of positive reinforcement could include praise or reward for a particular course of behaviour.  For ADD patients, behaviour modification has been shown to be useful as it creates a structured method for dealing with sufferers' problems, including focusing on rectifying the most worrying or obvious aspects of behaviour. 
  • Cognitive Therapy and Attention Deficit Disorder: Cognitive therapy is a form of psychotherapy utilised to break down negative behavioural traits and habits. It aims to replace these with more rational and positive thoughts. For ADD sufferers, a therapist can aid patients to learn and develop the necessary skills to help them focus and pay attention – skills that are particularly lacking in ADD sufferers.
  • Counselling and Attention Deficit Disorder: Counselling is a talking therapy with a client or patient interacting with a trained health professional – typically a qualified counsellor.  The objective of these sessions for ADD sufferers, especially for children, is to help them understand why they are behaving the way there are – and to develop a strategy for dealing with the behavioural issues being experienced.
  • Herbal Medicine and Attention Deficit Disorder: Herbal medicine utilises the ancient knowledge of herbalists, information that has in some cases been passed down for generations. This involves the use of plants, including the flowers, stems, leaves and roots. Extracts from the Ginkgo biloba plant are often recommended in cases of ADD, as it promotes enhanced blood flow to the brain, which facilitates more ordered thought processes.
  • Hypnotherapy and Attention Deficit Disorder: Hypnotherapy is a form of psychotherapy undertaken while a patient is hypnotised.  Due to the focused, relaxed state that this typically results in, ADD sufferers can find the therapy beneficial.  Hypnosis should only be experienced under the guidance of a trained hypnotherapist.
  • Nutrition and Attention Deficit Disorder: ADD can benefit from a healthy diet high in fatty acids, especially Omega-3 – which includes oily fish species such as salmon, mackerel and sardines. Besides consuming these daily, avoiding processed sugars, caffeine and artificial food colourings are some of the likely recommendations a qualified nutritionist would make – based on an evaluation of the patient.
  • TCM and Attention Deficit Disorder: TCM considers human health as a combination of contrasting yin and yang - the theory of opposites which views the vitality of the human body to be dependent on the balance between these forces. The holistic approach of TCM views the kidney as the source of all developmental problems, which would include behavioural issues. A treatment plan for ADD is likely to include dietary alterations, acupuncture, acupressure and herbal remedies.
  • Exercise and Attention Deficit Disorder: Walking, swimming, hiking, weightlifting, or other outdoor activities like gardening, help stimulate blood circulation, which is beneficial to ADD patients. Engaging in physical activity supports the production of feel-good hormones, resulting in an increase in serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain, hence calming one's mind and body. 
  • Meditation and Attention Deficit Disorder: Meditation reduces stress and improves brain function. Taking time to concentrate on your breath, while sitting in your favorite spot with your eyes closed, results in relaxation, which in turn elevates your mood while lowering your blood sugar levels.
  • Neurofeedback Therapy and Attention Deficit Disorder: Neurofeedback and other brain training programs assist in monitoring and regulating the brain's electrical activity through games and mental exercises. As a result, these programs enhance brain functions and improve physical behaviour.

While it is not easy to pinpoint the exact causes of ADD and ADHD, and conventional treatments do not guarantee a permanent cure, considering the above-mentioned natural remedies as part of the treatment for children and adults is a safe, painless and effective option.

Originally published on Jul 05, 2010

FAQs About Natural Treatments for ADD

How do you treat severe ADD?

It has been shown that taking regular walks and spending time outdoors can reduce inattention symptoms in people with attention deficit disorder (ADD). Health experts strongly recommend walking because it lowers stress levels, calms the mind and enhances creativity.

What vitamins are good for ADD?

Supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids as well as vitamins B and C, proteins and melatonin can help balance brain chemicals. These vitamins and minerals will calm a child, control their impulses and stimulate their creativity.

Is Magnesium good for ADD?

Yes, it is! An adequate intake of magnesium can help ADHD sufferers relax. Due to their high energy levels, taking the right dose of magnesium, as recommended by a certified nutritionist, will certainly improve their sleep patterns.

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