Problems with anxiety? Consult with a natural health practitioner nearby that can help!

How to Control Anxiety Before It Controls You

Author and Trusted NTP practitioner

Paul Rodriguez

Learn To Sleep Well

Paul is an Associate Practitioner certified by the Buteyko Institute of Breathing & Health. He also hold a certificate in the Buteyko Breathing Method issued by Patrick McKeown of Buteyko Clinic International.
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Health Tips
Aug 06, 2021

How to Control Anxiety Before It Controls You

Have you experienced any of these sensations?

A vague uneasy feeling, tension, apprehension, feelings of helplessness, uncertainty, high-stress levels, inadequacy, fear, distress or worry.

Have you been aware of any of these sensations?

Increased heart rate, increased rate of breathing, increased sweating, facial tension, dilated pupils, restlessness or insomnia. This is anxiety.

It is a product of mental, physical and emotional factors. Thoughts, feelings and emotions can often be as much a product of your body as of your mind. You can deal with anxiety before it manifests and after it manifests.

There are two simple ways to bring your anxiety under control:

  • A mindful approach that enables you to respond appropriately rather than simply reacting
  • A physiological approach that enables you to implement breathing techniques

A Mindful Approach…

Before you can choose how to respond appropriately to anxious thoughts or emotions it is essential for you to cultivate mindfulness or awareness of your thoughts, feelings and body sensations. 

As Albert Einstein once stated "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it". 

Negative feelings persist when you are in Doing mode as distinct from Being mode. 

"Mindfulness spontaneously arises out of this 'being' mode when you learn to pay attention, on purpose in the present moment without judgement of things as they actually are. In mindfulness, you start to see the world as it is, not as you expect it to be, how you want it to be, or what you fear it might become".

"Meditation is a simple practice that gains its power from repetition. It's only through this that you can become aware of the repeating patterns in your own mind. Ironically, meditative repetition frees us from endlessly repeating our past mistakes and the automatic pilot that drives self-defeating and self-attacking thoughts and actions."

How can I bring mindfulness into my life?

You can introduce mindfulness to your life by starting a daily practice that involves spending 10-20 minutes twice daily in quiet breathing space.

  1. Sit with a dignified posture; with a straight back, relaxed shoulders, chin tucked in and looking ahead. Focus on your feelings and sensations within your mind and body and without judging yourself just observe them. 
  2. After 5 minutes or so, focus on your breathing as you breathe into your belly. Focus on fully inhaling from your nose down to your diaphragm as your belly extends outward. Focus on fully exhaling as your warm breath leaves your belly and exits your nose.
  3. Do not engage with your thoughts, simply acknowledge them and return your focus to your breathing.
  4. After 10 minutes or so, focus on your whole body and imagine that it is breathing as a whole entity. 
  5. When you disengage from your thoughts and focus on your breathing you are gently reminding yourself that your thoughts are not "facts". They are influenced by connected thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and impulses. When you direct your mind to your breath it keeps you anchored in the present moment.

This is just one of many mindfulness practices that you can regularly perform to train you to live your life as much as possible in the present.

A Physiological Approach…

How can deep breathing techniques help my anxiety?

"There is a considerable amount of evidence to suggest that voluntary control of certain respiratory variables can modify the level of subjective anxiety experienced under a variety of different circumstances".

Buteyko Breathing teaches you how to make a permanent transition from mouth breathing to nose breathing and from chest breathing to diaphragmatic (or belly) breathing.

There are many events, both real and imagined, which can trigger feelings of anxiety. These triggers can manifest in shallow and quick breathing (hyperventilation). Hyperventilation will restrict or tighten your airways (bronchoconstriction) and will decrease the diameter of your blood vessels (vasoconstriction).

When you learn to reduce your nasal breathing while activating your diaphragm you will achieve elevated levels of carbon dioxide and nitric oxide. Nose breathing improves oxygen transfer and carbon dioxide excretion. If you are prone to anxiety attacks, your arterial blood carbon dioxide levels will be lower than those who control their breathing.

Physiologically, your pH blood level will be restored to the normal range and your immune system will be strengthened. Your dilating blood vessels will increase blood flow. The consequent relaxation of smooth muscle throughout your body including the bronchial airways will activate your parasympathetic nervous system. You will achieve calmness when this part of your nervous system is activated.

What role does mindfulness play in performing Buteyko Breathing exercises?

When you:

  1. are aware of your thoughts, 
  2. choose not to engage with them
  3. focus on your breath

During your breathing space session, you can control intrusive thoughts that may trigger past experiences or emotions or intensify future worries – some of which may cause anxiety.

When you perform mindful breathing exercises you will stay in the present, instead of in the past or in the future. With regular practice, you can avoid or limit those occasions when anxiety is triggered. You can achieve clarity of mind and prevent hyperventilation being caused by over-breathing.

Once you learn how to relax you will lower your anxiety levels. You will enjoy better quality sleep. Stress, tension and anxiety are all enemies of sleep.

Find out more here.


  • Williams M and Penman D Mindfulness: a Practical guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World, 2011 p 35
  • Williams M and Penman D Mindfulness: a Practical guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World, 2011 p 152
  • Timmons B H and Ley R. Behavioural and Psychological Approaches to Breathing Disorders, 1994 p 151
  • Bartley J and Wong C, Nasal Physiology and Pathophysiology of Nasal Disorders: Nasal Pulmonary Interactions, 27 June 2013 pp559-566
  • Papp L, Martinez J et al, Arterial blood gas changes in panic disorder and lactate-induced panic. Psychiatry Res. 1989;28(2):171-80

FAQs About Controlling Your Anxiety

What is generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)?

GAD is a more severe form of anxiety that lasts for longer and is more intense. Patients with panic disorder deal with the excessive worry that can interfere with their daily activities. Tiredness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating and insomnia are some of the symptoms that may be experienced by people dealing with this mental disorder.

How long can anxiety last?

An anxiety attack usually lasts between 10 to 30 minutes depending on its severity, during this time an anxious person may experience terror and loss of control. For people with anxiety disorders, anxiety symptoms can persist for months or years. This includes experiencing constant worry, insecurities or low self-esteem.

Why is it important to treat anxiety?

Anxiety disorder is a mental health disorder that impedes all aspects of an individual's life including their education, work and relationships with family and friends. Additionally, it can negatively impact the body's stress response and lead to physical symptoms such as sweating, racing heartbeat and chest pain. For these reasons, it is important to seek treatment for anxiety as early as possible and consult a mental health professional.

What are some natural remedies that will help treat anxiety?

There are many easy-to-implement treatment options that will help calm anxiety. This includes deep breathing exercises, meditating, frequently exercising, adopting a healthier diet, quitting smoking and drinking and using herbal remedies. By implementing these strategies it will help build resilience and improve your physical and mental health.

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