Natural Health and Wellness Articles

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Folate/Folic Acid: What You Need to Know

Folate is a water-soluble B vitamin that is found naturally in food. Folic acid, on the other hand, is the synthetic form of folate that can be found in supplements and is added to fortified foods. But what exactly is folate?

Diet for Coeliac Disease: Going Gluten-free

Coeliac disease is the permanent intestinal intolerance to dietary gluten. While this is a potentially serious disease if left untreated, the good news is that it can be managed very effectively by a change in diet.

What are Chia Seeds?

Learn more about chia sees, as well as nutrition facts about it and the different ways on how to use chia seeds for its many health benefits

Essential Oils 101: What is Jojoba Oil?

Have you ever wondered why jojoba is so popular? This guide explains the benefits and uses of this plant oil that is packed with protective antioxidants for your skin and hair.

All You Need to Know: Essential Oils

Essential oils are most commonly associated with aromatherapy and they have a wide range of benefits, from the physical to the emotional. We’ve put together an essential guide on what you need to know.

Health Benefits of Beetroot

Are you looking for a food that tastes great and yet has a whole host of health benefits? Try one of nature’s superfoods – beetroot!

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) 101

Find out more about PMS, one of the most common conditions affecting women all over the world.

Natural Treatments for Migraines

Migraines afflict many people and can be extremely debilitating. However, help is at hand. Read on to learn more about some natural therapies that can help.

All You Need to Know About Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 is a substance that has been getting a lot of press lately due to the benefits that it has on our health. But what exactly is it and what does it do?

Acupuncture: How Does It Work?

Acupuncture is becoming an ever more popular natural therapy but how exactly does it work? Read on to find out more about this amazing therapy.