Natural Health and Wellness Articles

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Acupuncture for Stress

Stress is something that we all suffer from at some point in our lives but there are things out there that can help to alleviate it. One such thing is acupuncture. As well as being great for physical conditions, it can also be used to relieve mental burd

Understanding Chakras

The word “chakra” is taken from a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” but a better translation would be a “spinning wheel”.

Moxibustion 101: What is Moxibustion Therapy?

Discover moxibustion therapy, a new natural health treatment that can help you with different health issues, minus all the complicated side effects.

Changing Limiting Beliefs & Achieve Your Full Potential

These beliefs can stop you from achieving your full potential. However, it is possible to turn these limiting beliefs into more positive beliefs that work for you.

Human Energy Field: What You Need to Know

Every person is surrounded by an invisible energy field, made up of a unique set of atoms and vibrations. Each person’s energy field is different. But what exactly is the human energy field?

Ayurvedic Constitutions: What You Need to Know

In the teachings of Ayurveda, the five elements – ether, air, fire, water, and earth – manifest in the body as the three doshas or energies. These doshas are the Ayurvedic constitutions.

What is Aura?

The aura is an energy field that surrounds each and every person. Every person’s aura is different, and the aura provides the energy that is responsible for sustaining the human body

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is necessary as it helps the body to absorb calcium. Calcium is important for healthy bones, muscles, and teeth. But are you getting the vitamin D that you need?

Natural Remedies for Hair Loss

There are many natural hair loss remedies that can be used to treat the underlying causes of hair loss and promote hair regrowth without relying on medical treatments that have a slew of side effects. This guide teaches you everything you need to know.

Checkup Musts for 40+ Year Olds

It is important to get regular medical checkups, but from the age of 40, there are some important tests that you should have done to ensure that you are in good health, or to help to pick up on problems before they arise.