Natural Health and Wellness Articles

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Goji Berries & Goji Juice: What You Need to Know

Find out what makes Goji berries & goji juice so great, especially for your health.

The Power of Spirulina

Spirulina a powerful superfood containing many nutrients, antioxidants and amino acids to name a few

Understanding Trans Fatty Acids

How Trans Fatty Acids are created and which foods you'd find them in

Yoga - Muscle Groups Used

Yoga is about learning how to activate or tense muscles and strengthen the body.

Spiragenics – Meditation in Movement

Aligns the movements of the body with a person’s consciousness using a spiral movement pathway

Yoga - Yin Yang

Explanation on Yin Yang Yoga

Flu Prevention: Top Tips for Immunity Boost

How to prevent the flu this winter, naturally.

Manage Pain With Biomesotherapy

Find out how Biomesotherapy can help you naturally manage pain.

What to Expect from an Iridologist

Have a deeper understanding of your eyes

Essences Basics: Flower, Bush & Shell

Understand Herbal Essences and their uses, benefits and how to choose the right one for you