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How To Recognise If You Are You Sabotaging Your Relationships

Aug 05, 2021

Do you get involved with people that you are actually 'not really into'?Do you say or do things that hurt the feelings of others, which causes them to emotionally step back from you?Do you habitually let your partner down? Intending to commit to your...

How Anxiety Manifests Itself in the Mind and Body in Simple Terms

Aug 04, 2021

Anxiety has become a growing concern worldwide, and it has had a negative impact on billions of lives, both mentally and physically, from mild to crippling. The great thing to know is that anxiety is not a new disease as if it has appeared out of nowhere...

How a Trauma-Informed Hypnotherapist Can Help You Reprogram Your Mind Support

Aug 04, 2021

What is Trauma? Trauma is a response to any experience we have in which our choice has been taken away from us, where it leads to physical or emotional pain. There are many different types of distressing events that we can experience that can cause...

Most Common Skin Problems You Need to Know About

Aug 04, 2021

An itchy, red swelling skin is often thought to be a superficial problem that can be easily treated with a topical cream or ointment. Although some skin disorders are caused by external factors like dust, the devastating truth is, most of them are...

How to Move Through Your Anxiety and Into Freedom

Aug 03, 2021

A few years after the sudden death of my nine-year-old son, I was stopped at a red light when I felt a wave of anxiety move over me. My heart began to race, my mouth went dry and within a few seconds, I felt a panic set in. At the time, I did not know...

What a Natural Acne Treatment Can Do for You

Aug 02, 2021

People who think acne is just a passing problem in a teenager's life are not looking at the full picture. Parents, siblings, and everyone else who lives in close contact with a teen affected by acne know it is not a problem of vanity or a simple desire...

Musculoskeletal Disorders: What You Need to Know

Aug 02, 2021

A sprained ankle or lower back pain should not be ignored, thinking it will go away in time. Rarely does a musculoskeletal condition like this go away on its own. If anything, it only gets worse over time when left untreated. Although seemingly trivial...

Dealing with Sleeping Disorders the Natural Way

Jul 28, 2021

Poor sleep quality due to sleep disorders can wreak havoc on your health. Not only does it cause excessive daytime sleepiness and lack of concentration, but it also increases the risk for a slew of health conditions, including heart disease, high blood...

The Basics of Sleep Disorders: Types, Causes & Symptoms

Jul 23, 2021

Have you ever been called a night owl as you would lie awake in bed for hours before falling asleep? And just when you're about to achieve deep sleep, you wake up in the middle of the night, or in the wee hours, and are never able to close your eyes...

Nicotine Dependence: Symptoms and Causes

Jun 21, 2021

Nicotine is a highly addictive substance that comes from tobacco plants. It is present in cigarettes, cigars and pipe tobacco. And when taken in by the body, high levels of nicotine can lead to life-threatening diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease, diabetes, emphysema...

Hormonal Imbalance & Natural Therapy

Jun 17, 2021

Hormone replacement therapy, hormonal birth control medications and insulin-resistance treatments are some conventional ways to treat hormonal imbalances. However, most people who have tried these methods reported experiencing short-term relief and...

Hormonal Imbalance 101: What Is It, Its Causes & Symptoms?

Jun 15, 2021

Excess hormones or lack thereof is a recipe for disease. Hormones are chemical messengers produced in the endocrine glands to regulate our bodily functions. Having too much or too little of a specific type of hormone causes hormonal imbalance. Your...

What You Need to Know About Rheumatoid Arthritis

Jun 14, 2021

People with rheumatoid arthritis experience debilitating joint pain, extreme fatigue, cognitive impairment, emotional distress and many other unpleasant things. If these echo what you feel or that of someone important in your life, this guide walks...

All You Need to Know About Osteoarthritis

Jun 11, 2021

About 2.2 million people in Australia are suffering from osteoarthritis, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics' 2017-18 data. Most of whom are women aged 75 years and over, but the condition usually starts developing from age 45 onwards.

Hay Fever: Causes, Symptoms & Prevention

Jun 08, 2021

More than 4.6 million people in Australia had allergic rhinitis, otherwise known as hay fever, from 2017 to 2018, according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. The disease was more prevalent in women aged 35 to 44 years old, as well...

Natural Treatments for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Jun 02, 2021

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic lung disease caused by airway inflammation and lung damage resulting from long-term exposure to air pollution. Healthy lungs have air sacs that naturally expand to take in oxygen and deflate...

What is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)?

May 31, 2021

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a collective name for a group of progressive lung diseases, which include emphysema, chronic bronchitis and refractory asthma, which cause coughing, mucous, wheezing, chest pain and breathing difficulty.

All You Need to Know About Prostate Cancer

May 27, 2021

The prostate gland is a tiny but very important organ in the male reproductive system that helps maintain the production of healthy sperm cells. It sits between the bladder and the penis and is responsible for producing seminal fluid, which carries...

Endometriosis: Causes, Symptoms & Prevention

May 25, 2021

It's normal for a woman to experience abdominal pain during her menstrual period as the muscles in her uterus contract to release its lining. However, if her pelvic pain is so severe that it holds her back from her usual daily activities, she must...

Natural Treatments for Arachnoiditis

May 19, 2021

Arachnoiditis is a crippling disease which not only causes chronic pain in the back, buttocks, legs and feet, but also impede the quality of life. It is caused by the swelling of the arachnoid mater that protects the brain and the nerves of the spinal...

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