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The Benefits of Gestalt Therapy

Sep 10, 2020

Removing unpleasant emotions is no different from general cleaning or a garage sale. It frees up space which is currently occupied by unnecessary stuff and could be better used for enriching experiences that promote personal advancement. However, when...

Gestalt Psychology & Gestalt Principles

Sep 01, 2020

Depression, anxiety, resentment and guilt are just some examples of negative emotions born of past conflicts. Nobody wants to feel any of these emotions because they get in the way of life and happiness. But when your brain suddenly recalls what you...

Quit Smoking Through Acupuncture

Aug 10, 2020

Acupuncture is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that can treat a range of health conditions and addictions. Tobacco or nicotine dependence is a common addiction, if not the most common, which can be easily treated with acupuncture. Quitting...

Retreats 101: What Types of Retreats Can You Go To?

Aug 03, 2020

Going into a retreat silences our minds and relaxes our bodies. It allows us to take a break from the everyday noise in our lives and reconnect with our inner selves. A retreat can be a solitary journey or include activities that promote our physical, emotional, psychological...

Rayid Meditation: Meditate your way to balance

Mar 18, 2020

Rayid meditation was founded in 1978 by lecturer, Denny Johnson, and it is a form of meditation that aims to reach beyond the traditional constraints of the personality so that a person is able to find their true self. There are three purposes that...

The Power of Antioxidants: Types & How They Can Help Your Health

Mar 06, 2020

Antioxidants have quite a number of health benefits and are a vital part of any diet.  They are present in a number of fresh foods and their role is to neutralise the effects of free radicals upon the body.  What Are Free Radicals? Free radicals...

Remedial Massage 101: How It Works

Mar 03, 2020

Remedial massage works intensively with deep tissue massage and mobilisation techniques on localised areas of your body to achieve the following: Blood Supply Stimulation Massage helps the blood to circulate which nourishes and re-establishes a system...

Reflexology 101: Different Methods & Techniques

Mar 02, 2020

Reflexology as we know it today started as a theory called Zone Therapy in the United States in the early 1900s. The positioning and effects of certain points lead doctors William Fitzgerald and Eunice Ingham to create an anatomical map of the body...

The History of Aromatherapy: How it all began

Feb 28, 2020

The practice of aromatherapy, is the therapeutic use of essential oils derived from plants, often called the life force of the plant. They are not the whole plant and, like blood, they will lose their life force if not properly stored and used. Although...

Things You Need to Know About Psych-K

Feb 26, 2020

PSYCH-K was developed by Robert M. Williams MA in 1988. It includes information and processes for dramatically accelerating personal growth. The PSYCH-K system uses both old and new tools in order to bring about change. PSYCH-K is a safe, effective...

TCM Explained: An Easy Guide Traditional Chinese Medicine

Feb 21, 2020

Traditional Chinese Medicine (hereafter referred to as TCM)  is a complete system of healing that includes herbs, massage, diet, exercise therapy and acupuncture.  The main foundation for TCM is that all of creation is borne from two opposite principles, yin...

Calculate Your Body Mass Index

Nov 25, 2019

Body mass index is a statistical standard used to determine the amount of body fat that you may have using your height and weight. The body mass index (BMI) may be traced all the way back in the 1830's although it gained popularity only in 1972 when...

What Are Your Fitness Goals?

Nov 22, 2019

Every person should have fitness goals regardless of one’s current weight and state of health. While choosing the right kinds of foods is crucial to your health, your body needs regular physical activity to strengthen itself. You don’t have to...

Light Therapy 101: The Basics

Nov 21, 2019

Light therapy, otherwise known as phototherapy, is the therapeutic exposure to light.  This exposure may be to sunlight or to artificial lights that replicate the effect of the sun.  By exposing people to this form of light, it is possible to alleviate...

Superfruit 101: What is Jackfruit

Aug 07, 2019

It's been praised as a "sustainable vegan meat replacement" and is poised to become this year's biggest food craze. But what is jackfruit - and how can you enjoy it? Introducing jackfruit It's big, yellow (or green), and has a strange smell. In fact, jackfruit...

What is an Alkaline Diet?

Jul 24, 2019

Much has been said and written about alkalising foods being more healthful. This is actually part of a growing diet trend known as alkaline diet. Some experts agree that it is a good form of diet, some remain neutral and some disagree. But what is...

What is Fructose?

Jul 17, 2019

Have you seen low or no-fructose diets out there, and wondering why people are ditching the sweet stuff? After all, isn't fruit good for you? It's a complicated topic, and we're not going to try and argue for or against fructose. Instead, we've uncovered...

The Basics of Pet Massage

Jun 28, 2019

Just like their human owners, pets endure their share of illness, injuries, bumps and bruises throughout a lifetime. Even long after the trip to the vet, they may suffer from negative side effects such as bad posture, poor blood circulation, and overall...

Organic Animal Farming: Australian Standards & Code of Practice

Jun 24, 2019

Animal welfare is central to organic farming. Recent decades have seen a major shift in the way animals are farmed for food.  Storybook farms have been replaced with battery hens, feed lot cattle, and pigs that are being kept in concrete pens barely...

Does Vitamin D Help Boost Immune System?

Jun 07, 2019

Researchers believe that vitamin D plays a key role in maintaining health. If you live in the northern hemisphere, chances are you don't get enough vitamin D.  The same is true if you don't get outside for at least 20 minutes per day exposing your...

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