Gwynneth Roberts
Clicking on the Send Me Details Now button opens an enquiry form where you can message Gwynneth Roberts directly
ALOHA LIVING is currently CLOSED till 2013 when it will return with a different name and structure of services...stay tuned :) many blessings
Aloha Living
Servicing area
melbourneFocus areas
Stress Management
Energy clearing
I have had the honour of sharingThe Spirit of Aloha in Melbourne for the last 3 years- through Lomilomi, Essence Dance & Sound Healing.
May the Spirit of Aloha bless you all-ways
What is aloha living?
The Hawaiian word 'Aloha stands for much more than hello or goodbye or love. Its deeper meaning is the joyful (oha) sharing (alo) of life energy (ha) in the present (alo)' Serge Kahili King
“Aloha Living" is about living the most satisfying and joyful life possible, so that you are able to openly share love, joy and harmony respectfully with all.
This concept is the foundation of the services offered, as the intention is always to support, encourage and empower you to transform anything that is preventing
you from living in aloha; or to simply bring more of this blissful energy into your life..
'Gwynneth is one of the few authentic lomilomi practitioners I have had the pleasure to receive lomilomi from. Her sessions help to take me to the depth
of myself and bring stronger balance into my life with grace and flow. I am always impressed with her absolute presence and her ability to live in and
share aloha (unconditional love).'
Mia Snow -Lomilomi Giver and Teacher
'I have been transformed by the Lomilomi technique Gwynneth practices in her massage. I was a new convert to this form of massage having only ever previously
received remedial massage and reflexology. I have developed a trust and rapport with Gwynneth that is special, as she is an exceptionally intuitive practitioner.
Each massage I have had has been unique. Gwynneth’s use of the Lomilomi massage techniques creates a space to explore not only the physical burdens
and joys of living, but the emotional and spiritual planes too. It is an intensely therapeutic and relaxing experience'
Yvette Harvey, Writer
About Lomilomi
Lomilomi is a Hawaiian massage style that addresses the wellness of your complete being- body, mind, heart and spirit.
To receive a Lomilomi massage is to have love focused powerfully and respectfully on your being. The combination of long flowing strokes of wave like motion
and gentle stretches, effectively lap the recipient into a state of luxurious relaxation that allows the release of whatever is not supporting them to live in aloha-
physical tension, old beliefs etc, thus bringing more joy, harmony, love and clarity into their lives.
Lomilomi assists you to:
· Still your mind and focus
· Connect with your body
· Feel completely pampered/ nurtured
· Release all stress and tension
· Up-lift your mood
· Alleviate physical pain
· Release stagnation and energize your being
· Lose all sense of time
· Be immersed in a sea of sound and focused energy
Sound Healing
Sound vibration is a profound and effective way of shifting and changing energy . I use a number of tools- Native American medicine drum, Rain stick,
Tibetan singing bowls, Tingsha (small hand cymbal chimes), chakra chimes and vocal toning.
Some of these tools are often used in Lomilomi sessions. Energy clearing sessions which have a higher proportion of sound used, are also available.
Energy clearing sessions
emphasize the use of sound to shift energy. There are two types of sessions available:
· I hour sessions which involve the use of sound, aromatherapy, focused energy and sometimes bodywork, but massage is rarely used.
· 1 1/2 hour sessions which incorporate these elements with massage
Shamanic Healing
Each Shamanic healing sessions is unique. the various tools that may be used are sound, aromatherapy, focused energy, bodywork, massage, flower essences, guided visualization and intuitive counseling and coaching. It is an opportunity for you to explore your spirits wisdom in what ever way is needed in that moment.
Bookings and Transport
· Where possible it is best to book in advance to avoid disappointment
· Lomilomi and Shamanic healing sessions are 1 ½ hrs = $120, $100 con and 2 hrs = $150, $130 con
· Energy clearing sessions are 1 hr = $90, $80con and 1 ½ hrs = $120,$100 con
· Con= concession- is only available with a current Health care card, or Student card
· 50% cancellation fee due for less than 48hrs notice
· 100% cancellation fee due for less than 24hrs notice
Essence Dance
Essence dance is an amazing journey of self-evolution. Through movement, the use of a blindfold and focused intention, you can literally change your life in ways you could never have imagined. It is the invitation to immerse yourself in YOU, journeying deeply and freely, dancing the limitless being that you are, into creation.
'Essence dance makes life flow! It allows me to be exactly who I am at this very moment and gives me the momentum and spirit to transform into a "previously unimaginable" me! Thank you Gwynneth for allowing such a joyous space to exist in the world. You are an inspiring guide on this journey'. Chrissy Meyer, Artist
'Essence dance has helped me stay connected to the magic and truth that makes up every part of each day. It has reminded me to dance every moment of my life into creation' Jessica Baker, Student.
'Essence dance is a wonderful opportunity to connect with my body, soul and purpose each week. Mahalo (Thank you) Gwynneth' Rachel Lopes, Environmental Scientist
'Essence dance is the opportunity for a vision quest: a doorway to connect with the wholeness of the universe, every week. It is a deeply liberating and enriching exercise the effects of which, ripple out into daily life. Gwynneth holds a nurturing, safe space and is aligned with her integrity as a facilitator'
Sophia Davis, NLP/In-tuition coach and Community Enterprise Project worker
'I found Essence Dance a great vehicle to allow my body to lead and my mind to be free. The dance facilitates my process of integrating new learnings and discovering my deeper self by allowing energy to flow freely. Gwynneth holds a great space and brings deep tribal beats that connect with the rhythms in us all'
Stacia Beazley, Holistic Counselor
'Essence dance is a journey into the mystery of life; stepping into the unknown and being more fully, the potential of being the power of possibility. Essence dance is the dance of life!' Prema Browne, Community Facilitator
The Foundations of Essence Dance
'Essence dance is a profound tool for spiritual change. It is based on ancient shamanicTrance Dance and Hawaiian Wisdom or the Way of Aloha.
It provides a space where you can go as deeply as you are willing to go, propelling you forward in your evolution far beyond this lifetime and reminding you
that there truly are no limits. I cannot begin to explain what you will gain from this course as the way it weaves magic through a person's life and
consciousness continues to leave me in awe'
Mia Snow (founder of Essence Dance)
ThroughTrance Dancing we alter our consciousness and enter a world beyond time and space where everything is possible. Through ancient breath patterns,
a blindfold, movement and rhythms which impact the brain, the Trance Dancer begins to see with their senses rather than their eyes. With time and experience,
Trance Dancing causes you to think with your heart, as our ancestors did, not with your brain. While your body dances your soul travels and remembers,
free of the limits of this life, free of the limitation of time and space. Spirit returns home and is embodied within you, the Trance Dancer. Tremendous energy is awakened, spontaneous healing occurs and you are filled with visions.
Trance Dancing inevitably brings us to love, respect and passion, three essentials of spirituality. When spirit enters us we shamelessly move our bodies with orgasmic passion, for this is our true nature. We then begin to experience ecstatic healing, as we consciously breathe and move from inside our hearts. The desperate need for enlightenment, bliss and out-of-body experiences dies and instead your body is filled with your total existence. You are fully present, you are at last content, no longer needing to escape the reality you agreed to. You are finally filled with love, energy, respect and passion for being alive. You are finally satisfied being a human being.
Frank Natale (founder of Trance Dance)
Class Information
To come
Class Dates
to come
I have had the honour of sharingThe Spirit of Aloha in Melbourne for the last 3 years- through Lomilomi, Essence Dance & Sound Healing.
May the Spirit of Aloha bless you all-ways
What is aloha living?
The Hawaiian word 'Aloha stands for much more than hello or goodbye or love. Its deeper meaning is the joyful (oha) sharing (alo) of life energy (ha) in the present (alo)' Serge Kahili King
“Aloha Living" is about living the most satisfying and joyful life possible, so that you are able to openly share love, joy and harmony respectfully with all.
This concept is the foundation of the services offered, as the intention is always to support, encourage and empower you to transform anything that is preventing
you from living in aloha; or to simply bring more of this blissful energy into your life..
'Gwynneth is one of the few authentic lomilomi practitioners I have had the pleasure to receive lomilomi from. Her sessions help to take me to the depth
of myself and bring stronger balance into my life with grace and flow. I am always impressed with her absolute presence and her ability to live in and
share aloha (unconditional love).'
Mia Snow -Lomilomi Giver and Teacher
'I have been transformed by the Lomilomi technique Gwynneth practices in her massage. I was a new convert to this form of massage having only ever previously
received remedial massage and reflexology. I have developed a trust and rapport with Gwynneth that is special, as she is an exceptionally intuitive practitioner.
Each massage I have had has been unique. Gwynneth’s use of the Lomilomi massage techniques creates a space to explore not only the physical burdens
and joys of living, but the emotional and spiritual planes too. It is an intensely therapeutic and relaxing experience'
Yvette Harvey, Writer
About Lomilomi
Lomilomi is a Hawaiian massage style that addresses the wellness of your complete being- body, mind, heart and spirit.
To receive a Lomilomi massage is to have love focused powerfully and respectfully on your being. The combination of long flowing strokes of wave like motion
and gentle stretches, effectively lap the recipient into a state of luxurious relaxation that allows the release of whatever is not supporting them to live in aloha-
physical tension, old beliefs etc, thus bringing more joy, harmony, love and clarity into their lives.
Lomilomi assists you to:
· Still your mind and focus
· Connect with your body
· Feel completely pampered/ nurtured
· Release all stress and tension
· Up-lift your mood
· Alleviate physical pain
· Release stagnation and energize your being
· Lose all sense of time
· Be immersed in a sea of sound and focused energy
Sound Healing
Sound vibration is a profound and effective way of shifting and changing energy . I use a number of tools- Native American medicine drum, Rain stick,
Tibetan singing bowls, Tingsha (small hand cymbal chimes), chakra chimes and vocal toning.
Some of these tools are often used in Lomilomi sessions. Energy clearing sessions which have a higher proportion of sound used, are also available.
Energy clearing sessions
emphasize the use of sound to shift energy. There are two types of sessions available:
· I hour sessions which involve the use of sound, aromatherapy, focused energy and sometimes bodywork, but massage is rarely used.
· 1 1/2 hour sessions which incorporate these elements with massage
Shamanic Healing
Each Shamanic healing sessions is unique. the various tools that may be used are sound, aromatherapy, focused energy, bodywork, massage, flower essences, guided visualization and intuitive counseling and coaching. It is an opportunity for you to explore your spirits wisdom in what ever way is needed in that moment.
Bookings and Transport
· Where possible it is best to book in advance to avoid disappointment
· Lomilomi and Shamanic healing sessions are 1 ½ hrs = $120, $100 con and 2 hrs = $150, $130 con
· Energy clearing sessions are 1 hr = $90, $80con and 1 ½ hrs = $120,$100 con
· Con= concession- is only available with a current Health care card, or Student card
· 50% cancellation fee due for less than 48hrs notice
· 100% cancellation fee due for less than 24hrs notice
Essence Dance
Essence dance is an amazing journey of self-evolution. Through movement, the use of a blindfold and focused intention, you can literally change your life in ways you could never have imagined. It is the invitation to immerse yourself in YOU, journeying deeply and freely, dancing the limitless being that you are, into creation.
'Essence dance makes life flow! It allows me to be exactly who I am at this very moment and gives me the momentum and spirit to transform into a "previously unimaginable" me! Thank you Gwynneth for allowing such a joyous space to exist in the world. You are an inspiring guide on this journey'. Chrissy Meyer, Artist
'Essence dance has helped me stay connected to the magic and truth that makes up every part of each day. It has reminded me to dance every moment of my life into creation' Jessica Baker, Student.
'Essence dance is a wonderful opportunity to connect with my body, soul and purpose each week. Mahalo (Thank you) Gwynneth' Rachel Lopes, Environmental Scientist
'Essence dance is the opportunity for a vision quest: a doorway to connect with the wholeness of the universe, every week. It is a deeply liberating and enriching exercise the effects of which, ripple out into daily life. Gwynneth holds a nurturing, safe space and is aligned with her integrity as a facilitator'
Sophia Davis, NLP/In-tuition coach and Community Enterprise Project worker
'I found Essence Dance a great vehicle to allow my body to lead and my mind to be free. The dance facilitates my process of integrating new learnings and discovering my deeper self by allowing energy to flow freely. Gwynneth holds a great space and brings deep tribal beats that connect with the rhythms in us all'
Stacia Beazley, Holistic Counselor
'Essence dance is a journey into the mystery of life; stepping into the unknown and being more fully, the potential of being the power of possibility. Essence dance is the dance of life!' Prema Browne, Community Facilitator
The Foundations of Essence Dance
'Essence dance is a profound tool for spiritual change. It is based on ancient shamanicTrance Dance and Hawaiian Wisdom or the Way of Aloha.
It provides a space where you can go as deeply as you are willing to go, propelling you forward in your evolution far beyond this lifetime and reminding you
that there truly are no limits. I cannot begin to explain what you will gain from this course as the way it weaves magic through a person's life and
consciousness continues to leave me in awe'
Mia Snow (founder of Essence Dance)
ThroughTrance Dancing we alter our consciousness and enter a world beyond time and space where everything is possible. Through ancient breath patterns,
a blindfold, movement and rhythms which impact the brain, the Trance Dancer begins to see with their senses rather than their eyes. With time and experience,
Trance Dancing causes you to think with your heart, as our ancestors did, not with your brain. While your body dances your soul travels and remembers,
free of the limits of this life, free of the limitation of time and space. Spirit returns home and is embodied within you, the Trance Dancer. Tremendous energy is awakened, spontaneous healing occurs and you are filled with visions.
Trance Dancing inevitably brings us to love, respect and passion, three essentials of spirituality. When spirit enters us we shamelessly move our bodies with orgasmic passion, for this is our true nature. We then begin to experience ecstatic healing, as we consciously breathe and move from inside our hearts. The desperate need for enlightenment, bliss and out-of-body experiences dies and instead your body is filled with your total existence. You are fully present, you are at last content, no longer needing to escape the reality you agreed to. You are finally filled with love, energy, respect and passion for being alive. You are finally satisfied being a human being.
Frank Natale (founder of Trance Dance)
Class Information
To come
Class Dates
to come
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