Angela Sharkey-McPherson
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Angelart Holistic Living - Life + Relationship Coaching
Servicing area
Greater Hobart, Nationwide + InternationalFocus areas
Creating Radiant Self-Love + Heartfelt Relations
‘Fit your own mask first’
Learn how to shine your true love-light! Songwriters have known the power of love for centuries; it does indeed make the world go round. Romantic love is something we dream of and has fueled the movie and music industries for centuries. Yet so many of us feel we do not - or could not- ever have it. Why is this?
A sad soul can kill you quicker than a germ. John Steinbeck
One of the major reasons is we do not love ourselves – in fact quite the opposite. We want someone to love us in spite of all our faults – yet we do not. How can we expect someone to be blown away by our true radiating gorgeous self - if we do not see, hear or believe in the glorious self that we are?
Self-love is not about conceit; it’s about knowing and healing our wounds, finding our strengths, acknowledging our weaknesses and allowing our core selves to shine out so we can fully BE the person our soul mate would be attracted to.
Until we believe we are love-able + worthy of receiving love it can be almost impossible to accept any love offered as real, or give truly love to anyone else. By exploring and healing the issues of your past, including:
- Greif + Loss;
- Depression or Anxiety;
- Loss of Self-Esteem / Self-Worth;
- Burnout or Exhaustion;
- Frustration / Confusion / Irritability;
- Burnout + Exhaustion;
- Sleeping Difficulties;
- Digestive Issues;
- Loss of Intimacy + Passion;
or confusion on how to navigate your direction moving forward; we can begin to redesign your future… expanding the love you create, accept and feel in your daily life to levels you may have thought were pure imagination.
The power of love to change bodies is legendary, built into folklore, common sense, and everyday experience. Love moves the flesh, it pushes matter around.... Throughout history, “tender loving care” has uniformly been recognized as a valuable element in healing. Larry Dossey
The beauty of holistic health helps us to address any physical or hormonal imbalances which may be contributing to these feelings (as they can + do) and hindering full release and happiness. A combination of coaching + personalised herbal medications can address these system weaknesses, allowing you to re-create your picture of total health and well-being.
Create a synergy of body-mind healing for change and healing that not only ‘sticks’ - but grows with you, helping you get off the merry-go-round of reliving past events and dis-ease over and over again, and allowing you to move forward into a happier, more fulfilling life; adding radiance, light, love + laughter to your life.
It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are. E. E. Cummings
Learn how to:
- Build Passion + Polarity: Intimacy (Into-me-see)
- Attract + Become Your 'Perfect Partner'
- Recover from Relationship Breakdown or Infidelity
- Rebuild Family Relations
- Create Compassionate Communication
Build Heartfelt Relations
What happens if you ‘thought’ you found your soul-mate a few years back but the light has dimmed or gone out altogether? Or you keep attracting the ‘wrong’ type of partner for your true health and happiness? A couple can be successful parents and enjoy creative work, financial abundance, emotional strength and spiritually evolve and yet suffer the frustration of a marriage that is less what it could be.
To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides. David Viscott
We all change and grow over a lifetime, (it could be more scary if we didn’t!) but we don’t have to grow apart. By reconnecting with ourselves we can then enjoy the joy of reconnecting with each other. We can never change another person against their will, but we can lead by example, or grow together again with conscious effort and energy applied.
Daily stresses, physical + hormonal changes, work pressures and changing family dynamics can all combine to build pictures of:
- Disharmony;
- Missed, mixed + passive-aggressive communications;
- Loss of Passion + Intimacy (into-me-see);
- Acting Out;
- Infidelity
- Breakdown; and even lead to
- Separation or Divorce between people who deep down, still love each other, but got lost along the way.
Why wait until a tragedy or crisis adds an extra level of grief, loss or disruption to follow your inner prompts... to listen and hear the answers to your deepest questions, and be able to see what’s most important to you?
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. Leo F. Buscaglia
There are laws, skills and levels of wellbeing (that can be practiced and applied) to determine the level of fulfilment we experience in our lives. While also supporting any hormonal or physical changes occurring in the body, with Life + Relationship Coaching we can gently uncover + resolve any mental or emotional blocks to your inner peace, health and happiness.
Extraordinary lives are not the result of good luck, great chemistry or convenience. By becoming present to and for each other again you can improve not only your intimate, family and wider relationships to be more equitable, liveable and with deeper communication - but go to new previously unsuspected levels of intimacy, happiness and fulfilment.
Through consultation and building from your initial detailed questionnaire, we explore your physical and emotional past and desires for the future. Your personalised herbal formulation will be designed to gain the support of your mind + body in achieving those goals along with greater health and wellbeing.
To not trust is to not love; to not love is to not live; to not live is to not breathe. I can’t imagine waking up every morning not being able to breathe. Adam J. de Jaray
Frequently Asked Questions
How does life or relationship coaching work? Is ‘coaching’ like counselling?
Coaching - while similar - is not counselling or therapy. Although we will examine the events of your past, our aim is more to see how and what conclusions or 'decisions' you made as a consequence and how that is affecting your life today and into the future.
As well as discovering ‘why’ feelings or resentments are there and the meaning/s you placed on the events of your life, our goal is to find solutions and strategies to move beyond old patterns and blame; to overcome, embrace, forgive (and maybe even love) your wounds; and see how it is possible to become the best version of yourself because of them. Like a sports coach works with elite athletes, we work together as a ‘team’ to discover and change where you have been tripping yourself up - fine tuning how and what you are doing - to help you achieve happiness and fulfilment in your life and relationships.
What is ‘Strategic Intervention’?
Strategic Intervention is an advanced type of life coaching that realises the systemic view of change, which is that people don't change necessarily - you need to understand someone's entire key relationships and the context that they're working with in order to help them. With Strategic Intervention you can empower people to make changes very quickly, even in relationships, even in your work and family environments, by giving you powerful strategies that you can take into them. ?
Different from other styles of 'counselling', Strategic Intervention (also known as SI) is a project dedicated to extracting the most practical and effective forms of strategic action and communication from a variety of disciplines including: Ericksonian therapy, strategic family therapy, human needs psychology, organizational psychology, neurolinguistics, psychology of influence, strategic studies, traditions of diplomacy and negotiation, game theory, and others. The term “Strategic Intervention” was coined by Anthony Robbins, Cloe Madanes, and Mark Peysha to describe their change work. Mark Peysha has further developed Strategic Intervention as an interdisciplinary framework and movement.
What distinguishes Strategic Intervention from other strategic studies is the belief that certain holistic solutions “snap into place” when more people’s needs are met, expressed, and elevated. These solutions actually deliver more benefit for less effort.
The goal of SI is to integrate the core insights of these traditions into a method of practical strategic action. SI encompasses strategies that span from the belief systems and emotional patterns within an individual, to individual relationships, to group dynamics, to organizational and cultural interventions.
What is a typical coaching appointment?
While we will talk about what has caused you pain, coaching is very much about helping you overcome the blocks to your own happiness with a focus on the future and what you want rather than re-telling (and often re-traumatising) the painful stories of the past. Each session we will go over any homework or ‘inner exploration’ we talked about the session before, and work on the issues or goals you have determined you want to work on – either in the very beginning of our work together or that is presenting itself in that moment for release.
We could do this through written exercises, healing work, or guided meditations / visualizations; I also have access to a huge library of instructional videos, so we might watch one that could help your situation at that time and discuss it after; or I might give you a task to help you breakthrough a limiting belief that is holding you back from what you want. I often like to prescribe Bush Flower remedies, homoeopathics and/or herbal formulations to help changes be integrated in the body between visits.
Is there anything I need to do between coaching appointments?
Each session I will give you extra ‘homework’ or tasks to think, feel, journal and/or discuss with your loved ones if we feel it will assist your progress to further ‘set’ the changes being created for you. An appointment lasts between 1-2 hours, the time in between is where changes are cemented in place, so please if you have any in-between questions (or successes!) between our appointments please call me.
What is ‘NLP’?
NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming was developed in the 1960’s after many years analysing the habits and patterns of thousands of people. Basically explained, it is how our nervous system (neuro) plus the conscious and unconscious mind interprets our world via the five senses, and the language or communication systems (linguistic- verbal and nonverbal) we employ to code, order and give meaning to our experiences within our mind and body.
These interpretation systems include:
- Pictures / Visual
- Sounds / Auditory
- Feelings / Kinesthetic
- Smells / Olfactory
- Tastes / Gustatory
- And words or self-talk / Auditory Digital
The ‘P’ part is when we discover and use the systems and patterns we each have (and we all use a unique combination) to release limiting beliefs and achieve new, more desirous goals and outcomes.
Call or email now to discuss your needs + receive your ‘Getting to Know You’ health questionnaire. I look forward to talking with you and walking with you along your journey back to holistic body, mind and emotional health + wellbeing.
Western Herbal Medicine, Naturopathy, Nutrition, Advanced Theta Healing, Life Coaching,
1minWestern Herbal Medicine, Naturopathy, Life coaching, NLP, EFT, Adv. Theta Healing™ including fertility and conception care, endocrine / hormonal health, emotional wellbeing) • inspirational artist, speaker, seminars & courses • original travelling light™
- Hypnotherapist
- Certified Master NLP Practitioner
- Certificate In Singing Bowl Healing Therapy
- Holistic Life Coach
- Advanced DNA Theta Healer
- Adv. Dip. Naturopathy
- Advanced Diploma In Western Herbal Medicine
- ThetaHealing® Manifesting and Abundance Practitioner
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