Sue Hamilton
Bowen Therapy Clinic & Training at Karana Downs
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Frequently Asked Questions
Bowen Therapy and Wellness at Karana Downs
Servicing area
Australiawide, Brisbane, Ipswich, Karana Downs, Kenmore, QueenslandFocus areas
If you have never tried Bowen Therapy you will no doubt have questions about the technique. My aim here is to provide answers to the most common questions I am usually asked. Of course you can always contact me directly if you have any concerns - please call me on 07 32011959 and leave a message if I am attending clients and I will reply quickly.
What Happens During a Treatment?
Bowen Therapy is a HEAD TO TOE body therapy. It is performed on a massage table It can also be done standing or sitting. The therapist uses anatomical landmarks to precisely position the moves. These moves are carried out in pre-determined sequences and are usually a gentle rolling movement using the fingers or thumbs. Bowen Therapy is so non-invasive compared to other therapies. It firstly connects with your nervous system and shifts you from 'fright & flight' mode to 'relax & repair' mode.
After performing a specialized set of moves, the therapist leaves the room for a couple of minutes, this pause allows your body time to process the moves and integrate the message sent to your body via your brain. Most clients feel some sensation such as tingling, heat, or cold, as the Bowen reminds muscle, ligament, tendon and connective tissue of its correct tension and position in the body. A treatment is very relaxing, and some clients even fall asleep.
A Bowen Technique treatment usually lasts around an hour, with a full client history being taken at the first appointment. and general notes taken at each visit. A confidential file is kept with all information on each client.
What Should I Wear For a Bowen Treatment?
Just like massage, you will be asked to remove outer garments for the treatment. Bowen moves are better done directly on the skin and the practitioner can visually take in the variables and imbalance in the body which is mostly causing the pain or obstruction. Clients are appropriately draped for privacy at all times during the treatment.
Is Bowen Safe During Pregnancy? What About For Babies?
Yes, Bowen procedures can be carried out safely during pregnancy, and can help provide relief from lower back-pain, breathlessness, heartburn, morning sickness, as well as opening up the pelvis in preparation for childbirth. All Bowen procedures are also safe for babies, from newborn and up. There are specific GENTLE and NON INVASIVE procedures for unsettled babies, baby colic, feeding problems, neck restrictions and all other baby ailments. Bowen can also help to correct imbalances caused by the birthing process. Eg: Jaw/neck misalignment, leading to feeding problems, hip imbalance, shoulder, colic, fussy babies.
Is Bowen a Form of Massage?
Bowen is a unique bodywork modality which uses gentle precisely located rolling movements over particular muscles, nerves, tendons or ligaments to achieve long-lasting relief from pain. Bowen does not use massage or prolonged contact.
Is Bowen Therapy an Ongoing Treatment Therapy?
Most conditions are essentially resolved in three to four sessions usually scheduled a week apart. However, chronic conditions may require more extensive programs. Many clients have routine maintenance treatments at different intervals according to lifestyle, with 1 month being the optimum, to maintain body balance and musculo -skeletal integrity, avoid costly regression and as an investment in their health. Bowen can be used as a preventative therapy. Just like we take the car in for a service! So you can use Bowen Therapy for your body, keeping it tuned up and in great condition.
I Have Heard That Bowen Can Assist With Frozen Shoulder. Is This True?
Yes, Bowen therapy has had many successes with Frozen Shoulders. There is a specific Frozen Shoulder procedure that is used in 4 treatments over a 6 week period. It is amazing how when the body is balanced, the shoulder will heal.
Why Should I Choose Bowen?
Bowen Therapy has a high rate of success in treating a wide range of presenting conditions. Often this success is achieved where other modalities have failed. In addition being non-invasive and not employing manipulation Bowen therapy is suitable for infants and the elderly and is non-invasive. Another feature of Bowen Therapy being holistic (whole body harmony) is that conditions other than those for which treatment has been sought are often resolved.
Should I Check That My Therapist is Registered?
Yes, definitely. This is important to ensure that your therapist meets the professional practice standards, code of ethics, continuing education requirements, first aid and professional indemnity insurance. These points are a definite requirement of both the Bowen Association of Australia , Bowen Therapy Association of Australia and Bowen Training Australia. Beware of other 'copy cat' and adulterated versions of Tom Bowen's wonderful work.
Bowen Therapy and Wellness at Karana Downs
1hr 30minLongest Est Bowen Therapist in area. Highly experienced and professional services. Bowen Therapy, Top to Toe - All body health, Wolfe Non Surgical therapy, Perfect Day consultation. Best and most experienced/effective in SE Qld.
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