Annie O'Grady
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Have you lived before? Are you drawn to experience yourself as somebody else? Somebody different -- someone from your spiritual heritage -- who is intimately connected with you although you may not yet know them? A past lifetime experience could bring you a rich new depth of self-understanding and perhaps even healing.
Annie OGrady - Past Lifetimes Therapy
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Australia and beyond (ZOOM)Focus areas
Past Lifetime Therapy - a different way to heal and grow
Hello, I'm Annie O'Grady, a qualified complementary therapist and trainer, and I love helping people feel better...and better... I've helped thousands of people let go of problems with natural therapies over 30 years, around Australia, and internationally. I'm the author of 'Past Lifetimes Keys for Change!' If you are truly committed to making some improvements in your life, I can guide you to do that.
How will Past Lifetimes Therapy help me?
Whether you believe in reincarnation or not -- I can help you to experience another lifetime meaningful to you. There could be other explanations for past lifetime experiences, such as - perhaps you are dipping into the collective unconscious mind to find a lifestory helpful to you right now...
Our aim is to achieve change for the better in your current life, by discovering and dissolving origins of blocks or problems you may have brought into this life. It's a different level of healing, an exploration to a part of your own consciousness that is not normally available.
I can help you achieve a meditative state to do this without hypnosis, even if you're not a meditator. I may use some Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT tapping) to make it easier. As I work with clients online on Zoom (easy!) you don't have to travel, you can sit comfortably at home while you time travel to other places, other times.
But you won't be just a tourist. You can address your relationships, your health, your career, your potentials, there's no limit. 'I want to understand why...' is a good starting point for you. Or you might choose 'the past lifetime I most need to know about now.' You may suspect some metaphysical connections with a present life concern, or you may just be curious.
BUT we go further. In past lifetimes therapy, we apply healing techniques to your past lifetime so that its negative issues will lessen or lift off you now. The past self you discover in your consciousness is like an aspect of you now, so results are immediate. However, many of my clients find that the profound impact of experiencing past selves can also linger over years to enrich their understanding of themselves.
ALSO, you can enhance your present potentials by revisiting a previous life experience of success, e.g. with a talent or a success outlook. Say you want to learn some new creative endeavour now, like painting: you can target your most successful creative past lifetime, and absorb subtle gifts of creative success, sometimes even practical tips from a former self, to make present learning easier.
Even simple life stories, as most of them are, can carry deep personal meaning. In this relaxed state of consciousness, once you have re-lived the relevant lifestory, you then have opportunity to make new constructive choices, impacting on the rest of your life now.
What can I expect in a Past Lifetimes Therapy session?
You would first tell me what you'd like to improve in your present life. This might be, 'I want to know if I've lived before', or 'I want to know why I am a musician when none of my family can carry a tune' or 'I want to know if my asthma has a past lifetime cause'.
Many people want to know if they have lived with a particular person before, and if so, what happened then, to better understand a present difficulty. and even to ease it, or simply to expand love.
Together we set up your goal for the session, discuss how you might get the best out of the process even if you're a first-timer, deal with any doubts or fears or questions.
After the experience, you are in a strong position to decide, What was that? Was it actually a past lifetime of mine, or did I pick it out of the collective unconscious? Was it a metaphor that my higher consciousness gave me to help me manage my life now? Or was it something else? Only you can decide. However, change for the better through this fascinating method does not depend on your opinion, it happens through your deeper connection with yourself.
How much does a Zoom online session cost?
2-hour session: $AUD 250 prepaid on my website www.eftemotionalhealing.com
(Australia: Concession cardholders discount of $30)
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT tapping)
1hrAccelerated stress release acupressure-and-mindfulness technique. Faster, gentle, safe emotional and physical relief. Practitioner assisted, also self-help. Private sessions, workshops, training certificate courses (EFT INTERNATIONAL).
Past lifetimes regression therapy
2hrYour own personal experience of a relevant other lifetime that may be influencing this lifetime, along with healing adjustments to improve your life now.
- Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner
- Alpha RePatterning Practitioner
- EFT Advanced Practitioner
- Eft International Master Trainer and Advanced Practitioner
- Author of ‘tapping Your Troubles Away With Eft
- Contributor To The U.s. Eft Textbook ‘clinical Eft Handbook’, Vol.1
- Eft Universe Int-1 Practitioner
- Matrix Reimprinting With Eft Practitioner
- Alpha Repatterning With Eft Practitioner
- Tapping Out of Trauma Certificate 2 (dr Craig Weiner)
- Evidence-based Eft For Trauma Relief and Resiliency Certificate (dr. Lori Leyden)
- Energy, Trauma & Healing Certificate (dr. Dawson Church)
Professional Membership
- IICT - International Institute For Complementary Therapists
- EFT International
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