Enza Lyons
Clicking on the Send Me Details Now button opens an enquiry form where you can message Enza Lyons directly
"We help frustrated mothers with anxiety ruling their child's life, with tantrums and falling behind school so that you can have a calm confident child increase their academic performance which means you will be a happier mother and create harmony in the home... faster than you thought possible. We Support Your Health and Mental, Emotional and Physical Well-being developing happier and healthier families... From Chaos to Calm"
Enza Lyons, Licensed Brain Gym Instructor and Consultant & Rhythmic Movement Children & Adults
Servicing area
Consultations & Brain Gym Classes via Zoom Australia-wide or in person - Brisbane, North Lakes and surrounding areasFocus areas
I provide and empower educators, parents and children with proven practical tools to reduce anxiety, manage emotions, build confidence, resilience and boost academic performance... within 30 days... Call Me to find out how on 0413 697 692
What is Brain Gym?
Brain Gym ® is a gentle motor-sensory movement program which coordinates the brain and body for greater productivity and learning. The 26 movements builds plasticity to improve focus, clarity, concentration, memory and health daily living.
The Brain Gym ® programs support children and adults having difficulties with reading, writing, math, spelling, concentration, motivation or having difficulties such as ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Autism, physical disabilities and delayed development.
Discover how retained reflexes can affect your child's learning ability, speech, coordination and behaviour....
"I assist parents who are stuck and frustrated not knowing where to go to help their child improve their reading, writing, maths, spelling, behaviour; achieve their full potential.
Parents want to bring out the innate talents of their child so they can have increased confidence, better self-esteem, enhanced ability to learn and achieve better grades and have greater success in school and in life. I assist them to do that really easliy and quickly - they begin to feel happier and better from our very first session."
Who is Brain Gym for?
- Parents who wish to bring more ease and joy to the children in their care, including those with learning or behavioural difficulties and also reduce their own stress levels and be better organised
- Teachers/Educators to help students be SUPER ready for learning in the classroom for improved learning, reading , writing, math, focus, memory, organisation and comprehension – childcare, preschool, primary, secondary, tertiary & adult education
- Students wishing to perform better in their studies
____________________________________________________________________________We also support -
- Professional and Business People aiming to reduce workplace stress, improve morale, productivity, organisation and decision making
- People working in Health, Medicine, Counselling and Allied Professions – learn new skills
- Aged Care Professionals – Diversional Therapists, Personal Carers, Support Workers
- People of all ages who want to enhance their lives and learning skills.
Here is how Brain Gym ® has made a difference...
What clients are saying!
More Focused, Consistent and Positive
"I am more focused, consistent and positive. Doing the Brain Gym exercises takes no time all and there is an imediate positive affect - practical tool I can use any time I feel the need...Thank you Enza." Peta, Teacher
Life is so much better
"Last year we had a horrible year at school. It was very difficult. Oliver was not able to sit still. He was not following instructions. He was in trouble everyday from the teachers and from other parents. We discovered Brain Gym and we have been coming along to see Enza. Oliver's school life is so much better. He is one of the top readers in his class. Socially he is making connections with friends. The other parents are happy and smiling at me rather than rousing at me. We are so happy that we have found Brain Gym. It's been fantastic for us. " Amanda, Mother
Recall information easily
"Since attending the Brain Gym course, marvellous things seem to have happened to me. I certainly feel much happier with my memory - the abiity to recall information seems much easier. I feel less tired and certainly more confident, not only with my study but in everyday situations." Vicki, Nurse
More attuned at work
"I have been able to have my mind more attuned to handle the high level work and busy work schedule in which I am engaged. I now think more clealry, logically and I am more focused than I have been in the past." Allan, Accountant
Manage Current Stresses better
"I found enormous change in my attitude and capacity to manage my stresses in my life." Sheryl, Social Worker
Brain Gym ® and Rhythmic Movement Training are a drug-free approach uses movement to cordinate the brain and body to dramatically improve learning and overcome emotional and behavioural challenges. I combined these modalities to achieve the results.
It looks at the role of developmental movements that babies make and identifying and integrating the primitive reflexes and postural reflexes that have not yet matured and integrated. Thus improving learning, coordination, speech, muscle tone, vision and behaviour.
Brain Gym for Parents and Children
Unlock your child's immense potential and help them be calm, focused and confident in school and in life!
Is your child struggling with reading, writing, math, spelling, concentration, motivation or having difficulties such as hyperactivity, lack of focus, poor coordination, ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Autism, physical disabilities or delayed development..
Would you like:
- Improve your child's concentration and memory;
- Assistance with your child's learning, physical movement, coordination and behaviour difficulties, increase reading and writing skills;
- Achieve better exam results;
- Enhance communication skills;
- Reduce anxiety, Improved health and well-being Increase self-confidence;
- Boost your sporting and musical performance ...
Find out how Enza can assist you to help your child... by personal consultations or enrol in the Brain Gym® classes so your child can achieve greater success in life ...Phone Enza Lyons now on 0413 697 692
(Also provide services to self-managed NDIS clients, children and adults)
Brain Gym is a part of Educational Kinesiology. Brain Gym ® is a fun learning program that assists in all stages of childhood development, language development, coordination, gross motor skills and fine motor skills, stress relief, creativity and problem solving skills developed by Dr. Paul Dennison an educator from America.
Children love Brain Gym ® because it puts them in charge of their success.
- The exercises are fun, easy and take only 15 minutes a day.
- They can feel the difference almost immediately and this give them confidence.
- They get better grades, perform better in sports and the arts, and relate better to friends and family.
- They can work through whatever anxieties or fears are holding them back.
- They learn techniques to help them overcome any problem or difficult situation.
The 26 Brain Gym ® activities support the development of key sensorimotor abilities – readiness skills – that make learning easier and more pleasurable. These activities are uniquely designed to fulfil specific physical requirements that learners encounter in the classroom. While any physical education may 'wake up' the brain, the 26 Brain Gym® activities further foster the flexibility, eye teaming and hand-eye coordination that allow learners to thrive in the classroom, along with the ability to live happily and creatively amid the stressors of modern life.
Brain Gym® is a safe, natural physical therapy that can help the whole family with stress relief, workplace performance, health problems, anxiety, depression and relationships. Not only will you experience the joy of watching your child become happier, healthier, more relaxed and more confident, you can also learn to use Brain Gym to improve your own physical, mental and emotional well-being.
I also explore reflex movements that have not yet integrated. I use many other exercises and techniques such as Rhythmic Movement Training when I work to the specific needs of the child. Rhythmic Movement Training is a drug-free approach to dramatically improve learning and overcome emotional and behavioural challenges. It looks at the role of developmental movements that babies make and identifying and integrating the primitive reflexes and postural reflexes that have not yet matured and integrated. Thus improving learning, coordination, muscle tone, vision and behaviour.
Give me a willing parent stressed at work and in overwhelm who feels exhausted from their child's anxiety, outbursts, poor grades and behaviour... and within 30 minute FREE zoom or face to face Session...they will know how to help their child be happier, love going to school and increase their grades at school ... within 30 days
Give your child the best chance ever by doing a personal session ... Contact Enza Lyons at 0413 697 692
Brain Gym for Teachers and Students
Discover how to increase your students' learning abilities & dramatically improve their behaviour...in just 15 minutes a day...!
Enrol in a Brain Gym ® Classes Online... An Invitiation to Teachers, Parents, Special Needs and Early Childhood Teachers, Caregivers, Ot's, Speech Therapists and anyone who wants to improve their learning...
At last, you can give your students the best chance to succeed. And start loving your job again!
Phone Enza Lyons on 0413 697 692 for any enquiries or to organise a workshop at your school or network of friends...
Here’s what Sandra, teacher of Learning support says about Brain Gym ®
“In over twenty years of teaching infants/primary school children, one of the most amazing ‘tool’ I have used in my classroom has been Brain Gym® exercises.
In my class of children aged five to seven, many students were unsettled, stressed and angry. Consequently, many were experiencing learning difficulties and displaying very challenging and disruptive behaviour.
After introducing daily Brain Gym ® exercises, the results have been amazing. Many of the parents have commented how their children are progressing in many different areas including coordination, balance and confidence. Parents are telling me that their children are much happier and will even do the Brain Gym ® exercises at home to help themselves to relax and cope with challenging situations.
One particular grade two student was experiencing difficulties with her reading and writing, was putting a lot of pressure on herself, was often very tired and was finding it difficult to relax. After three or four sessions with Enza, this student’s reading and writing improved greatly and she has greater confidence in herself. She has transformed from a little girl who was often upset by the ‘smallest things’, to a happy child who is so much more energetic and confident in herself and her abilities.
Brain Gym ® is a simple yet very powerful ‘tool’ and it can really make a difference in children’s learning and behaviour. I would highly recommend it to other teachers and parents.”
A great help to my students and my own daughter says teacher, Joanne
“I use Brain Gym ® with my students and it greatly improved their concentration and focus on their lessons. On a personal level, the greatest success I’ve had is with my own daughter. A reluctant reader and a quiet student, Brain Gym has been instrumental in greatly increasing her self-confidence. She has improved in all academic areas and is a happier child. I strongly recommend Brain Gym to all.” Joanne, Teacher
Find out more about the next Workshops
on Live Zoom Online Classes...
"Bring balance to your everyday life"... Unlock barriers and achieve your full potential...
Uncover hidden challenges that maybe sabotaging your ability to make changes or are slowing down your progress.
- Reclaim the joy of living!
- Improve focus, memory, coordination, learn skills to reduce your stress levels and much more!
- Experience the amazing benefits of Brain Gym.
For more information phone Enza Lyons on
0413 697 692 or email your enquiry...and book in for your Online Session...
- Certified Wellness Coach
- Certificate Education Learning Support Teacher
- Licensed Brain Gym Teacher B.G.A
- Rhythmic Movement Trained
- Workplace Wellness Practitioner
- Experienced Stress and Pain Management Practitioner
- Whole Brain Learning Skills Practitioner
- Child Development Practitioner (CDP)
- Posture & Movement Therapy Practitioner
- Registered Kinesiologist A.K.A
- Certificate In Community Services
Professional Membership
- Australian Kinesiology Association
- Brain Gym® Australia
Click on Send Me Details Now to get started
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