Enza Lyons therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2006

Enza Lyons

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"Do You Desire Mental, Emotional & Pain Relief? Are you an exhausted woman over 30's to 50's who is struggling with stress at work, feeling stuck, anxiety, depression, overwhelm, self-limiting beliefs? We have a proven effective system to overcome these challenges, so that you can enjoy life, get up in the morning feeling energy for the day, start living your purpose and move forward in your career, relationships and life...achieve your goals faster than you thought possible..."

Wellness Coaching (Relationship, Health & Fitness, Weight Loss, Career, etc.) & Workplace Wellness P

Servicing area

Consultations and workshops via Zoom Australia-Wide and in person Brisbane, North Lakes surrounding areas.

Focus areas

Disabilities Facelifts Wellbeing Fears Mental health Depression

Do you want to stop struggling, feeling frustrated and disconnected .… so that you feel back in charge and have the confidence to create the life you desire... faster than you thought possible.

Then this is for you... who desires to live their best life...

Phone Enza Lyons now on 0413 697692 or Request a booking online... 

Find out how to start living the life you desire and achieve your goals… faster than you thought possible! … without the frustration caused by the self-critic, negative thoughts and anxiety

No matter what you would like to change or achieve, the secrets to success are the same.

  1. Get clear. As specifically as possible decide what you want. The more clear you are on what you want to have in your life, the more likely you are to achieve it. Together we create a crystal clear vision for “ultimate success” so you know exactly where you are going in life.
  2. Get perspective. Most people don’t tell anyone what they want or what they are struggling with and because of that they don’t get an outside perspective. We uncover hidden challenges that maybe sabotaging your ability to make changes that last or that are slowing down your progress
  3. Get support. Very few people (if any) achieve anything great alone. Sports stars have teammates and coaches. You leave the session renewed, energized and inspired to finally achieve the transformational change you seek once and for all.  Be willing to ask the people in your life to support you.

If you have something important you want to change? If you want to speed up your success rate then I’d like to assist you do it with a special one-on-one personal Wellness Strategy coaching session where we’ll work together.

Together I can assist you to

  • gain clarity, direction and become better organised to move forward in your health, wellness, weight, fitness, energy, relationships, career and your life.
  • break free of anxiety, negative thoughts and self-limiting beliefs
  • feel happier and more fulfilled moving from stress to success.

I look forward to the opportunity to talk about your biggest challenge and assist you as a coach to go through a step-by-step plan as how you would like to reach your goals easily WITHOUT the frustration caused by the self-critic anxiety and stress.

Let’s follow the transformational approach. Wishing you radiant health, vitality and well-being...

“I assist you to manage your life better with the ups and downs of life’s challenges and adjusting easily to the rapid changes in life...”

Here’s what my clients say:

Karen was in a highly stressful career, a social worker, with huge responsibilities. She says, “When I first came to see Enza I was a stressed wreck. I knew that I was extremely sensitive to stress and that I became overwhelmed easily and I needed help. Over a series of eight sessions I slowly began to cope better and to also look at the world more positively. It was so subtle yet life changing. I'm really grateful to Enza for her work with me, and I highly recommend her service.”

More Attuned at work
“As a senior executive in Brisbane in the field of finance, accounting and business applications, I see the critical need for effective and efficient thinking. Since seeing Enza Lyons, I have been able to have my mind more attuned to handle the high level work and busy work schedule in which I am engaged. I now think more clearly, logically and I am more focused than I have been in the past.” Allan, Business executive

Manage Current Stresses better
“I found enormous change in my attitude and capacity to manage my stresses in my life.” Sheryl, Social Worker

Overcame depression
“After experiencing what I must state was the worst period of my life. My life was a mess – professionally and socially. I was experiencing depression in its most extreme form. Nothing could help psychologists, anti-depressants –nothing. I could see no end and that’s when a friend took me to Enza.The miracle she worked on me that I will forget. After the session I felt light, bright and I was actually laughing and smiling again.” Kerry , Sales Manager

Excellent Program!
“A process of learning ‘above excellent’! I have no hesitation in recommending in the Brain Gym program.” Brain Gym is an efficient way for people to quickly formulate and achieve their goals.” B.C. Psychologist

Rose Ann says...
“I have experienced stress-related depression, panic and anxiety attacks, poor concentration, memory problems, mood changes, and hormonal problems over a number of years. After an initial appointment with Brain Gym stress release technique and Brain gym exercises, I feel much more relaxed, and more able to face new challenges and experiences. I encourage others to seek out this pleasant and enjoyable session. Thank you Enza.”

More organised to deal with issue in business!
“Thank you so much. I didn’t think it possible to make such a difference. But from going through your program clearing the blockages, it has helped me to focus and to become more organised to deal with the issues which face us in business today. I am able to deal with things that I was not able to deal with before. I am much happier in myself and know that the future is much clearer. To be able to lead makes such a difference to me and my whole family it is just incredible.” E.S., Business owner

To find out more...enrol in my 30 minute FREE Coaching Session … Discover 3 simple steps how to start living the life you desire and achieve your goals… faster than you thought possible!

It has been found that the top five work-related conditions affecting Australian workers are 29% back, neck and spinal problems, 22% hay fever, 21% heart diseases, 14% migraine headaches and 10% anxiety. The study has also found that the healthiest Australian employees are almost three times more productive than their unhealthy colleagues (The Health of Australia’s Workforce, 2005)

“Financial performance increases 2.5 times when health and wellness is encouraged.” (Source: Right Management)

Workplace wellness works well when done well. However, developing an effective sustainable strategies can be overwhelming.

“As a senior executive in Brisbane in the field of finance, accounting and business applications, I see the critical need for effective and efficient thinking.  Since having sessions with Enza Lyons, I have been able to have my mind more attuned to handle the high level work and busy work schedule in which I am engaged. I now think more clearly, logically and I am more focused than I have been in the past. This means I can think more posiitively, clearly and have more relaxing and stress fee time as a result.  I now feel more effective and posiitve about doing my job.

In the information age when organisations are looking for ways to do things smarter, to improve the bottom line, to get more value for the training dollar, it makes sense to fine tune employees’ minds as never before, giving organisations one of the greatest competitive advantages of all.”Allan, Business executive

Enza Lyons, has been involved in the health and wellness field for over 30 years, is certified Workplace Wellness Coordinator, Wellness coach and Lic. Brain Gym trainer.  She helps organisations develop, implement and sustain workplace wellness strategies that work to increase health, wellness, productivity and mental resilience in your workplace.

“Happy Healthy employees equals a healthy productive organisation”

For more information phone Enza Lyons on 0413 697 692 or email your enquiry or make an appointment...


  • Certified Wellness Coach
  • Certificate Education Learning Support Teacher
  • Licensed Brain Gym Teacher B.G.A
  • Rhythmic Movement Trained
  • Workplace Wellness Practitioner
  • Experienced Stress and Pain Management Practitioner
  • Whole Brain Learning Skills Practitioner
  • Child Development Practitioner (CDP)
  • Posture & Movement Therapy Practitioner
  • Registered Kinesiologist A.K.A
  • Certificate In Community Services

Professional Membership

  • Australian Kinesiology Association
  • Brain Gym® Australia

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