Fiona Bentley
About Fiona Bentley
Servicing area
Gold CoastFocus areas
I would love to help you feel stronger, happier, more relaxed and clear on your path ahead.
I have 20 years experience as a therapist and love all I do. I teach all levels of Reiki, Animal Reiki and am a Reiki practitioner.
I offer deeply relaxing doTerra Aromatouch massage, Life coaching and Guidance and wonderful Intuitive Crystal Workshops.
I specialise in relaxation and my aim is to assist you in finding the ease in the body, mind and heart.
When the body is in a place of Ease, having let go of all Stress and Tension, it is able to perform more effectively. This means you are able to perform better and have more ease and clarity within yourself.
If you suffer from:
- Stress and Tension
- Recent Surgery
- Injuries
- Back Pain
- Shoulder and Neck Pain
- Headaches and Migraines
- Insomnia
- Fibro myalgia or Chronic Fatigue
- Menstrual Pain or Menopause
- Post Natal Depression
- Depression
- Fears or Anxiety
Then give me a ring and book in for a consultation and I will create a treatment plan specifically to suit your needs. Please leave a message on my phone as your call is important to me and I may be with a client. I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you.
Read what some of my happy clients have had to say about the services & treatments I have to offer.
My Thoughts on Fiona Bentley
Fiona is an inspiring and gifted lady who lives her passion of healing through reiki, crystals , essential oils and flower essences Fiona trained me in reiki to level two. She was professional but also instilled the course with the wonderful positive energy that is reiki. We did a comprehensive and practical training that left me feeling confident in your understanding and excited about the world it opened up to me. Afterwards joining one of the reiki groups she runs allowed me to grow in my practise under her gentle guidance
What I have also found very exciting is watching Fiona's work with horses. There is no doubt that she connects with each horse she works with. They are able to convey to her their needs and she helps them move and release unwanted energy and heal physical and mental wounds. She works with great respect for the horses and they totally relax, yawn, stretch and exhibit other signs that indicate release and healing. She is also using my horses to train people in reiki for horses. She is very aware of creating a safe environment and helps learners to connect with the horses. I have one horse, Merlin, a white pony with violet eyes who has developed a special relationship with Fiona and her crystal healing He communicates his need to her of spending time with her and the crystals.
We organise a time and he is always up in the yard waiting on the day she comes. He is quite a strong personality but when Fiona sets up her crystal grid and treats him with the selected stones he seems to fall into almost a trance only waking up for cat like stretches or yawning and chewing. As Fiona moves the crystal around Merlin she explains what she is feeling from the horse and also any thoughts Merlin conveys. Afterwards when all the crystals are collected it's like he wakes up and always seems calm and bright eyed I would have no hesitation in recommending Fiona in her capacity as both teacher and healer
Fiona came into the Wji Acupuncture Clinic 6 months ago in 2022 after being referred by a dear friend. When I first met Fiona I was blown away by her beautiful energy and aura. Her presence was so calming and grounding, I almost didn't know who was the one getting treated! One thing I have learnt over the last 14 years of treating people is that almost 99% of time, most of the healing comes from our ability to create calmness, balance and tranquility through our own actions and life, so that we act as an anchor for patients to come back to center. Fiona embodies this idea perfectly, her presence is enough to heal any sickness and bring you back to balance. she also offers healing sessions for animals and distant relatives in a gentle, non invasive and loving way. Some of the therapies she offers include Reiki, animal therapy and communication, aromatherapy massage & sprays, Bach Flower essences, Crystal and Colour therapy and much more.
Nick Beasley Acupuncturist
I am so appreciative of being guided to Fiona. I was in desperate need of help to release resistance and old negative thought patterns, that were preventing my physical body from healing.
For a long time, I have been coping with ongoing stiffness, pain and inflamation, alongwith muscle burning and fatigue in varying degrees. And in the weeks before having my first session with Fiona, I had been dealing with acute chronic pain in my upper torso - back, chest, shoulders & neck.
I had been addressing my symptoms with traditional treatments, as well as processing it on a metaphysical level, but there was no real improvement; due to deep seeded blockages!
However, with Fiona's wealth of personal experiences and her clear connection to divine guidance, she has helped me, allow my body to release layers of old stuff; at each session. And, I am now consciously allowing more changes to my viewpoint and my approach to life experiences, and feeling more peace and joy in myself.
I am truly grateful for the opportunity to experience this healing process with such a gentle, loving and gifted soul.
With love and sincere thanks,
Celeste R. Johnson.
Aroma Touch
“I have seen Fiona twice for AromaTouch massage. It is so relaxing and the pure organic smells of aromatherapy work though the sense of smell. The experience has helped me to connect to some past memories and enabled healing of those feelings as they have presented.” Thank you ... Anne
I have been having Aromatherapy massage with Fiona for several years now. Fiona combines her massage techniques with Reiki and meditation to give a holistic treatment.
I have also done Reiki courses with her and I have found Fiona to be an excellent teacher.
My mother was having problems with bad dreams, so I thought one of Fiona’s aroma sprays would help. From the moment she began to use them at night, her bad dreams stopped. So I can attest to the effectiveness of the sprays. Fiona’s treatments really Nurture you....... Carolyn.
“I have been a client of Fiona’s for the past 5 yrs. Also, Fiona is my Reiki Master/Teacher. Fiona is an excellent instructor. She is innovative in her approach and very knowledgeable.
Fiona is always reliable, honest, prompt, courteous, and very caring. I hold her in high regard. I have benefited greatly from her treatments. I highly recommend Fiona as a Reiki Master/teacher and Practitioner..... Michelle
Bubbles the Cat
“Fiona came to see my 3 yr old RSPCA rescue cat “Bubbles” for a healing session to help her overcome her fear of being with our dog and being in a new home. Fiona felt there was a lot of congestion around Bubble’s head. On that day I had a big headache and Bubbles was showing Fiona that I also needed a healing session. Fiona was able to work with Bubbles and me. It not only helped my headache, but also helped Bubbles to be just that more relaxed with our dog.” Thank you .... Anne
Holly the Dog
Holly and I have known Fiona for almost 7 yrs. Holly was fretting for her sister, Lucy, who had died and she wouldn’t eat and just lay around depressed. The vet recommended Fiona. Fiona gave Holly Reiki, Flower Essences and Crystal Therapy as well as communicating with her. Holly bounced back to her lively self in no time.
Over the years Fiona has helped both of us. I broke my hip and Fiona came to the hospital and gave me Reiki, so that my leg would heal faster as well as easing the pain. She came each morning to help me walk and build up my confidence again.
Fiona also teaches, encourages meditation and strives to bring out the best in herself and others, and she is a natural with animals and humans alike. Thank you Fiona...... Kris and Holly
Aromatouch Massage
1hrThis is a deeply relaxing aromatherapy back of the body massage. I use 8 pure doTerra essential oils to create an amazing treatment. This is a wonderful way of destressing, unwinding, clearing out negativity and letting go of tension in the body.
Reiki treatment
1hr 30minThis is a very gentle energy balancing treatment. Reiki helps melt away worries, anxiety, stress and tension. You come away feeling lighter and mentally clearer.
- AromaTouch Practitioner
- Tibetan Usui Reiki Master Teacher
- Animal Therapist
- Crystal Workshop Practitioner
- Nature and Energy Workshop Practitioner
- Colour Therapist