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Hypnosis & Health Practice

Hypnosis & Health Practice

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Hypnosis & Health Practice - Client Testimonials

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“If you are reading this, you are looking for help. Like you, I wanted help. After many years of abusing food my problem was very ingrained. I wanted to be slimmer, healthier and fitter. I wanted to have a healthier view of food and my body. I know what a person needs to do to be slim, healthy and fit. But to do it, enjoy and keep doing it – well, that is very hard for many people. And, I happen to be one of those people. I wanted to be able to naturally, instinctively and willingly think healthier. If I could change the way I thought about food, exercise and my body, I knew I could lick this for life. But, I needed help. Thank goodness, like you, I read about Sonia.

Sonia relaxed my conscious mind to a tranquil yet awareness state and spoke to my subconscious. During this state, I was aware of my surroundings but felt very serene. It was an amazing experience. But, did it help? Unbelievably so! Results were instant. I’m not lying!

Now I eat only to fuel, nourish and replenish my body. I never skip meals. I exercise 6 days a week for at least forty minutes – I desire to do it!! I wake up at 6.30am each morning (I asked for this and incredibly – no, instinctively this happens). I know what I am going to eat the next day and I am prepared. I DO NOT crave chocolate, chips, pizza or other fatty, starchy food. I eat anything healthy like vegetables, salads, fruit, fish and meat – all cooked in a healthy manner and ONLY to the amount my body needs – it tells me when it is full. All my decisions about food and exercise come naturally and instinctively – and they are all healthy!

I have only visited Sonia twice. I intend to have two more visits to cement these practices for life. I am very, grateful to Sonia. She is a beautiful, intelligent and caring soul. Professionally, she really knows her stuff. If you want help, call Sonia. Give it a go; you have nothing to lose but a lot to gain”.

Colleen N.


"I found the hypnosis very effective for my problem - emotional eating. Also I would recommend the RESET program - I didn't go hungry and I didn't crave ANYTHING. I now feel totally in control when making food choices - no guilt / not difficult anymore. I no longer BINGE eat and these results are all with just one session. Thank-you".

Katherine P.


“I just thought I'd give you a quick email to tell you that today I baked a pineapple cake to take to a meeting tomorrow and I do not have any interest in eating it!!! I'll let you know how I go …..” [sometime later]
“Thought I'd write some words about my experience with you and hypnotherapy:
When I came to Sonia, I had been battling a chocolate addiction for the last 10 or so years. I have always been a closet chocoholic, hiding chocolate under my bed, in my wardrobe, making excuses to go eat it whenever I could. I could easily eat two family sized blocks a day. Chocolate and sweet foods were taking over my life. I felt like I would die if I did not get my chocolate fix every day. Try as I may, the sweet food would win every time. Not only did this make me feel unhappy, but it also took its toll on my healthy body.
Sonia has helped me to kick my addiction to sweet foods. 3 days after my first session with Sonia, I no longer craved chocolate. Now after 3 sessions, I no longer feel the need to eat cakes, biscuits, chocolate etc... and I no longer bite my nails (from anxiety). I feel positive and motivated to getting back to my healthy self, and food no longer dictates my life. I am happy to exercise and look forward to this as opposed to feeling as if it is a chore.
I’m sure, like me, some of you will have your doubts about the results hypnotherapy can yield, and yet, within 3 months I have had a complete 180 turn around. I do not eat chocolate anymore, I do not eat biscuits or cake, and I have a wonderful lifestyle filled with healthy foods and exercise. I can not shout loud enough about the positive changes hypnotherapy has brought about in me. Please have an open mind and give Sonia a try. She is a wonderful person and will get to the bottom of any problem. Thank you Sonia!

Amanda N.


"Sonia gave me the inner strength, the motivation to do what I’ve always wanted to do and to stick with it. By focusing on a healthy lifestyle she showed me that food is not there to feed my emotions but as medicine for my body. I now see food for it’s nutritional value and I am feeding my body in the way nature intended. The Reset Program was easy and full of nutritional value, the food tasted great and I lost 2 kg on the 5 day Program and then a further 1.5 kg after my first hypnosis session with no cravings for sweet or unhealthy things. So far I’ve lost 7.6kgs, I now have 6kgs to go to get to my goal weight of 65kgs! I’m still losing 0.6-1kg a week. Still exercising everyday and enjoying it (whereas I did not before the sessions) & still haven’t touched any sugar, I haven’t been craving sugar AT ALL and no longer obsess or think about food the way I used to. I was even able to stay focussed over Christmas and the New Year. ! I can definitely see myself continuing with this and keeping the weight off when I reach my goal. Thank-you Sonia".
Sara B.

"Hi Sonia! Just letting you know I jumped on the scales this morning & I have reached my goal weight of 65kgs......3 weeks before the date I set myself:-) So, I'm 13.6kgs down and feel so absolutely amazing! Thankyou so much, you are an angel!" [follow up email]
Sara B.


"Since seeking help from Sonia at the Hypnosis and Health practice, I have maintained a weight loss of just over 13 kilograms. Most surprisingly, within the first 3 months of a strategy devised by Sonia of combining low GI foods and more sensible eating habits with a program of Hypnosis, my total cholesterol has dropped from 6.7 to 3.9 (an improvement of over 40%). The triglyceride reading has dropped from 2.7 to 0.8.
HDL cholesterol (the good stuff) has improved from 1.2 to 1.4. The bad LDL cholesterol has reduced from 4.3 to 2.1 and perhaps best of all, my Coronary Risk Ratio has dropped from 5.6 to 2.8. In summary, all indicators are within the recommended medical target range. I have consigned my prescribed Lipitor tablets to the bin!"

Stephen D.


"I just want to say a big thank you to Sonia for helping to change my life. I grew up seeing and hearing things no child should have to witness, although I couldn't remember a lot I found negative thoughts and feelings getting me down and pushing my beautiful husband away physically and emotionally, I couldn't bear to be touched. But thanks to Sonia I have put these bad feelings away for good and I'm living my life my way. I feel free, happy and relaxed and I can't really remember ever being this way. And those around me also see a big difference. And this was all after only one visit. Thanks Sonia."

Mel O.

"I have been very busy being happy and empowered! Thanks to my time spent with you, I have experienced such a huge shift in my outlook to my life.
I am no longer experiencing bouts of sadness, feeling lost out of balance and low self esteem. I am feeling so positive and empowered I feel I have gained control of my life and with that I feel such joy and happiness that I haven't felt in a very long time! I feel such gratitude to feel alive again THANK-YOU!"

Sussan K.


"I have been seeing Sonia for just over a month and have found amazing changes. After many years suffering with depression, worry, and constant negative thoughts I have found myself feeling fantastic, I haven't felt like this in years. I have been to other counsellors in the past and haven't found such positive changes in a small amount of time. I clicked with Sonia immediately and felt comfortable with her. I am feeling so much more positive and finding that EFT, after just a couple of days, is making so much difference. Sonia is a wonderful lady and caringly pushes me to work on myself in a positive way so that I can get the results I have wanted for so long. Her strength, professionalism and knowledge has definitely contributed to my life. I believe that this is a very important aspect of dealing with people who want to change their lives. After my hypnosis sessions I feel like a million dollars. I can feel the hypnosis is working extremely well since my negative thoughts seem to be automatically changing into positive ones. How fantastic! I am so excited about the changes in my life!

When you are in a state of depression or feel like you are at a crossroads in your life, or just simply want to make changes to negative behaviours you have constantly been repeating throughout your life, I believe it is helpful to have someone who will push you along the way. A lot of my friends have noticed how much happier I am lately. I feel like I am glowing again. So if you are reading this and feeling uncertain about making positive changes in your life, believe me it's worth it, give Sonia a call!" [Hypnosis combined with counseling, life coaching and EFT].

Andrea H.


“I went to my first hypnosis session not knowing what to expect and was pleasantly surprised to find how easy it was to relax and enjoy the experience.
I was having trouble staying asleep for any length of time and had gotten to the stage where I wasn’t functioning properly on a daily basis and knew I had to take some serious action.
I noticed a marked improvement in my quality of sleep after my first session and now that I’ve had a second session I really feel like my problem no longer exists – thanks so much Sonia! I am very happy to say that I feel “human” again – the flow-on effect has been fantastic!!”

Jenny J.


“My sleeping is great (not had a pill now for 10 days - yehaa) …..What you have helped me with is enormous, I never thought I could do it. The biggest, biggest thanks”

Cathy D.


"Good morning Sonia, Steven asked me to drop you a line and say he feels he wont need the final appointment next week. Thank you so much for helping him. He is sleeping so much better these days, he’s not opening his eyes and complaining of a headache. It’ s amazing, I hadn’t realised how fidgety and restless he was at night until now. A huge thank you from a well rested …… family. Ps would you mind if I gave your name and contact details to another good friend who requires assistance?"

Denise & Steven C.


"I have suffered with poor self image/esteem, depression and insomnia for years (40 years). 2005 resulted in having 7 months off work due the side effects of the above and extreme stress and worry which resulted in adrenal fatigue and depression. I have allowed other people to push me around, have missed out on employment opportunities and just life!!! Plus poor relationships – marital, professional and personal. With Sonia’s help which has been fantastic, and her use of hypnosis, I have had a wonderful turn around in my health, work and personal relationships. And now we are working our way through new issues with a great deal of success. I can recommend Sonia with a great deal of enthusiasm".

Helen D.


“In my first session, I immediately felt very comfortable with Sonia and at ease discussing my issues. I had lost all balance. I had lost the happy go lucky me. I felt overwhelmed, work and family dramas consumed me, as well as living with Lupus for 25 years. My release was over-indulgence in wine and cigarettes. Sonia has been incredible, listening to me cry and laugh and release pent-up emotions that had been weighing me down. But now, I feel light, happy and relaxed. The transformation inside glows through to the outside. I have a spring in my step and I’m gaining balance, overcoming unhealthy habits and learning moderation. I relax, I listen and I laugh now. Family, friends and colleagues have all commented – ‘I want what she’s having’ they’ve all remarked – it’s the best they’ve seen me. They feel the positive energy from being around me and say they walk away feeling great after hanging out with me. Thank you Sonia”.

Melinda E.


"Firstly THANK-YOU!! Not that I was a sceptic. I certainly turned up to my appointment with an open mind but doubted (fairly strongly) that I would feel results after only one consult...and that’s exactly what happened...feeling stressed, anxious, sad and lost before the session, I emerged feeling STRONG, POSITIVE, CALM and like a SUCCESS!! I even sang happily to the songs on the radio on the way home. I feel directed and confident in the future decisions that I have made to move on from my job and I know I owe it to my consult with Sonia. Thank you so much for releasing me from my depths I feel so much lighter now :) I will pass on your details to any friends of mine who I feel would benefit from seeing you".

Kelly K.


“Just wanted to let you know how things are. I feel so much more like my old self (the positive stuff like being decisive and firing on all four cylinders at work), plus I feel like a total new self (taking time to enjoy creativity and worrying less about unimportant detail). As for the anger and anxiety, I stopped feel angry immediately on leaving after the last session and it hasn’t reappeared at all. I have only experienced the tiniest hint of anxiety bubbling up and was able to breathe it away as soon as it appeared. As for the eating, I am eating regularly and with some forethought, and enjoying coffee-chocolate breaks in the context of my overall day rather than as an escape. I haven’t used the EFT tapping technique you showed me, other than a couple of times because things just fell into place quickly. Overall I feel busy and engaged, creative and optimistic. Thank you!” Cath V.


"Sonia Czernik is a wealth of information, has a caring nature, and is completely trustworthy. She helped me a great deal with my anger problems and letting go of past issues. She also helped me with my physical health, namely my general lack of energy. I feel great now mentally and physically and I would have no hesitations recommending her to anyone."

Jessica B.


“I had a number of issues that I believe had been holding me back and preventing me from feeling satisfied on a number of different levels. I was very critical of myself, I had an overactive sense of responsibility, a need to try to please everyone and a variety of fears. After seeing a very positive change in a friend who had experienced hypnotherapy with Sonia I was determined to give it a try.
After just a few sessions with Sonia I noticed a remarkable change. My fears were greatly reduced and I no longer feel the need to always try and please everyone. Now when I look in the mirror I don’t criticize myself instead I like what I see.
I feel much lighter and more easy going and my life is much more enjoyable. I am happy to recommend Sonia to anyone considering hypnotherapy”.

Steve M.


"I had an extensive and rather comprehensive list of ailments before I saw Sonia for hypnotherapy and I didn’t know where else to turn nor did I believe in or want to take medication to fix my “problems” as I didn’t feel it would solve the root cause. I had no idea about what would happen in my first session and I wasn’t fully convinced of how powerful hypnotherapy could be. But after only three sessions, I can honestly say that I feel like an improved version of myself. (I even felt different after just the first).

Having suffered from a troubled childhood with various events scarring and affecting my life everyday, this in turn tainted the way I handled my adult life. The compounding effects of these experiences both from my childhood and adulthood finally resulted in severe anxiety, nervous tension, depression, lack of motivation, confusion and tension everywhere in the body to name but a few.

Seeing Sonia has been the most enriching and rewarding thing I have ever done. It was also so easy! I felt like I was cheating because it was so simple and all I had to do was relax and enjoy the journey.

Through the positive and effective guidance provided by Sonia, I am now free of the old habits I had dragged around with me for so long. I am still the same person facing the same problems, but I now see and handle these difficult situations very differently. I have found an emotional equilibrium and finally feel free and at peace. Thank you Sonia for changing my life!

Zamina A.

“I have been a 40 cigarettes a day smoker for 36 years and have tried three different hypnotists to quit smoking and never managed to quit even for a day so I don’t know why I thought I’d give hypnosis another go but I’m glad I did. After my first session with Sonia I stopped completely and there were many situations including very stressful ones over the weekend when I could have weakened but I didn’t. I am delighted and extremely confident that I won’t ever go back to being a smoker. Thanks”.
Pete M.

"I have been smoking for seventeen years, about a packet a day I tried to quit many, many times and a lot of different ways. I thought I would never ever be able to do it. After two appointments with Sonia I have given it away forever! I work in the construction industry and I have others smoking around me constantly which doesn't bother me any more . I didn't think it could be so easy , I am living proof that this will work for you ! Do yourself a favor and try it. Change your life forever - Thank you Sonia you have changed my life forever".
David D.

“When it comes to hypnotherapy and things of this nature, I am very sceptical of its effects. I had been smoking for 15 years and I really wanted to give up so I gave it a go. Let me just say it’s the best decision I’ve ever made. I haven’t smoked since I was last here (his first visit) and I’m confident I won’t ever smoke again”.
Arty H.

"Hi sonia, just a quick note to say thanks. I haven't had a cigarette since seeing you last week and I'm confident that I won't again. The whole experience was very relaxing and non invasive and I would recommend others to give it a go".
Louise S.

"Hi Sonia, first day back at work today and no problems! Still no ciggies so tomorrow is a week that I have been a non-smoker and I feel great!"
Joanne M.

"I would like to thank-you for the treatment I received. It worked! I haven't had a smoke since. Thank-you very much".
Sandra B.

"Not sure if you remember me, my name is Ron and we did a couple of sessions a few weeks ago to help me quit smoking. I really felt compelled to get back to you, to share my experiences.
I haven't had a smoke since our first session. I've had a few urges, but they have been much less than I had in previous attempts to stop, and they pass quickly. I also don't feel like I ever want to be a smoker. Every time I get an urge, or see others smoking, I get this almost warm feeling that I don't need a smoke, and that I'm not one of the smokers that stands outside an office in the cold. Thankyou so much for helping me with this. I really feel that I'll never go back to smoking.
The sessions we had were quite an experience for me. I've never experienced such relaxation, and I left your practice with such a feeling of euphoria. I feel I'm looking at life a bit differently now (in a much better way). Thank-you again, and I've mentioned you to many of my friends. I'm sure some will contact you in the future".
Ron W


“The hypnosis sessions were very good. I feel a huge burden has been lifted from my shoulders and a new sense of direction and energy now lies in front of me. Thank-you for bringing me to this happy state. I should have done this a lot sooner”.
Chris F.

“Linda is over the moon with the intuitive and valuable advice that you have graciously delivered to me. The hypnosis has left me totally uplifted. My heart-felt thanks”
Linda R. (counselling combined with hypnosis)


"The experience could be described as peaceful, relaxing, soul restoring and at times magical! Sonia helped me to deal with a lack of confidence which has contributed to many of my nervous issues and years and years of being very hard on myself. Since visiting Sonia, I feel more confident and I have finally started to stand up for myself and put me first. Sonia has a way of opening your eyes to what is within you and I am already saying "yes" to more opportunites when they are presented to me. Friends and family have noticed a difference in me and I feel more in control of my life. Definitely worth a try… Thanks Sonia :)"

Vanessa S.


"Hello Sonia, Just wanted to send you a quick email in regards to all my travels since our sessions. I flew on six flights since I left Perth .That includes the long flight to Hawaii. I felt great and though for a second I thought about the enclosed space the feeling quickly disappeared and I felt fine. I am still practising the breathing technique each day. Thanks again for the sessions and I look forward to my happy travelling on planes and trains."

Patrizia B.


“Just a quick note to say that I did brilliantly with the elevators in Hawaii. No problems at all. The two sessions I had with you really worked. Thank-you for your help. Sincere Regards”.

Virginia T.


"I have my life back, thanks to Sonia!!!! I had a drinking problem where I would drink every night to get drunk. I knew why I was doing it, I just couldn't stop. With Sonia's help I no longer have a drinking problem. I drink no more than 2 drinks at a time and this is only if I even feel like a drink. I also used to suffer from panic attacks many years ago. However, the thought that these would come back again was always on my mind. This held me back and stopped me enjoying life. With hypnosis these thoughts have now disappeared. After seeing Sonia I feel alive, in control of my life again, happy and confident. I am also losing weight which is a great bonus!!! Sonia, thank you so much again".

Vanessa I.


"I would like to thank Sonia Czernik, for a very positive life-changing experience. I have struggled with alcohol abuse for 30 years. I would only drink in the evenings but the problem was the quantity - up to 2 bottles of wine in an evening, this was 3 or 4 times over the safe limit. I started having hypnosis treatments from Sonia with wonderful results. I am now able to stop at 3 glasses of wine sometimes not even that. Also I have every Monday and Tuesday, as A.F.Ds [Alcohol free, days.] Thank-you so much Sonia".

Anthony G.


"Thank you Sonia for assisting me to take control of my alcohol consumption. Sonia has given me the ability to make the right choices, assisted me to get control and balance back in my life.

For the last 18 years, I had continued my teenage partying onto a habit of drinking every day. Recently I have the responsibility of a new child and realisation that I am getting older and more and more unfit which I was not happy with. With the assistance of Sonia and hypnotherapy, I am absolutely amazed about how much of a difference it has made to my life and decision making. I now make the right choices, have clarity day to day and drink when I choose to. I now do not drink by myself or when I work the next day but only with friends and social occasions and have the ability to stop when I choose. I almost feel sorry for the beers in the fridge that do not get drunk until the weekend!! Even writing this now, I can not believe what my habits were 3 weeks ago!!

This has made me feel free and allows me to focus on what is important, family and health (and also a lot less hangovers!!)

Thank you Sonia so much. You have made a great difference to my life and would recommend this to anyone to try"

Jonathan P.


"I came to Sonia as a last resort, not knowing what to expect. I had a rare condition called CREST diagnosed 18 months before I went to see Sonia. This is an auto-immune disorder, where the body attacks itself. One of the symptoms, and for me the most troubling, was Raynaud’s where the fingers of both my hands were “black” and very painful much of the time, as the blood could not reach the fingertips. Doctors have had to operate on them a few times - after that I did not let anyone, not even my kids come near my fingers. My toes were the same, but not as bad. I’d had enough of the pain. During my first session with Sonia, I could see how I had literally decided to “shut off” from people in my life who had ‘done me wrong’ because it was too painful. In “shutting off emotionally”, I had somehow shut-off my circulation. After just one session, the circulation into my fingers improved dramatically. I am pain-free and I even allow my kids to touch my fingers - they were surprised with the improvement too – it was amazing. I still have work to do in my emotional life, and health-wise, but now I have a greater understanding of how my thoughts and feelings affect my health and well-being and I am so grateful for what’s been achieved".

Christine M.


[Constipation linked to a diagnosis of ‘redundant bowel’ – large intestines are longer than usual].
A quick email to let you know the results of my hypnosis treatment and diet changes have been very good - one movement first thing each day. I think the …. is especially effective. It is a massive improvement in my life and I am very grateful to you.

Lucas H.


"I went to see Sonia at the hypnosis and health practice for help in dealing with past life issues. I did not know what to expect as I have never been hypnotised before and to be honest was not even sure if hypnosis could assist for past life issues. I was amazed at the results after just one session. After one session, I had begun to recognise and identify patterns that have been present for aeons of time which I had unknowingly had been engaging in that really weren’t helpful or benefiting me. I was able to change my behaviour and as such I avoided arguments, a potential huge fallout at work and in the process realised what freedom of choice really means. I was also surprised at how comfortable I felt throughout the session. I felt at all times I was safe and secure and how so not scary hypnosis is.

After a second session, I saw a new me emerge and felt more confident that I would not engage in previous past behaviours. I began to understand how my behaviour and my own past life patterns were continually being repeated through my own doing. It was positively life changing and I feel so much happier in my work relationships and most importantly in my relationship with family and loved ones. I can’t thank Sonia enough as without her and her skills as a hypnotist, I would never have been able to fully realise my potential and my life purpose. Thank-you Sonia."
Sarah S.

"Hi Sonia, I had an appointment on... where i was regressed...I just want to thank you for it...it was an amazing experience and thought you were very good at it...i understand that as i get hypnotised more, regressions will be more effective in unlocking memories and information that im looking for and if i ever do get another regression i'll be sure to book an appointment with you :) thanks again"
Brendan K.

Call Sonia today to book your first hypnotherapy session!