Healing Effect - Aboriginal Healing

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Holographic Kinetics


Servicing area

Sydney, New South Wales

Focus areas

Health issues Fears Anxiety Shame Emotions Anger

Holographic Kinetics

Holographic Kinetics is an advanced healing modality created by Steve Richards and is based on ancient Aboriginal knowledge of the universal laws of LORE and cause and effect.

Holographic Kinetics

Holographic Kinetics combines ancient Aboriginal healing knowledge and universal laws with science and geometry to create a potent healing therapy which enables access to our Spirit and previous dimensions of time, to locate and examine the cause of issues that are still affecting us now.

Our Thoughts Create Our Reality

Our thought-forms are alive and when we give them energy they grow into life forms and evolve further into entities which may then be triggered, going on to feed off negative energy created by our reactions.
When we resist the situations that life presents and our negative thoughts and feelings are not expressed in the moment, the energy of those emotions, thoughts and trauma trap energy, which then crystallises or stagnates within us.
When the energy is internalised and held in the cellular memory, it seeks its own frequency for survival and attracts negative situations into your life in recurring cycles. We then spend our time swinging between action and reaction. The only way forward is to be between the two - at the zero-point. Once they’re created in the invisible realms, life forms manifest as physical imbalances including: disease, anger, depression, anxiety, fear, pain, emotional disorders, drug and alcohol dependency, mental health issues and unwelcome other situations.
Because our thoughts create our reality, the outcome of negative thinking on your life is negative. What kind of future do you want to experience? What we think today creates our tomorrow, and by altering our thought processes and perspective, we then change our moods, our outlook and even our physiology.

“The answer to your problems lies in your past”


Holographic Kinetics has its foundation in the belief that time is simply a dimension, and by using this unique therapy, Spirit can access previous points and dimension in time to locate any negative reactions that were locked in then and are still affecting you today.
Once this other time is accessed, you are able to acknowledge and understand the experience, heal the past and restore balance - our past together with our present creates our future.

Clearing the issues affecting you gives you freedom to create a positive future.

Areas that can be assisted include:
  • emotional problems
  • trauma
  • anger, guilt, shame
  • anxiety
  • mental health issues
  • drug / alcohol dependency
  • depression
  • psychic attack
  • abuse
  • relationship issues
  • PTSD
  • sexual problems
  • inter-dimensional interference
  • compulsive disorders
  • hearing voices
  • suicidal thoughts

If you’re interested in learning more about Holographic Kinetics, or to book an appointment with the Healing Effect, call us, visit our website or click on one of the buttons below to make contact.

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