Monica Williams therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2017

Monica Williams

Monica Williams - Healthier By Choice

Maroochydore QLD 4558

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Monica has devoted over 25 years to her work as a Holistic Naturopath. Her approach is characterized by sincere care, steady support, practical steps, and a deeply holistic perspective. Monica uses a range of modalities in her practice, including Behavioural Naturopathy, Health Counselling, Live Blood Viewing, Functional Pathology, Bowen Therapy and Frequency Specific Microcurrent. She recognizes that the health journey can be daunting and overwhelming when you are unwell, often driving anxiety and fear. Monica' offers professional support so this process can feel more manageable, helping you to move forward with a greater sense of confidence, direction and progress.

Behavioural Naturopathy | Frequency Specific Microcurrent Therapy (FSM) | Bicom Bioresonance

Servicing area

Online | Maroochydore, Qld | Melbourne

Focus areas

Emotional wellbeing Health issues Digestive health Fears Wellbeing Chronic health issues


  • Behavioural Naturopathy takes into account the way our biochemistry and physiology affect the way feel and behave. Whatever is happening it all started somewhere, it doesn't come from space. We seek the causative triggers and drivers so that we can resolve health issues permanently, not just bandaid symptoms as is the pharmaceutical model. We support you so that direction is clear, understanding is achieved, and change is easier.  Naturopathic sessions are online via videocall, or in person in Maroochydore Queensland.  
  • Live Blood Screening - so much can be seen in just one drop of blood on a darkfield microscope. While this is not a medical technique, it brings value to seeing what is going on in the stream of life that runs your body. These sessions are available to existing clients of the Maroochydore clinic, once an initial consultation has been done.  We find it offers a useful measure of progress. 
  • Functional Pathology


  • Frequency Specific Microcurrent Therapy (FSM) - ​Think of FSM as a battery for your body's repair crew. Shown to increase ATP, cellular energy, by up to 500%, FSM is one of the few therapies that can directly stimulate and support mitochondrial function, enhancing cellular repair, to help your body heal itself faster, function better, and accelerate recovery. It's like giving your body a much-needed tune-up, a healing electron recharge.  Sessions available in Maroochydore Qld (Sessions in Melbourne are available four times a year - register via email if you would like to book a session series in Melbourne). 
  • Adhesion & Scar Therapy - helping to clear abdominal adhesions from surgery, pregnancy, birth, endometriosis, fibroids, catheters and bladder issues. Liberating the belly is one of our most beautiful offerings. This work has been found to literally change the lives of the women in our clinic. 
  • Bowen Therapy - relaxing and resetting the body naturally, a lovely body maintenance once the hard work of clearing adhesions, trigger points, scarring, tension and pain is done. 

Women's Health 

Supporting hormonal harmony and wellness for women from menarche to menopause and beyond.

  • Menstrual problems - pain, irregularity, heavy, flooding periods, ovulation pain, menstrual pain
  • Polycystic ovaries
  • Endometriosis, fibroids, adenomyosis
  • Hashimoto’s, hypothyroid, thyroid nodules, hyperthyroid
  • Metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, weight gain
  • Glandular issues, swelling, lymphoedema
  • Fatigue, chronic fatigue, exhaustion
  • Anxiety, depression, melancholy, irritability, intolerance, overwhelm
  • Grief, loss, trauma,
  • Adrenal exhaustion
  • Trauma - narcissistic nervous system damage
  • Vaccine anxiety, adverse health effects following vaccination
  • Heart disturbances
  • Post covid vertigo and dizziness
  • Strange symptoms that people struggle to understand - we are seeing this much more post covid
  • Emotional distress, health fear, worry, anxiety

Holistic Paediatrics - Children's Health

Helping parents navigate the complex landscape of raising healthier children. 

  • PANDAS, PANS - immune-neuropsychiatric disorder
  • Spectrum issues
  • Behavioural issues, OCD - obsessions, compulsions, aggression
  • Inattention, emotional dysregulation, anxiety
  • Tics, twitches, repetitive behaviours
  • Sleep problems
  • Skin issues - rashes, eczema, roseola, ringworm, molluscum
  • Tummy trouble - nausea, gagging, trouble swallowing, picky eating, constipation, diarrhoea, pain, parasites, sugar addiction, encopresis
  • Fears and phobias
  • Recurrent infections - tonsillitis, bronchitis, colds, strep, tonsil stones
  • Attention deficit disorders
  • Skin picking, trichotillomania
  • Appendix and adenoid problems, glandular swelling
  • Birth trauma, head injuries
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Post concussion syndrome 
  • POTS - postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (more common since Covid also)

Tummy Trouble

When it comes to tummy trouble we need to understand the intricate relationship between gut health, overall well-being, and the diverse ecosystem of microorganisms residing in the gastrointestinal tract that make up the human microbiome. Tummy trouble tends to always come alongside issues with anxiety, depression, sleep disturbance, stress and food allergies/intolerances. 

  • Bloating, wind, colic pain
  • Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO_
  • Inflammatory bowel disorders - Crohns, IBD, Colitis, etc
  • Leaky Gut
  • Parasites, dysbiosis
  • Digestive slowness, lack of appetite or big appetite
  • Bulimia, anorexia, picky eating
  • Constipation, diarrohea
  • Stool incontinence 



Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) is an advanced therapy technique that utilizes low-level electrical currents to stimulate the body's natural healing processes. Picture it like using a precise, targeted electrical signal to reboot your body's internal systems. It's a bit like hitting the reset button on your body's cellular functions.

​Every cell in your body has its own unique electrical frequency. When you're healthy, these frequencies hum along in harmony, keeping everything running smoothly. But when you're injured, sick, or experiencing pain, these frequencies can go out of whack, causing all manner of problems.

​By delivering specific frequencies to targeted areas of your body, FSM aims to re balance and harmonise these disrupted frequencies. It's like fine-tuning your body's electrical system to optimize performance and promote healing. Because it stimulates and supports the body's own healing capacity, it can be used for most issues obstructing the process of wellness and healing. It is particularly useful for dissolving scar tissue and adhesions, working with the nervous system, digestive system, vagal tone, heart rhythm, immune regulation, pain and neurological issues. 

​What's great about FSM is that it's safe, non-invasive, painless and able to be tailored to what is required.  This therapy is versatile and able to address a wide range of health issues. Whether you're dealing with injury, chronic pain, adhesions, autoimmune disorders, or neurological issues like migraines, neuralgia, chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia, FSM offers a gentle yet effective way to support your body's own healing resources.

Helping people who are dealing with:

  • Caesarean and Abdominal surgery scars and adhesions
  • Mastectomy scarring
  • Phantom limb pain
  • Lymphatic scarring, swelling and oedema
  • Burn damage and skin scarring
  • Tissue damage from whiplash, concussions, car accidents, head neck and spine impacts
  • Nerve pain, neuralgia, diabetic neuralgia
  • Regional Pain Syndrome from nerve damage
  • Tissue damage from cancer treatments - radiation damage
  • Bladder pain, interstitial cystitis, irritable bladder
  • Post-concussion syndrome
  • Chronic pain due to Hyperflexibility conditions - EDS, Marfans
  • Stroke recovery
  • Fibromyalgia from spinal trauma
  • Inflammatory issues
  • Immune issues, Long Covid, Residual vaccine issues
  • Liver disorders, fatty liver
  • Kidney disease
  • Bowel disorders - Chrones, Colitis, Inflammatory Bowel, Irritable Bowel
  • Allergies, CIRS, MCAS
  • Tummy trouble - chronic nausea, reflux, scarring of the oesophagus, SIBO, gut permeability
  • Myofascial trigger points, splinted muscles, body twist issues, tingling, numbness, referred pain
  • Hypermobility disorders - EDS, Marfans (Genetic screening for 29 genes is available)
  • POTS 
  • Post Covid vertigo
  • Post Covid loss of smell or phantosmia 

 Scars & Adhesions

Scar tissue in the wrong place or extensive enough to bind up tissues and organs in the abdomen can lead to many issues like difficulty taking a deep breath, tenderness to touch, swelling, restricted movement, and if it cuts of the blood supply to any vascularised tissue, can cause a medical emergency. It is best to dissolve this tissue with Frequency Specific Microcurrent before complications arise. It is the only therapy that can dissolve this tissue within seconds, is non-invasive, and doesn't risk more damage from bleeding, tearing, bruising or further cutting. These in-person sessions are held in Maroochydore Queensland, and in Cheltenham Victoria at times through the year when there are people on the waiting list for Melbourne. More here

  • Post-surgical tissue or nerve damage
  • Caesarean scar remodelling
  • Adhesions and the gluing of abdominal organs and tissues together 
  • Bladder discomfort, pressure, constant desire to wee
  • Fibroids, Adenomyomas, Endometriosis
  • Restricted breathing
  • Tender abdomen
  • Painful intercourse from scarring or vaginismus (pelvic floor muscle lockdown)
  • Appendectomy
  • Gallbladder removal
  • Laparoscopy adhesions
  • PCOS adhesions
  • Endometriosis adhesions
  • Post-surgical issues



Naturopathic sessions are online via videocall for easy access.

All children's sessions are held online by videocall with the parent/s. Bioresonance, FSM or Bowen sessions can booked once the initial prescription is underway.

All sessions start with an online Initial Naturopathic Appointment - bookings can be made here

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Professional Membership

  • IICT - International Institute For Complementary Therapists

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