Victor Tuballa Natural Therapies

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Victor Tuballa is available on Saturdays. Wednesday and Friday afternoons after 5:30pm are also available by request

Victor Tuballa - Naturopathy, Herbal Medicine, Nutrition & Iridology

Focus areas

Hydration Digestive system Muscle pain Wellness Cellular health Body composition


A practice of preventing, assessing and treating conditions of the human mind and body. By integrating conventional health sciences with a range of natural therapies and traditional medicines, Naturopathy treats the patient's mental, emotional and physical states for a lasting effect.

Herbal Medicine

A system of medicine that has existed for thousands of years. Treatments are carried out via a prescription of herbal preparations in the form of either liquid extracts, tinctures, teas, capsules and tablets.


Nutrition is the science that establishes the relationship between a person’s diet and their levels of health.

Iridology (Digital)

Iridology is the study of the iris, or coloured part of the eye. The iris reveals changing conditions of every part of the organ of the body. Through various marks, signs and discolouration in the iris, nature reveals inherited weaknesses and strengths. Iridology cannot detect a specific disease however it can tell an individual if they have over or under activity in specific areas of the body.

For more information about the best services for your needs or to organise an appointment - just give us a call!

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