What is Pilates?

Pilates is a low-impact exercise that consists of precise movements and breathing techniques to lengthen and tone your muscles, improve your posture and strengthen your body. Developed by Joseph Pilates in World War I as a rehabilitation method, the Pilates method has evolved into a comprehensive workout that promotes health and prevents chronic diseases.

You can do Pilates at home using simple equipment, such as a Pilates mat and an exercise ball, but anecdotal evidence shows that it is more effective to work with a Pilates instructor.

Pilates in Sydney

How is Pilates Beneficial?

Pilates routines can improve your balance, coordination and posture, as well as increase muscle strength throughout your body. Additionally, it has been shown to preserve or restore mobility and function without surgery. Pilates can help with a wide range of conditions, including:

  • Obesity
  • Back pain 
  • Asthma
  • Osteoporosis 
  • Stress 
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle spasms
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Arthritis
  • Sciatica

How Much Does a Pilates Session in Sydney Cost?

Pilates sessions in Sydney range from $60 to $150 per session, depending on the type of class and where you go. You may want to sign up for a class package to get a discount if you plan to attend class on a regular basis. Online Pilates classes are also available. The practice of Pilates involves the use of various pieces of equipment such as Pilates mats, reformers and chairs.

How Many Pilates Instructors are Based in Sydney?

There are hundreds of Pilates instructors who live and work in Sydney. Most of them are employed at a Pilates studio, gym or club, while others have their own private practices. As Pilates becomes increasingly popular among the city's residents, the number of studios and instructors is on the rise.

How Many People in Sydney Do Pilates?

Pilates classes are popular in the city of Sydney. Forty per cent of Sydneysiders have tried Pilates and an additional four per cent plan to do so within the year. In 2011, a total of 95,000 people attended Pilates classes across Sydney's suburbs. This number puts Pilates in the top five exercise activities in Australia, along with boot camp, yoga and spin classes.