What is Deep Tissue Massage?

Deep tissue massage focuses on the deeper muscular structures and connective tissues, also known as fascia, which is the protective layer that surrounds muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments. During a deep tissue massage, the pressure used is usually more intense than what you may receive during a relaxation or Swedish massage. Deep tissue massage breaks up muscle knots and adhesions, allowing the muscles to soften and be flexible again. This results in less discomfort and increased movement.

Deep tissue massage in Lismore

What Conditions Can Benefit From a Deep Tissue Massage?

Deep tissue massage can help with a variety of conditions affecting the deep muscle tissues, including chronic pain and limited range of motion. People recovering from injuries, such as sprains or strains, as well as those suffering from chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia, will greatly benefit from deep tissue massage sessions. This type of massage also has the following benefits:

  • Relieves tension headaches or migraines
  • Treats sports injuries
  • Prevents injury recurrence
  • Decreases recovery time after surgery
  • Reduces stress
  • Increases mental clarity
  • Promotes healthier skin
  • Reduces pain in pregnant women
  • Reduces arthritis pain
  • Improves posture and blood circulation
  • Alleviates the side effects of cancer treatment

How Much Does Deep Tissue Massage in Lismore Cost?

The cost of deep tissue massage in Lismore can vary depending on the therapist and the clinic. Most deep tissue massage therapists charge between $60 and $150 per hour. Many massage clinics offer package deals that can lower the overall cost of deep tissue massage treatments.

How Many Deep Tissue Massage Therapists Work in Lismore?

New South Wales accounts for over 31% of Australia's entire massage workforce, so Lismore is expected to have over a thousand deep tissue massage therapists. They offer a wide range of specialisations and massage techniques to ensure that their clients' needs are met. Whether you are looking for relief from chronic pain or you just want to relax and de-stress, a deep tissue massage therapist can help you. 

How Many People in Lismore Use Deep Tissue Massage?

The prevalence of deep tissue massage in Lismore is higher than the national average. At least 66% of residents have had a deep tissue massage at some point in their lives. This suggests that there is a significant demand for this type of service in the area.