What is Past Life Regression Therapy?

Past life regression therapy is a therapeutic practice that uses hypnosis and other techniques to help individuals access past lives and uncover past memories, experiences, emotions and thoughts. Typically, sessions involve relaxing the mind and body using deep breathing and visualisation exercises, followed by guided hypnosis or past life regression to help you access past memories and experiences. Most people report feeling a sense of peace and tranquillity during past life regression therapy sessions, as well as increased confidence and self-awareness.

Past Life Regression Therapy in Geelong

What are the Benefits of Past Life Regression Therapy?

Receiving past life regression therapy, whether as a stand-alone or supplemental treatment, has been shown to have numerous health benefits. Some key benefits of past life regression therapy include improved mental health, physical healing and greater self-awareness. Among the conditions it can help with are:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Fears and phobias
  • Trauma
  • Digestive problems
  • Chronic pain
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Substance abuse
  • Eating disorders
  • Relationship issues
  • Skin conditions
  • Sleep disorders

How Much Does Past Life Regression Therapy Cost in Geelong?

The cost of past life regression therapy varies depending on the practitioner and the length of the session. Prices for a 15-minute or 60-minute session can range from $100 to $200, but a longer session may cost up to $340.

How Many Past Life Regression Therapy Practitioners are Based in Geelong?

In Geelong and other communities throughout Victoria, there is a growing number of qualified practitioners offering past life regression therapy. According to research, the Australian Hypnotherapists Association (AHA) has more than 100 registered hypnotherapists in the region who practise past life regression therapy.

How Many Geelong Residents Use Past Life Regression Therapy?

Past life regression therapy is becoming increasingly popular among Geelong residents, with many people seeking it out to address a variety of mental and physical health issues. If you want to try past life regression therapy for yourself or a loved one, make sure to consult with a qualified therapist in your area who can help you determine if it is the right option for your needs.