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Balance Central

Balance Central

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Are you working hard at your business with minimum results? Would you like your business to flow with ease?

Balances For Business

Focus areas

Values Motivation Purpose Wellness Headaches Makeup

Your business can hold stress in its energies and as a result it may not flow as effectively as possible. If your business is not flowing your business can struggle to attract what it needs to grow and evolve.

When stress is removed from your business it will start to attract the ideas, people and situations that it needs to be successful. By identifying and releasing the issues your business will begin to feel a new lease on life and things will start to fall into place.

We all have different reasons and valid explanations for why our business is not achieving what we want. We feel so connected to our business that we often can't see the real reasons behind the challenges are things like time, finances and missed opportunities. The 3 main areas that are affected by these challenges are the conception of the business, the day to day workings of the business and the future direction we want for our business.

By looking closely at these challenges we can start to see where the problems really are which gives your business a chance to start breathing again. The next step is to ensure you are aligned to your business and can see it through clear eyes. When we have a new perspective it results in our ability to let go of the past and move forward to where we want our business to be.

Give your business the new lease on life you have wanted by balancing the Foundations, the Fundamentals, the Projection and Aligning you to the new balanced energies of your business. Let's get your business flowing.

Business Testimonials
3 Business Balances and 1 "Alignment to the Business" balance over a few weeks.

Shirley – Shirley Farrell HR Management Services
Shirley is the owner of HR Management Services and at the beginning of 2011 she had recognized that her business was being blocked in certain areas and she felt the flow that she had been working hard to achieve was lacking. We completed 4 Balances for her Business and 12 months later the results have been amazing.

Shirley Wrote
"I thought that you might like to know what has occurred this year since having a balance completed in January on my business and on me personally. Towards the end of last year my business started to pick up and I was feeling a little "chaotic" and "dysfunctional" from the degree of "busy-ness." So the opportunity to get some balance back was a very welcome one. What I did not expect to happen was what occurred since the balance and what a difference it has made to my confidence in what I do. You see when I look back on 2011, I think about all the "wins" and milestones that I have achieved but there is one that stands out and which has not happened to me before in 3 years as a Business Adviser in HR Management. Every new client that I have met this year has engaged my services. Every existing client has renewed their retention contract with my business. I don't know how many businesses can make a claim to 100% repeat business and 100% engagement from new business and I don't know exactly what I have done but I definitely intend to keep doing it! What a sensational year and many thanks to Balance Central for playing a role in the success of HR Management Services."

Anne – What Not To Wear
Anne is a successful business owner and has a fantastic reputation for the work she does. However there is always room for improvement and she felt her business could do with a little bit of a push to get the money flowing. She also recognized that her own fears were holding her back and wanted an effective way of getting past those fears.

Anne Wrote
"You know how sometimes you just hook up with someone, over a coffee, not too sure what you're going to chat about, but the universe has put you together for a reason!? Well that happened with Chris and I. She suggested a coffee, I thought, what a great idea and before you know it I'd decided I wanted a business balance. My gut told me it was right. Without going into details, I must admit my business could have done with a serious cash injection and an improved attitude of abundance. I went along with Chris's schedule of 4 balances - 2 remote balances, 1 face-to-face balance and 1 alignment balance at her practice and hoped for the best. After the first two I didn't notice anything dramatic but during the week following the last session I was starting to think 'oh my God, what on earth did she do?'!!!

I documented my observations during only the first 10 days following my time with Chris and here's what I noticed. Bewildered with the level of success and positive manifestation is an understatement:
  • An entire week of back to back appointments in the style side of my business. That's NEVER happened before. One or two a week is usually considered good.
  • 3 people approached me about the health and wellness side of the business wanting product or business information where normally I feel I need to do the approaching
  • My negative attitude and fear of rejection with the networking side has totally and unequivocally lifted. I noticed this when I had to pick up the phone for a normally difficult conversation, I felt positive and fabulous. When I hung up all I could think of was 'what just happened????'
  • We've had amazing sales success at one of our skincare gatherings with only 2 guests at the table. The results were mindblowing.
  • The ideas of fun, positive ways to build my Usana business are flooding out of my head whereas not that long ago I was questioning whether it was the right path for me.
  • A makeup class with just one person was followed by a $500 makeup order and another class booking
  • The profiling has now skyrocketed to a corporate level and I've been voted 'the face of the Art of Profiling' – so it's now looking to be bigger than Ben Hur when we always thought it would take a year or two to grow
  • I had a few clear out items on ebay – normally stuff doesn't sell too well, this time it all went at a great price – ALL of it!
  • And finally I simply couldn't resist a pair of very expensive high fashion frames (specs). Normally I would get worried about how I'd pay for it, pay it off slowly or be fearful about how I'd explain it to my accountant husband. But this time I manifested the cash to cover it totally without a worry in the world. Believe me, no one is more surprised than me.
Holy Moly woman, what on earth did you do!!! And that's only in 10 days!!!!! I'm totally totally bewildered in a positive way because I've spent money on all sorts of seminars and coaching and no one ever ever has created this kind of result with my business and quite possibly my attitude toward it. And now I want to make sure it stays!!! Would I recommend Chris's balances to others?? Hell yeah but not if makes her too busy for ME!"

Renée – Do Dance Academy
5 years into her business and Renee is being sort after by many other dance studios to teach for them and has been successful in expanding the student numbers of other studios however in her own business student numbers weren't able to increase beyond a certain number. She has been trying to expand her business but at every turn there was resistance to change. She wanted to attract and maintain the people who want to be part of where Do Dance is heading. She also needed to get organized and stop procrastinating about all the things that needed to be done.

Renée Wrote
"I had been trying to get the beginning of year mail out together for weeks and just couldn't get it organized and I had no motivation or enthusiasm for the oncoming year and all the work that it would bring.

Immediately after the business balances two things happened:
I was able to sit down and put all of the beginning of year mail out information together in one go. I also received the 2 emails (I had been waiting and was worried wouldn't that they wouldn't arrive in time) that made sure all the handouts and advertising could be completed in time.
I also received my first enquiry for the new year and have a new student doing both ballet and tap. I never get enquiries from people eager to start this early in the year."

Jason - Business Owner
A Business Owner who was feeling frustrated and ready to give up on a business he has had for 8 years as there had been no work for a number of months. Everything he tried there was a block – even trying to co-ordinate a simple advertisement for the business was hard work.

Jason Wrote
"I don't know how to explain it but there are feelings of being overwhelmed and having too much to do even with the smallest list.

Chris completed 3 Business Balances and when I woke the following morning I had a nice clean clear feeling about work and its progress. I received a phone call, the morning after the balance, wanting me to complete work for the Government. I get calls like this every 6 to 12 months, but hours after a business balance?

Things feel like they are flowing smoothly in all areas. Looks like I will get the job I spoke about on Monday afternoon and I received another request for a larger job for early next year. These calls have been coming in gradually but continually ever since the business balance and it looks like the business will have an excellent 2011 to look forward to.

I believe it is very important to combine a business balance with a personal balance if you are very close to your work as I am.

Since the balance, not only has my work started to increase and flow smoothly, it has happened with little work from me to bring it in.

Not only has my business improved but also my personal life has exploded in an awesome way. I have met a wonderful lady and we get on like I have never got on with anyone before. We are both extremely compatible and want the same things.

Things are looking, feeling and flowing great in all areas of my life. I now no longer have to push and drive my business to where I want it.

Once you know what you want to manifest, and you have your issues or blocks cleared or balanced, the things that you want can't help but be attracted to you.

The flow feels great. I forgot what it was like."

If things are not flowing smoothly or you are feeling a bit off colour continually, I would highly recommend seeing Chris for a balance or remote balance. The business balances and 2 personal balances were done remotely, and they work, very well, life changing well. Happy Journey Jason
Since the balance it has me excited as to what this year will bring for the business and myself.
I love the power of RAW – it's only just starting. Thank you"

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