Margaret Radford therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2011

Margaret Radford

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Quit Cigarettes or VAPING or learn how to Reach Your Ideal Weight in one easy session - the right time is now I have now been operating for over fourteen years and I offer a twelve month guarantee.

Breathe To Live

Servicing area

Perth, Canningvale, Forrestfield

Focus areas

Smoking cessation Weight management Joy Stress Management

Why Dont People Quit Cigarettes or Vapes?

Of course nobody can make you do what you dont want to do, but if you really want to quit you could be free of the smoking habit in just 60 minutes

There is now a combination of hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) which can make it easier for you to achieve your goal of being a non-smoker.

Everyone knows cigarettes are not good for them. Everyone knows they spend too much money on cigarettes.

So, why do people continue to smoke? And better yet, why is it so hard for so many people to quit cigarettes? 63% of smokers want to quit. But they dont. Why?

Because we are all different.

    • Some people do not want to put on weight


    • Some people do not want to go through the withdrawal symptoms.


    • Some people do not think they have the will power to quit cigarettes


    • Some people smoke to relieve stress and relax


  • Some people are addicted to cigarettes

The biggest reason of all Because smoking cigarettes is not actually under your control.

How many cigarettes a day do you actually enjoy? If you are like most, maybe 4-5. All the others you smoke almost unconsciously. Smoking cigarettes is usually done by your unconscious mind.

It is like driving. When you first learned how to drive you had to consciously think about it. But what do you do now when you drive? You go down the road, eating your lunch, talking on your phone, and playing with the stereo. You drive unconsciously.

When you first started to smoke you did it consciously. But now it is something your unconscious mind does automatically.

So unless you deal with the individual reasons unique to each person, you will not have any luck in quitting cigarettes long term.

Twelve Month Guarantee

We are so confident in this system that we are still the only people who back up our quit cigarettes session with a twelve month guarantee.

This means that if you ever start smoking cigarettes again, we will do a follow up session at no charge to help you quit cigarettes for good. Yes, you read that correctly. If you ever start smoking cigarettes again in the future, we will do a session for FREE to help you become a non-smoker again.

This system makes it so easy that after only 60 minutes you will be a non-smoker. You will know for yourself that at the end of the session, you are now a non-smoker. You wont feel as if you are giving anything up, or having to cope with not having cigarettes.

You will be satisfied and happy that you have now done what so many people only wish to do. Be a non-smoker with ease. You have become a happy, permanent, non-smoker for life.

What is involved?

You will call up the number on this brochure and book your reservation.

You will show up for your session and fill out some paperwork.

You will meet with your quit cigarettes specialist and begin your session which will consist of:

    • some background information about you and your habit


    • Talking with you about your specific reasons and excuses about why you are not quitting


    • Talking about the system and how it works


    • Doing the system which will include advanced hypnosis, NLP, reframing, and other systems.


  • Giving you support materials to help insure you remain a non-smoker for life.

You go home a non-smoker for life.


2 Services


$500 Per course

Quit Cigarettes Twelve Month Guarantee/10 years experience


$500 Per course

Reach Your Ideal Weight Twelve Month Guarantee/10 years exp.


  • Diploma In Community Services

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