Butterfly Effects therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2009

Butterfly Effects

Butterfly Effects

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With extensive experience in a range of natural therapies Kylee Williams offers a holistic approach to wellbeing for the individual, providing an environment of growth, relaxation & healing.

Butterfly Effects - Services

Servicing area

All areas with video link work.

Focus areas

Stress Management Nurturing Spiritual guidance Love Childbirth Nervous system


Holistic Therapies

Kylee utilises her Medical Intuitive Skills to assess medical conditions, events, spiritual and emotional experiences of the individual’s life. A plan oh healing is then developed and put into action.

Dry Needling

Can be used alone or in conjunction with other therapies. Dry needling is a skilled intervention that uses thin needles to penetrate the skin and stimulate underlying myofascial trigger points, muscular & connective tissues for the management of neuromusculoskeletal pain & movement impairments.


Reflexology is amazing as a means of preventative care & is highly beneficial treatment with effects such as improving circulation, inducing relaxation, balancing the body’s systems, cleansing the body of toxins and revitalising energy. It is effective for a variety of disorders from infertility & digestive issues right through to diabetes foot care.

Bowen Technique

A highly effective, safe and gentle method that utilises subtle moves over the connective tissues & muscles which send messages through the nervous system stimulating the body to return back to its natural state of balance, ready for healing. Bowen is highly beneficial for addressing the body’s musculoskeletal framework, nerves, fascia & organs and assisting the enhancement of lymphatic drainage, circulation and eliminating toxins.

Infant Massage and Paediatric Massage Consulting

Kylee is a Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI) and Paediatric Massage Consultant (PMC). She works with parents &/or caregivers to teach skills in Massaging their infants, including learning about the appropriate oils, techniques, contraindications, timing & benefits of massaging children of all ages. Baby Bowen Specialist Kylee specialises in Bowen Therapy for Infants, Toddlers and Children. Bowen can assist with a vast range of conditions including but not limited to physical discomfort, digestive issues, constipation, neck resistrictions, attachment and feeding issues, behavioural disorders, special needs, relaxation, sleeping and much more. Initial Consultation 0-6months In this session Kylee will assess any issues, discuss the infant’s birth and any presenting conditions as well as perform a Bowen Treatment. Follow-Up Consultation 0-6months In this session Kylee will re-assess presenting symptoms and perform Bowen Therapy. Consultation 6mths-10 years Kylee will assess any presenting conditions and treat accordingly with Bowen Therapy. Children 11+ years are treated as either a child or adult depending on the length of time, complexity and nature of their presenting conditions.


    • Intuitive Massage
    • Manual Lymphatic Drainage
    • Infant Massage
    • Remedial Massage
    • Aroma Bliss Massage
    • Relaxation Massage
    • Oriental Massage (Tui Na) and/or Acupressure
    • Indian Head Massage

The Services below are available both face-to-face in person or via video-link formats.

Clinical Hypnotherapy

A supportive, effective and gentle method of therapy whilst under hypnosis. It is a highly beneficial and safe treatment that has the potential for helping the client move toward their goals. An amazing therapy to help with pain, childbirth, stress, anxiety, weight loss and smoking and so much more…

Meditation & Relaxation

Meditation & Relaxation… Amazing for inner growth, connecting with one’s self and for healing.

Intuitive Counselling

Guidance, support and assistance in a private and safe environment.

Spiritual Guidance/Readings

Guidance and/or readings can quite effectively help the course of one’s own individual journey.


Reiki is an ancient form of healing that focuses on the energy flow through the Chakras on the body and is amazing for tension & stress as well as for improving overall wellbeing and health. It is also highly useful for cleansing, detoxifying, relaxing, nurturing, releasing emotions & much, much more.

Dream Therapy

A safe, effective and often surprising way of gaining insight into your inner self. Dream Therapy helps you to understand what you dreams are revealing about your hidden fears, desires, ambitions or even parts about yourself.

Client Endorsements

Thank you so much. Everything you said in your reading all makes sense.. xxx

Kylee you are such a comfort to me in my thinking!

To know I have such support has really bolstered me up high! What a gift you have!

Thank you for your treatment today as it is the first time in a month I’ve had relief. It has made a huge difference. You have magic fingers, hands and aura and I am very grateful for what you have done in just one session! x

I feel so calm and feel sure that you are the reason for doing so Kylee ! We are blessed to have your help !!! x

My child had a great night sleep last night and her communication is so much better since her healing which is awesome, she is doing much better and so am I thank you x

Just want to tell you that you worked wonders today and I feel so much better, thank you! xxx

Wowsers your words are bringing tears to my eyes. You’re so amazing thank you. xx

Thank you Kylee, for the positivity in the reading. The words you use almost come from within my own being. x

While living for ten years in both the United Kingdom and France, I met and shared time with numerous internationally ranked psychics and Reiki Healers. Kylee’s psychic gifts are equal to the best of them and when coupled with her Reiki mastery, outshines them all. xxx


For more information about any of our services listed, costs or to get into contact with us, click here.

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