Dr Chung Lin therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2006

Dr Chung Lin

Chung's Acupuncture

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Dr Chung Hsiu Lin is a fully qualified and AHPRA registered Doctor of Chinese Medicine that practices in Carlton. Drawing from the experience of a rich family history of Chinese Medicine practitioners, he will be able to assess your unique constitution and current pattern of disharmony and prescribe acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine that are tailored to you as an individual.

Chung's Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Carlton

Servicing area


Focus areas

Chinese herbal medicine Headaches Lifestyle Aches & pains Complementary Infertility

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Please call or SMS on 0432565812 for Bookings and Enquiries Thanks.

Clinic Location

239 Nicolson Street
Carlton VIC 3053

2 hour off street parking are available in front of clinic on Nicholson street as well as Kay street

96 Tram from Parliament station stops right outside clinic.

About Chinese Medicine

Chinese Medicine is a traditional complementary medicine ideally suited to curing the aches and pains of modern lifestyles. It has been proven to be effective in alleviating the symptoms of muscular pain, arthritis, chronic fatigue, pre or post menopausal syndromes and many other ailments. Patients are frequently astonished at the improvement in happiness and lifestyle that can be brought about by traditional treatments such as acupuncture, herbal medicine and traditional Chinese massage.

Fundamental Concepts

Chinese Medicine is based on a tradition of knowledge which has accumulated over thousands of years. The underlying philosophy is based on energy (known as "Qi") flowing through the body. Chinese medicine believes that health in the body and mind depends on the free flowing of Qi throughout the body, and that when this flow is blocked or disrupted, it causes the certain bodily functions to become over active or under active, resulting in physical illness, or mental or emotional imbalance.

The job of a Chinese Medicine practitioner is to detect the energy channels which are blocked, and provide treatment to restore balance and energy flow. This is achieved with the aid of different therapeutic tools such as herbs and acupuncture.

What you can expect in a session

A typical treatment normally lasts for forty-five minutes to an hour. Your Chinese Medical practitioner starts by asking for your medical history and signs and symptoms. He or she will take your pulse, examine your tongue, check for sites of pain in various channels of energy flow and come up with a diagnosis based on the findings. Your diagnosis will be explained to you in Chinese Medicine terms so you can understand what is happening and the possible causes for the pattern to develop over time. After that, various tools such as acupuncture, moxibustion, and herbal medicine will be used as necessary to correct the energetic imbalance. You will also be given certain exercises, stretches and diet recommendations which will facilitate recovery between treatments.

What conditons can be managed by Chinese Medicine?

Chinese medicine treats patterns of disharmony, and its focus is on restoring health and balance, therefore it is not disease specific, however commonly treated conditions are things like:

muscular pain
anxiety disorders
migraine and cluster headaches
chronic fatigue
menopausal syndromes
Premenstrual syndromes (PMS)
nicotine addiction alcohol and other addictions
natural and IVF pregnancy support
infertility in men and women
urinary tract infections
skin disorders
premature hair loss
autoimmune problems like hay fever and other allergies, irritable bowel syndromes, etc.

About Dr Chung

Dr Chung Hsiu Lin is a fully qualified and AHPRA registered Doctor of Chinese Medicine, with a Bachelor degree in Chinese Medicine from Victoria University. Born in Taiwan, Dr Chung is the third generation in his family to practice Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. Having grown up with Chinese Medicine, Dr Chung has experienced first hand the benefits of Acupuncture and Herbal treatments, and having attained his qualifications here in Australia he is able to explain clearly the Chinese medical perspective of your condition and what needs to be done to bring about recovery.

Opening Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
9am - 5pm

Rebates available with all major health insurance providers (HBA, Medibank, Australian Unity, etc..)

Please call 0432 565 812 for bookings and inquiries.

Business Hours

We're open 4 days.


9:00 am To 5:00 pm


9:00 pm To 5:00 pm


9:00 am To 5:00 pm


9:00 am To 5:00 pm


  • Bachleor Health Science & Applied, Science Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine

Professional Membership

  • ATMS - Australian Traditional Medicine Society

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