Robert McInnes therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2015

Robert McInnes

Cogntive Principle Matrix

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Cognitive Principle Therapy [CPT] is a unique natural therapy which teaches how fear, anger and sadness lead to growth and happiness if processed in the correct way. CPT specialises in anger management. For more information please send an enquiry or call 0408 579 312 and mention you found me on Natural Therapy Pages

Cogntive Principle Matrix - Life Coaching

Servicing area

Glen Waverley & Melbourne South East

Focus areas

Road rage Self awareness Mantra Changing habits Values Love

LIFE COACHING- Zero based resilience method.

Zero based resilience coaching starts with bringing the client to the present time and accepting the past as the past. It then builds resilience using the Cognitive Principle Matrix comprised of the 7 cognitive truths and the 5 principle groups which cover emotions and values. It is a structured program which has the following benefits:

  • Improves self-awareness
  • Builds self-confidence
  • Creates a model of balance which provides stability in difficult situations
  • Improves relationships
  • Improves focus and attention on goals
  • Establishes priorities and a plan to achieve those.
  • Builds both emotional and spiritual intelligence.
  • Increases wisdom.

Resilience coaching is based on the following rules of learning.

  • Learn faster using the subconscious patterning system, than the conscious mind.
  • The easiest way to change an old habit is to create a new habit and attach it to the old habit.
  • All learning is through repetition and repeating mantras is the easiest way to enjoy repetition.
  • There is more passion in learning if the Why, What, How method is used, rather than just the how method.

Program for Zero Based Resilience Coaching

Zero Base:

1. Review the past events in your life and bring that to the point of unconditional acceptance, which is the zero base.
2. Unconditional accept those things which are not ideal, but are not a priority in your life at the present time.
3. Learn the rules about influence and concern, related to the past, present and future.

Sometimes limiting beliefs prevent both the achievement of goals and the failure to unconditionally accept the past. See below relating to limiting beliefs.

Resilience Coaching:

1 Goals and Priorities

a. Ask the Why, what, how question to determine what you really want and what are the priorities.
b. Establish the set of skills and experience necessary to achieve the highest priority.
d. Ensure that the support and challenge are balanced. For example have you considered the rewards versus the risks, the advantages versus the disadvantages.
c. Establish the support required to balance the challenge so that the highest priority goal will be achieved

2. Truths & Principles

a. Establish a set of core beliefs about the highest priority goals.
b. Select from the 7 truths the ones which support the goal and learn those.
c. Select the principles from the group of 5 principle groups and learn those.
d. Establish a set of mantras that will create new habits to support the goal.

3. Action Plan:

a. Commence an action plan which involves setting goals and achieving those.
b. Action plans will state that goals will be challenging yet realistic, achievable, measurable and reported against on a regular basis.

Notes on limiting beliefs:

Limiting beliefs are normally subconscious and are only received by the conscious mind as feelings.

Sometimes the conscious mind receives automatic thoughts and believes these are the truth thoughts. At other times the conscious mind will feel uncomfortable, but not understand why. The core beliefs are often too painful to accept, but the automatic beliefs can be accepted.

When undertaking zero based resilience coaching then limiting beliefs have to be addressed otherwise unconditional acceptance will not be achieved.

For more information about the best services for your needs or to organise an appointment - just give us a call!


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