Diana Fels therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2015

Diana Fels

Diana's Guide to Wellbeing

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Clients value Diana’s gentle approach and qualifications in Reiki, Reiki Distance Healing, Counselling, Coaching, Spiritual healing, Business management, Courses "Diana is caring, open, thoughtful and responsive.” – Joanne, Canberra

Business management - Diana's Guide to Wellbeing

Focus areas

Fears Wellbeing Anxiety Animal reiki Stress Management Wellness

Business management and accounting

Being in a healthy financial position will contribute positively to your outlook on life and overall wellbeing.

With 28 years’ experience in finance and senior management positions, I am well-equipped to provide services and support in financial counselling, financial coaching, business management and accounting and bookkeeping – to help with your personal or business finance situations.

Learn more about, business management.

With Diana’s Guide to Wellbeing by your side, you’ll be well on your way to taking back control of your life.

To book an appointment or for more information, contact Diana or see website for more details.


Copyright © 2015 Diana’s Guide to Wellbeing. All rights reserved


2 Services

Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden Training Level 1, 2-day course Canberra

Workshop Spiritual Healing Energy Healing Reiki Animal Therapy
$420 Per course

Held regularly: Canberra. Reiki Level I teaches you to bring in the universal energy to promote healing in yourself and others, as well as balance and harmony to the body and your life. Reiki 1: https://dianasguidetowellbeing.com.au/courses/reiki-level-1/

Usui Reiki Ryoho Okuden Training Level 2, 2-day course Canberra

Workshop Spiritual Healing Energy Healing Reiki Animal Therapy
$560 Per course

Held regular: Canberra. Reiki 2 - develops a deeper understanding of the power of Reiki, connects to three sacred symbols, distant healing, enhances your own energy and healing levels. Reiki 2: https://dianasguidetowellbeing.com.au/courses/reiki-level-2/

Business Hours

We're open 5 days.


9:00 am To 5:30 pm


9:00 am To 5:30 pm


9:00 am To 5:30 pm


9:00 am To 5:30 pm


9:00 am To 5:30 pm


  • Reiki Master
  • Business Coaching
  • EMDR Practitioner
  • Diploma In Professional Counselling
  • Accountant
  • Public Practice Licence (CPA)

Professional Membership

  • Australian Counselling Association (ACA)
  • Australian Reiki Connection (ARC)
  • Shibumi International Reiki Association (SIRA)
  • Institute of Public Accountants (IPA)
  • Institute of Financial Accountants (IFA)

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