Fiona Bentley
Fiona Bentley - Reiki for Pets and Horses Gold Coast Hinterland
Servicing area
Gold CoastFocus areas
Reiki is a wonderful tool for maintaining general wellbeing and restoring balance in your pet or horse.
By learning Reiki you will be able to deepen your relationship with your animals and it will assist you both in releasing emotional and physical blockages improving your health and happiness.
Horses are very sensitive and intuitive creatures and respond very well to Reiki since its effectiveness is not dependant upon physical contact. So one is able to work on the physical body and in the energy field, whichever is most comfortable for the horse.
If the horse is emotionally in a good place it will perform better. A happy balanced horse will be less prone to injury and disease and can recover more quickly in times of illness.
For a Race horse or Competition horse, Reiki can enhance mental performance and concentration as well as helping to keep the body in shape.
Reactions To Healing
Horses lips may quiver, head drop and eyes begin to close.
Yawing is very common and releasing of deep breaths.
Horses like humans can take several minutes to recover from a deeply relaxed state, and the changes can carry on taking place for quite a while after the actual healing session has finished.
I recommend the horse be allowed to relax on the day they are given the healing, just as a person would be advised to go home and relax.
I recommend two Reiki treatments to start with and this includes a flower essence or distant healings. Then we re-access and discuss further treatment and possibly another flower essence blend.
HORSES - $70 Locally and $100 from 40 to 60 minutes drive away. Consultation is up to 60 minutes long.
PETS - $70 - a 1 hr Reiki consultation in the comfort of their home.
DISTANCE HEALING 60 mins - $50 for long distance or International clients. This is a very effective way of helping animals and people to heal and feel more comfortable in themselves. We can chat over Zoom or over the phone and you tell me your concerns regarding your Pet or Horse and then I follow this with a 60 min treatment done remotely. I follow up with a call in the next day or so and find out how they are.
(I require a photograph, breed and name of your pet/horse.)
Personalised Intuitive Aromatherapy Sprays to assist your pet in feeling happier – 100ml $20
Intuitive Bach Flower Essence Consultation $20
Course is 3 full days, 9am to 4pm, $400, maximum of 2 students.
A pre-requisite is Level Two Reiki.
You have fun learning to do Reiki on horses, dogs and cows in person and distance healing on a beautiful farm at Canungra. This is a great way of strengthening your connection with animals through this gentle healing modality.
Animal Communication - when I work with the horses they communicate to me how they feel mentally, emotionally and physically.
I pass this information onto you in the consultation and what you choose to do with this information is up to you.
My intention is to work with integrity and to give animals a voice, so that they can become happier and healthier.
Easy for everyone to learn and use. Reiki can do no harm, even when used by the most novice practitioner. It goes to the deepest source of the problem and always supports a path towards balance and harmony.
All this is in the palm of your hands!
Level One Usui Tibetan Style Reiki - Is about learning to treasure yourself and help yourself to heal on a physical level
Prior to learning Reiki I recommend having a 1 hour treatment as this begins the healing process. You experience the body’s energy system & gain a better understanding of Reiki. On the course you will learn to treat yourself and others and explore the many uses of Reiki in your daily life. Course is held over 2 days and Investment is $300
Level Two Reiki - Treasuring Yourself and Letting go of the Past
This is the practitioner level and where you begin to take full responsibility for your own healing.
You learn three Usui symbols and how to let go of your past traumas, which enables you to live more fully in the present and really embrace life. You also learn to give professional Reiki treatments to others. Case studies are required at this level to develop confidence and competence. Course is held over 2 full days or 3 half days and Investment is $400
Advanced/Third Degree Level - Living Reiki and Expanding your Awareness
Is when a person is very dedicated and wishes to go on to either teach Reiki or just for your personal growth.
This level is held over 2 ½ days and you learn to give a healing attunement after receiving your Usui and Tibetan Master symbols. This expands your Reiki energy even more and you will be able to incorporate this into your treatment making it even more effective. Investment is $600
There is a minimum of at least 1 year between Advanced and Masters
This level is for students who really take responsibility for their own healing, have a good understanding of Reiki, attend monthly share groups and are disciplined in their Reiki practice.
The student receives their last attunement, learns to perform Attunements and pass the system onto others.
Through ongoing practice and taking responsibility for ourselves and our path, we purify our mind, our body, our heart and our soul opening ourselves up to love.
I am a member of the Australian Reiki Connection and have been a practitioner since 2001 and teaching Reiki since 2004
I did all my Usui Tibetan Style Reiki & Karuna Reiki training in the U.K. as well as Reiki for Horses training in Devon in the U.K.
If you would like any more information on Learning Reiki please give Fiona a ring now on Tel: 0438 717 146.
- Usui Tibetan Style Reiki/Master Teacher – UK – 2002 - 2003
- Karuna Reiki Master Teacher – UK – 2004
- Seichim Reiki – UK
- Reiki for Horses – UK
- Colour therapy for Animals – UK
- Crystal Therapy & Reflexology Level 4 – UK 2000 to 2004
- Accredited Trainer – QLD
Aromatouch Massage
1hrThis is a deeply relaxing aromatherapy back of the body massage. I use 8 pure doTerra essential oils to create an amazing treatment. This is a wonderful way of destressing, unwinding, clearing out negativity and letting go of tension in the body.
Reiki treatment
1hr 30minThis is a very gentle energy balancing treatment. Reiki helps melt away worries, anxiety, stress and tension. You come away feeling lighter and mentally clearer.
- AromaTouch Practitioner
- Tibetan Usui Reiki Master Teacher
- Animal Therapist
- Crystal Workshop Practitioner
- Nature and Energy Workshop Practitioner
- Colour Therapist