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Fiona Spence

Fiona Spence Mindset Coach

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Fiona Spence is a popular Mindset Coach. Known for her dynamic, non judgemental approach, she is highly sought after for her expertise in career coaching, life coaching and executive coaching.

Fiona has a passion for all things to do with the mindset. She combines years of business and leadership experience (from start up, through NFPs to blue chip) with mindset techniques from martial arts. A holder of multiple martial arts titles she loves sharing her learnings to help others build powerful, resilient mindsets that enable them to nail their goals.

Fiona is adept at helping people gain clarity and eliminate excuses, so if you find yourself stuck in any area of your life you should definitely book a call with Fiona Spence


Fiona Spence Mindset Coach Success Stories

Servicing area

Australia and New Zealand

Focus areas

Fears Exhaustion Face to face appointments Online consultations Hypnotherapist Leadership

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Goal Clarification

Fiona Spence really helped me clarify what I needed to action my goals. She is so knowledgeable and easy to work with. I recommend Fiona to assist you with what you want to achieve. She coaches by phone so you can be anywhere. Don't hold back - do yourself a huge favour and contact Fiona today. – Sherree Price, Industry Engagement Officer ASQA

Extremely helpful and insightful

Fiona was extremely helpful and insightful in getting me to find the answers from within. No right or wrong. No judging. Creating an atmosphere for open dialogue which fostered an in depth inspection of my life and where I was going or wanted to go. Best investment ever made! - L. Nicholls, Retiring but still in the arena!

Wonderful sounding board

Fiona is an excellent coach and mentor and I thoroughly enjoyed the sessions I had with her. Fiona was a wonderful sounding board who gave me a positive space in which to sort out my thoughts and feelings around a few major areas of my life such as career and relationships. She helped me work out what I really wanted and what I was willing to spend (not just in $ but in time, energy & effort also) to try to get there.

I can definitely recommend Fiona for anyone finding themselves feeling a bit lost or at a crossroads in life; as well as anyone wanting help defining clear actions for a clear path forward. – Elanor Kloester, Systems and Quality Engineer, Sequirus

Found Career direction

Fiona Spence helped me find direction in my career when I had none. The process she took me though enabled me to see what I really wanted from life and work, and set me on the path to realising a new vision for myself. 

Fi's thoughtful questions drew more understanding from me than I could ever achieve alone, and her insights allowed me to use that knowledge to plan a better future for myself. The experience I had was invaluable, and is now a turning point in my life for the better. – Paul Luckman, Industry Relationship Dev Manager 

From Struggling to Thriving Business Owner

Hi, my name's William Ferguson. I'm CEO and founder at Wylas Timing.

Before I met Fiona Spence I was struggling with the business and we had just switched from being a startup to scaleup and I had switched from working full time for someone else to working for my own company. Days had become endless, I was exhausted and not feeling like I was making an impact on the business.

During my coaching program with Fiona, we uncovered the issues that were holding me back and came up with appropriate solutions to them. She helped me see what makes me tick and to use that to better navigate the chaos that is life. As an added bonus I am always surprised and intrigued by the new insights we uncover.

Now I have a business that I am in control of instead of being buried under. I sleep soundly at the end of each day, am content, can point to the value that energy has created and love watching the business grow.

If anyone needs any help with their mindset, career or any part of their life, I would definitely recommend you speak with Fiona.

- William Ferguson, Owner Wireless Timings

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Improved Communication

Before I met Fiona I felt my husband and I were not communicating well and constantly arguing over silly things. I felt unhappy and a little overwhelmed with life in general.

During my time with Fiona, she was able help me see the changes I needed to make for better communication and to see that how I reacted to other people affected the way they reacted to me.

Since then I have been able to look at life differently and feel ok saying ‘no’ to people when appropriate and to not feel guilty about it. I communicate better and am on a journey of learning to be more mindful. Talking with Fiona was exactly what I needed. – Julie Maccagnan, Small Business Owner

Burnt out and stuck professor found direction

Before I engaged Fiona Spence as a coach, I had completed several years in university management, and was planning to return to teaching and research via a planned overseas sabbatical (in a non-covid 2020) to revitalize and building new teaching and research programs. I also was becoming an empty nester with kids (and ex-wife) leaving the family home, so I thought a break from the normal work life on sabbatical would be refreshing personally. Covid came of course and the sabbatical opportunity went. We all knuckled down at university in 2020-21, but I was feeling burnt out and stuck.

During my coaching session with Fiona she was able to trace the reason behind my stuck feelings as not letting go of the planned sabbatical experience, as well as being in a major life transition time. Fiona helped me to focus on new goals and weekly outcomes to break the spell of being stuck. I was then able to re-engage longer life and work goals (that I had deep down but had forgotten). What Fiona does differently to other coaches is that she helps you find the real reasons behind your roadblocks, gets you to accept them, and to work past them with new tools. She also stops you being hard on yourself for minor slip-ups (what all perfectionists need sometimes).

I feel as though a major roadblock has been cleared and I have energy, motivation and direction again.

If anyone needs any help with their mindset, career or any part of their life, I would definitely recommend you speak with Fiona. She really provides you the tools to become a self-coach. - Pete Halley, University Professor

Easy to talk to, really listens

Fiona Spence is incredible. She is so easy to talk to, really listens to me and helps me find solutions for things that are in front of me that I often don’t even realise are holding me back.

Before I started my coaching program with Fiona my mind was all over the place. I had no routine and no motivation. I couldn't sleep because my brain was running at 100 miles per hour. I remember how I would drive my wife mad because I would get distracted all the time.

During my early sessions with Fiona she helped me build my focus and motivation. I was amazed how quickly I started feeling my old happy self again. Fiona helped me learn that there's a solution to any problem when you look at it differently and you can turn bad thing into good things. And it turns out that being calm, chilled and relaxed isn't hard!

I now have so much more clarity and my confidence and self-esteem continues to grow. Fiona says I am incredibly creative and thanks to her encouragement and support I'm achieving and getting to where I want to be at. She hasn't just helped me with the mental things but she is a business whizz and is helping me to grow my business too.

Fiona talking to you has made me feel so much better. I can let go of things, I can control my actions, I love my coaching sessions, speaking with you is so uplifting. Thank you. - George Maccagnan, Owner of Highland Leather

Huge depth and breadth of practical knowledge & experience

Fiona is a very experienced coach with a huge depth and breadth of practical knowledge and experience and an engaging and caring approach. Fiona helped me to undertake a step in my career that I had been putting off for years and for that I am truly grateful. I highly recommend seeking Fiona's assistance if you are facing an issue, problem or fear that is holding you back and you just want to move on and be happy and successful in your life/career/business! – Sarah Cordner, Senior Director of Client Services, Epiq

Really understands people

Fiona Spence is a very talented coach, mentor and presenter. She really understands people and she understands business. Her help was invaluable not only to open my own business in Australia, but also to gain the confidence I needed to get started. Thanks, Fiona! – Regi Alvas, Nepo Designs

From tired and lazy to fit and energetic

Before I started my coaching program with Fiona, when I arrived home from work, I'd feel tired and most days didn't think I had the energy to do anything else but relax. Having turned 50, I decided it was time to turn things around. If I wanted to get the best out of life, I needed to make some changes. And what better way to start than to get fit again and be ready to take on anything that might cross my path.

Fiona was the perfect coach for me as her approach seemed to fit perfectly. If she had just told me what to do, it wouldn't have worked with me. Instead she asked me questions and every action that I took and every decision I made all came from me. Fiona supported me in every step of the journey, she kept me accountable, she was realistic but also challenged me as needed, and was great at helping me stay motivated.

From day one Fiona started calling me ‘Mr Fitness’. At the time I thought it was really funny but for some reason I just went along with it. She also explained to me how it wasn’t ‘change’ that was the ultimate goal but ‘transformation’. She explained about how one day I would know I had transformed because I would change to a point where I could no longer change back. Since then I truly have become a runner. I’m stronger than I ever imagined, I eat more healthily, and it has all been so easy and fun. I never dreamt I would get this far. I think the thing I am most proud of is knowing I am setting an example for my son, showing you can make positive changes to your life, if you just set your mind to it. I can’t thank Fiona enough and recommend her to anyone who is looking to make a change for the better in their life, or even better, who would like to truly transform it.

- Jaroen Jensen, Senior Team Manager

She genuinely cares

Fiona Spence is a great coach. She genuinely cares about the outcomes that her clients achieve. She’ll keep you on point but will allow you a little slack when needed too. I have achieved a great deal from the 3 month coaching program and am renewing for a second term. I highly recommend Fiona’s services. – Martin Worth, Dreamtime Healing

Smart and Empathetic

Fiona is smart, empathetic to my mental barriers and has helped me enormously. 5 stars from me! – Jeff, IT

Learned Positive Self-Talk

Hi, my name is Staci.  I am an author and speaker.

I came to work with Fiona Spence at a time in my life when I felt stuck.  My life was going well, but there were a couple of areas where I just could not make any progress on my own. I knew I wanted to change and knew that if I didn’t, I would never reach my goals. My self-talk was holding me back, causing anxiety and unhelpful behaviours. 

Fiona helped me clarify and define the things holding me back and then provided strategies to create the change I wanted.  She kept me accountable and on track, so we continued to build on each of the changes I made.  I was surprised at how easy and quickly changes started to happen. 

Working with Fiona has helped me improve the way I speak to myself and stop the limits I placed on myself in my personal life and work.  Although I initially worked with Fiona for a couple of specific areas in my life, I found improvement in all the other areas as well, as the skills and tools I learnt were transferable.  Overall, it was a fun, empowering and positive experience working with Fiona. 

Fiona is friendly, focused, encouraging and incredibly knowledgeable and skilled in coaching.  I highly recommend working with Fiona.   – Staci McLean Author and Speaker

Overcame singing block following bereavement

I am so grateful to Fiona and wanted to share how she helped me after the love of my life, my husband Bob, died suddenly. I live in London, England where I sing as a soloist, predominately in the Opera and Jazz genres. Grief-stricken I was immediately unable to sing, not even around the house. As the months passed by, I tried to restart my singing practice: a daily routine I have had since being a teenager. However, whatever song or exercise I attempted to work on I would just well up with tears. I had heard of writer’s block and wondered if I had the singer’s equivalent.

I became increasingly distressed at not being able to do what I loved. I also felt frustrated as the coronavirus lockdown, whilst restricting my life in so many ways, gave me a good opportunity to work more on my singing technique and learn new repertoire whilst I was stuck at home.

At the time I was having bereavement counselling which I found very beneficial in general but the counsellor did not seem to have the tools to deal with my particular problem of being unable to sing. Then I spoke to Fiona in Australia who was able to shed light on the situation. She described my feeling of being blocked as a “trapped emotion”. During that same call Fiona guided me through an amazing technique designed to release emotions, feelings and beliefs that are no longer helpful.

At the end of the session, I felt a huge weight had been lifted from me after I had let go of my fears and unhelpful beliefs. In the days following the release I felt much more free and relaxed than I had in a long time and found myself bursting into song spontaneously! Thanks to Fiona I now look forward to my daily singing practice sessions rather than dreading them and am preparing to sing in public again.

Fiona explained that if you have a block, whether you know the cause such as grief, abuse or a frightening experience, or even if you don't know what caused it, you can let it go. From working with Fiona I have learned that you don't have to be prevented from doing what you love: singing or playing music, writing, creating - whatever your passion is. And if you have a fear of doing something that is hindering you from following your passion, for instance, speaking in front of a camera, then, please don’t struggle alone but get in touch with Fiona. She can help you move forward wherever you are in the world. Thanks Fiona, from the bottom of my heart, you alone have made my heart sing again! – Clara Scholes, opera and jazz singer

Built Confidence -and a business

Positive: Communication, Professionalism, Quality
I've known Fiona Spence for a few years now and she has always been positive and helpful in improving my connection and understanding. She has helped me get more in touch with myself and build my confidence to the point where I have launched my own company helping others.
Fiona is such a great person to help build and improve your state of understanding and develop your life for improvement.
I personally think she is fantastic in what she does.
Thank you for all your help and support, - Tony Schauffelberger, Founder of Quiet Confidence NZ

Fun sense of humour

I really enjoy Fiona‘s coaching style, she keeps me focused on what actions I need to take and follows up with gentle and encouraging reminders which help keep me on track and motivated. She’s also very knowledgeable about different techniques to help work through life’s challenges and can pull these out at a moments notice. Her YouTube videos are also very informative. All this she does with a lovely and fun sense of humour.
I give her 5 stars accross the board: Communication, Professionalism, Quality – Sara C.

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Fiona’s Qualifications Include:

  • Cert Rapid Results Coach
  • MBA (Masters in Business)
  • BA (Hons)
  • Diploma Leadership and Management
  • Diploma Project Management
  • Certified Adult Ed Trainer (TAE)
  • Cert in NLP and Hypnosis
  • De Bono 6 Thinking Hats Facilitator
  • Cert in Crew Resouce Management
  • Cert IV Small Business Management 
  • Cert Martial Arts Instructor and Black Belt, holder of 12 National Titles for judo and jiu-jitsu
  • PD includes: Present Like a Pro (Presentation Skills), Inspire to Buy (Sales Training), Success Automation (Enhancing Productivity)
Now, it's your turn to achieve personal and professional success. Give me a call for a 50-minute clarity session. It's absolutely FREE!


5 Services

Mindset and Life Coaching

Hypnotherapy Life Coaching Hypnotherapy Online Life Coaching Online Hypnotherapy Life Coaching Hypnotherapy Online Life Coaching Online
$0 Per course

Mindset and Life Coaching is a holistic approach that addresses all areas of life. From your physical health and mental wellbeing to your relationships and career, Fiona can help you unlock your potential and help you explore what's most important to you.

Health and Wellness Coaching 

Hypnotherapy Life Coaching Hypnotherapy Online Life Coaching Online Hypnotherapy Life Coaching Hypnotherapy Online Life Coaching Online
$0 Per hour

Fiona's Health and Wellness Coaching  programs are intensive, highly effective ways to achieve your health goals including: ✔️ Weight loss  ✔️ Energy gain ✔️ Increased fitness  ✔️ Reduced stress ✔️ Replace unhealthy habits with healthy ones


  • Certified Hypnotherapist
  • Certified NLP Practitioner
  • Diploma In Leadership and Management
  • Masters In Business Administration
  • Certified Rapid Results Coach

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