Melinda Langford therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2018

Melinda Langford

Harmony & Flow Within

Bunker St Minchinbury NSW 2770

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In a soul healing session you can experience a somatic and metaphysical journey to support the clearing of deeper blockages embedded within the cellular memory of your etheric and physical anatomy. Generally speaking, the thoughts, feelings, perceptions we create, the belief systems that we develop all influence our over all well being. This includes mental, emotional, spiritual, physical and energetical.  So when these are distorted, negative thoughts, feelings, limitations, fears and perceptions which have been left unmet, they create disharmony in the mind, body, soul & spirit.

Soul Healing Session

Focus areas

Soul healing Womb healing Spiritual awakening Trauma Shadow work Emotions

A single soul healing session ranges anywhere from supporting you to unearth things that you may not be aware of in yourself, to helping you see from a new perspective, to experiencing and integrating a further deeper soul healing with an aspect of your multi faceted self.  These sessions further support your healing & purification process that is orchestrated with a Transference Healing® Session.?

Some areas a Soul Healing Session can cover:

  • Healing & embracing the emotional body,

  • Inner feminine & inner masculine healing,

  • Breathwork,

  • Soul Healing,
  • Inner child healing,

  • Womb healing,

  • Ego v's Higher Sense of Self,
  • Shadow work,

  • Past life healing,

  • Working with & understanding the Mind,

?These sessions empower you to learn to feel, recognise, lovingly embrace and work through deep blockages and wounds that have been suppressed for so long. It creates new foundations and supports you with the practical "how to" steps, guiding you step by step in the purficiation process. 

These sessions also aid in the raising of your vibration and your level of consciousness for your overall health and well being.

Walking you through the Healing or Purification Process

A gentle step by step process will occur where we begin to lay new foundations, gain new perspectives, preparing you to learn how to depersonalise from the stories, thoughts and feelings you are holding onto.  This preparation is necessary before we can begin to embark on a deeper healing journey into your inner world.

When you are ready you will then be supported and offered guidance (the how to) to travel a little deeper to purify and heal an aspect/s of yourself.  This can include feeling suppressed emotions, clearing deep energetic blockages, healing trauma, changing limiting beliefs, or thought patterns, healing karmic stories, or past life wounds all of which can be causing repeat patterns, stagnation,  weaknesses or dis-ease to play out in your life.  

In my experience I have come to learn we all work in layers, and lots of them.  In order to reach a deeper healing result, I have found combining a frequency healing modality with this kind of work, is so much more powerful and supportive to really create an alchemical healing response in the body.


3 Services

Single Soul Healing Session

Counselling Life Coaching Counselling Life Coaching Spiritual Healing Spiritual Healing Online
$180 Per session

A soul healing session does vary in nature.  It is dependant on what you need support in the most at the time.  It is divinely orchestrated by your higher self and the universe. 

Full Transference Healing Session

Energy Healing Energy Healing Spiritual Healing
$160 Per session

Transference Healing®  sessions are unlimited in what you would like healing on.  It can include: Any aspect of yourself - womb healing, feminine or masculine aspect, emotional, mental, spiritual etc A Small Business A Project A pet plus more

Business Hours

We're open 6 days.


9:00 am To 7:00 pm


9:00 am To 7:00 pm


9:00 am To 7:00 pm


9:00 am To 7:00 pm


9:00 am To 7:00 pm


9:00 am To 2:00 pm


  • Life Coach
  • Energy Healing Practitioner
  • 9 Month Womb Healing Apprentiship
  • Inner Child Healer
  • Spiritual Counsellor
  • Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach
  • Certified Womb Awakening Facilitator
  • Soul Healing
  • Transference Healing Practitioner
  • Womb Healing
  • Past Life Healing
  • Inner Masculine & Inner Feminine Healing
  • Ascension
  • Spiritual Awakening

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