Jill McAlister therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2013

Jill McAlister

Jill McAlister

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Jill adopts a Soul-oriented approach to astrology, blending evolutionary astrology, with psychology and spirituality. She has trained as an astrologer, healer and psychologist. A chart reading can help you to more deeply understand your Soul's purpose and intentions for this lifetime, the challenges you came here to master, the patterns you are here to let go of, and the gifts, skills and abilities that you may naturally be able to tap into.

Soulful Astrology

Servicing area

Gold Coast, Australia Wide

Focus areas

Self-esteem Purpose Joy Self-confidence Spiritual coaching Values

Are you in need of direction or do you want to understand yourself and your Soul’s purpose and intentions for this lifetime?


Soulful Astrology adopts a Soul-oriented approach to astrology, blending evolutionary astrology, with psychology and spirituality. This approach can help you to:

  • More deeply understand your Soul’s purpose and evolutionary intentions for this lifetime, in terms of the energies, abilities and challenges you came here to integrate and master.
  • Reveal your natural gifts, skills and abilities, to support you in achieving your purpose.
  • Make sense of the emotional and behavioural patterns you are here to let go of and transform.
  • Receive guidance with Career/Life Direction, Relationships and how to overcome challenges.

The focus is on bringing insight into what you are here to learn, master and how you can express your potential.  Having a Soulful Astrology reading can be transformational and can help guide you in the direction of your life and your decisions. It can help you to make sense of challenges and lead you to a way of approaching life that feels energising, joyful, life-affirming and profoundly meaningful.


The universal alignment at the time of your birth creates your natal chart, which tells the story about who you are and provides you with a map of your evolutionary potential for this lifetime. For more information about astrology concepts, visit: https://soulfulastrology.com.au/


Natal Chart Reading

Receiving a natal chart reading is the best place to start. The universal alignment at the time of your birth creates your natal chart. Your natal chart provides a map of your cosmic fingerprint, sacred Soul contracts and a guideline for your evolutionary potential for this lifetime. A reading can help you to:

  • Become clear about your Soul’s intentions and purpose for this lifetime and help you to understand your highest vision for your life.
  • Identify the emotional and behavioural patterns your Soul wants you to let go of and transform, and understand the energies, abilities and challenges that are important for you to master and integrate.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of the strengths and abilities that you have the potential to master, which can help you in your Soul’s journey.
  • Make sense of ongoing challenges in different areas of your life (for example, with career, relationships, money), childhood difficulties or traumas and repetitive patterns. A reading can help you view it from an evolutionary growth perspective and provide clarity about how to move forward. 

Career Direction

After you have received a natal chart reading, a more specific focus can be on your career to help you identify a more fulfilling career direction. This will include an understanding of your natural abilities and strengths, and what may give you more of a sense of mission and purpose in your career.

Forcasting Chart

After you understand your natal chart, it can be very helpful to explore the key Transits and Returns that may be influencing you currently and how you can integrate and flow with what they are trying to teach you. We also look at your Progressed chart, which represents your evolutionary development over the course of your life.

Relationship Astrology

In relationship astrology, we explore the synastry between 2 charts, which is the interaction between the natal charts of two people. This can help you to understand the challenges, important lessons and Soul growth between you and your partner or with other important relationships. It works best when you have both individually had a natal chart reading first.

Goddess Asteroids

Exploring key Goddess asteroids in your chart can provide a deeper understanding of your spiritual development, and insight into which archetypal feminine energies you can tap into to support you in your life and Soul purpose.

Soul Alchemy

Jill has a background as a Psychologist and Spiritual Healer, and can offer follow up Soul Alchemy sessions. These sessions combine Spiritual Healing, Spiritual Coaching and Transpersonal Psychology. They help you to break free of limitations and make profound changes, so that you can align with your highest vision of what you are here to create.


All sessions are offered via telehealth to people all over Australia, using a secure and encrypted video-conferencing platform, and are available on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Click here to make an online booking.

Initial sessions are for 2 hours ($200) and include a detailed Natal Chart Reading plus one other focus of interest of your choosing, i.e. career direction, forcasting, Goddess asteroids, relationship or family of origin focus.

Follow-up sessions are for 1 hour ($120).

Gift Certificates are available if you would like to offer this opportunity to someone else.


In my personal and professional journey, I have dedicated many years to exploring astrology, psychology, transpersonal therapies and spiritual healing.  On a personal level, I have worked on understanding and healing limiting patterns and beliefs and difficult emotional states from childhood programming and empowering myself to live authentically in alignment with my Soul.  I am passionate about sharing my wisdom and supporting others to deeply understand their journey from a Soul perspective, break free of limitations and embody the potential of their Soul.


I first developed an interest in astrology in my late 20s and studied and explored it through books and short courses for many years. I then completed more formal certificate training through the Sydney Astrology School.  I have a passion for evolutionary astrology and adopting a more Soul-orientated approach.


In addition to astrology, over the last 20 years I have also worked as a Psychologist, Career Coach and Spiritual Healer.  I have a Masters in Clinical Psychology and a Certificate in Adult Career Development.  Alongside my formal psychology training, I explored all sorts of alternative psycho-spiritual frameworks and transpersonal therapies, including emotional processing approaches, voice dialogue, mindfulness and spiritual/energy healing. I have trained in many energy healing approaches over the years, including Reiki, Sound Therapy, Chakra Healing, ThetaHealing™, Angel Healing and Biofield Healing Immersion™.



Natal Chart Reading

Astrology Online
$200 Per session

Learn about your Soul’s intentions and purpose for this lifetime; understand the abilities and challenges you are here to master and integrate; learn about your potential strengths and make sense of ongoing challenges in different areas of your life.

Business Hours

We're open 4 days.


9:00 am To 6:00 pm


9:00 am To 3:00 pm


9:00 am To 2:30 pm


9:00 am To 2:30 pm


  • Certificate In Astrology
  • Certificate In Evolutionary Astrology
  • Master In Clinical Psychology
  • Bachelor of Science (psychology) Honours
  • Graduate Certificate In Adult Career Development
  • Reiki Master
  • Angel Alchemist Certification Course
  • Certificate In Clinical Hypnosis
  • Emdr Level 1
  • Certificate In Biofield Healing Immersion
  • Certificate In ThetaHealing®
  • Level 1 Biofield Tuning
  • Certificate In Neo-Shamanic Remote Healing
  • Professional Practicum Training In Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction
  • Level 1 & 2 Voice Dialogue, Relationship & The Psychology of Selves

Professional Membership

  • AHPRA - Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
  • Psychology Board of Australia

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