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JOHN HANES Naturopath
Servicing area
Shellharbour, New South WalesFocus areas
Naturopathy, allergy assessment, nutrition and diet, herbal medicine, kinesiology and remedial massage(ladies only), holistic health.
My methods allow YOUR BODY to define the treatment it needs to heal.
I SPECIALISE in finding and treating the cause, especially in the fields of:
- Fatigue
- Allergies - identification and treatment
- Stomach and bowel problems
Muscular aches - Women's and children's health
My assessments and treatments have had considerable success with:
- Allergies – sinus, hayfever, headaches, bowel problems, eczema, etc
- Acid refux
- Back and neck aches
- Candida
- Children's ear, nose and skin problems
- Cholesterol and blood pressure management
- Fatigue, CFS, hypoglycaemia
- Immune Support
- Stress and Anxiety
- Sleep disorders
- Crohn's disease, IBS and Ulcerative colitis
- Bloating and wind
- Constipation and diarrhoea
- Endocrine Health (thyroid, adrenal and reproductive health)
- PMS and menopausal problems
- Men's health including prostate and ED
- Fat loss
- Skin health
- Anti-aging
I combine evidence based functional medicine with traditional methods that not only have been shown to work throughout history, but which I have proven to work in my clinic. If I have not proved it for myself, I do not use it. The rest then depends on your compliance with instructions so your body can heal itself.
I will happily refund the consultation fee if you are not satisfied with your results.
I am surprised at how much I have changed my eating habits this week, and how it has affected me. The key will be to keep doing it! I am eating less and better that has stopped the bloating and reduced the burping. I have noticed a change in my moods as I seem to be more relaxed and nowhere near as moody, which is definitely a positive!
I've been a client for over 10 years. John is one of the warmest and kindest people I have ever met. I've learnt so much about my health through him. His sessions are always very informative, I always walk away having learnt something new. He has extensive knowledge about how the body works, and loves to share what he knows to inform you so can be better equipped to help yourself through your health journey. The information provided by John has been invaluable. After so much disappointment with numerous GP's, he gave me hope when all was lost. He helped me so much with my very complicated health issues, but he was always up for the challenge. I always walked away feeling so much better. He has been a huge support for me through my health, going over and beyond my expectations. Most healthcare practitioners make you feel like a number, John genuinely cares about you and your health. His passion for health and helping others is undeniable. He's a wonderful human being, I can't recommend his services enough.
I cannot recommend this man highly enough. His knowledge is insurmountable. What a lovely gentleman as well. My two daughters love seeing John as they come home filled with information and are eager to see the outcome of their appt. they have improved so much from the time that we have been seeing him. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts John, the difference you have made is amazing.
John is very knowledgeable and seeks to further his knowledge and share it with his clients. He is thoughtful and sensitive, listens carefully, and uses a variety of techniques to ensure he's giving the best advice. I've appreciated his ability to test for food intolerances. He has been spot on in assessing myself and my kids and we've all benefited from his treatments
Very caring and thorough plus he will research if unsure. A few years ago I developed a chronic cough which sounded more like a bark. The doctor said I had developed asthma and needed to use a puffer - probably forever. The spray hurt my throat so I needed a spacer as well. It did not lessen the constant coughing. I saw John who used kinesiology to determine that I was allergic to mould. He gave me an homeopathic mix as well as some capsules. The mould made sense but I was still very, very sceptical. I took the medicines and within three days the coughing had stopped completely. It did not return. I still see John whenever I feel unwell, often taking blood test results from my doctor for his analysis. He certainly has my recommendation. L
John has the great ability to listen! He is always very clear in explaining his findings and then how he plans to treat you. I would highly recommend him as a gifted naturopath.
I have been a patient of John for a decade or so, his Kinesiology technique zeros in on substance/food sensitivities quickly while the Iridology (info.recorded on your Iris) gives him the historical health info.to complete a patient’s health status .As long as the patient holds to his end of the bargain (some lifestyle/diet modification) great results can be obtained. With John's earlier scientific back ground and many decades of natural therapies knowledge he is well positioned to asses the latest in research. I personally recommend John's practitioner abilities.
John has been my trusted naturopath and health advisor for many years. After moving to Sydney I still travel back to Shellharbour to visit him as I wouldn't trust my health with anyone else. John is very thorough, clear in his explanations and believes in finding and treating the root cause, he doesn't want you to keep coming back to see him with the same issue. N
I love John's holistic approach to healing. Other naturopaths that I've seen in the past were very focused on proscribed diets (ie one size fits all recommendations) rather than looking at specific dietary focuses for each individual which John does using simple muscle testing tools. I highly recommend john.
I have stopped eating any foods containing added or processed sugar and have only had 2 days in 16 days now that I have had strong suger cravings :) I am really happy that I have resisted the cravings and am excersizing my will power each day that I resist. Thank you for your help. I feel like my energy levels have stabilised and I am definatley feeling calmer as a result. I have lost a couple of kilos and hope to slowly and healthily lose lots more weight in the next few months by eating sensibly. I am also taking some time out for myself and making relaxing time for myself before I go to bed.
I am feeling so much better in myself since going on the diet.The hives have settled down.I am still getting a few break outs when I try something new. The itching is not too bad.I have dropped 7kgs which I am really happy about.The bloated stomach has gone too.
B. is very excited as his test results have come back excellent and his thyroid is working perfectly, thanks to you. He is a very happy boy! C. is doing really well with her eating plan and can feel the difference. She has also lost 6kgs!
I actually went for a whole week without any real bout of sneezing. I did sneeze a couple of time but it did not result in any day long activity. This in itself is a massive improvement as I was getting symptoms daily with a 75% chance that it would result in a day long bout.
I just wanted to let you know that something in either the "potion" or the tablets is working. I'm not sure how to describe it - in the past I would have eaten but still would be looking in the cupboard, craving something and not knowing what, and I was never able to just eat a little of something and leave the rest in the cupboard. It felt like I had no control. I took the first doses in the morning on Wednesday and on Wednesday afternoon is when I noticed the change. Thursday evening that old feeling was back, and I'd realised I'd forgotten to take the dose. So I don't know what it is, but something in there is working!
I am feeling the best I have felt in years. A good start. Bloating and most wind gone, no cramping or pain. Lost some weight off tummy. Energy good. Moods good.
I've been struggling for years with my hormones and they are so much better since seeing you already after only 3 weeks. I found after only 4 days I was no longer tired in the afternoons. I have so much more energy. The glucose support tablets have really helped to stabilise my blood sugar levels. Also with the menstrual support, I found I did not have any PMS symptoms at all and my moods have been more stable. I also didn't fluctuate in bra size either like I normally do. Thank you so much. I have really noticed a difference. I know you said it can take up to 3 months to balance hormones, but I swear I've noticed all these changes.
I can't stop raving about how it's (your treatments) really helped.
Why am I a Naturopath?
I am a graduate scientist with a double major in geology and many years of experience investigating problems in the mining industry and management and coordination of research programs. When my health deteriorated considerably during my 30’s, exacerbated by medical (mis-)treatments and the general "healthy" dietary advice fed to the masses, I decided to study nutrition to see if there were alternatives to drugs and surgery for my decreasing energy and increasing pain. As a scientist, I felt I could evaluate alternative therapies without being carried away by false claims. That started the snowball rolling. Now, at age 74, I am still addicted to research, learning and understanding how the body functions and what causes it to mal-function. Correcting mal-functions so my clients, my family and I can improve our wellbeing and slow the natural body degeneration process brings me great satisfaction.
My Philosophy
When our bodies are functioning as they were designed to, we are healthy and happy. When they start to mal-function, we develop symptoms. Modern medicine is based around the removal or masking of these symptoms. Naturopathic medicine is based on the healing power of nature to restore the correct function by removal of the cause and support of the body by using what is available in nature. I am fascinated by how the body responds to touch, food and herbs.
Over the last 30 + years, I have found that the two most common causes of body mal-function are the body’s reactions to the modern diet and the stresses of modern living. Because of our genetic inheritance and our life history, each of us reacts differently. Many people believe they eat a healthy diet (as defined by what they learned at school or in the media) but in reality, they are not eating what their body evolved to eat. The immune system reacts to particles in the foods and external environmental factors and stress, and in some (many?) people these set up a cascade of reactions and symptoms in the body. To reverse this cascade, it is necessary to remove offending foods and to support the immune and other body systems. Through the skills I have learned and developed in my practice, I can identify the foods and other allergens that are causing the problems, advise on appropriate individual dietary modifications, and support the body while it adjusts and re-establishes correct body function. Sometimes, after many years of damage, full function cannot be fully re-established and the body requires support to regulate inappropriate reactions to stimulae. I prescribe gentle and safe herbal and nutritional medicine to help the body in these circumstances.
My treatments are based on what YOUR BODY tells me through its response to kinesiology and other testing, not just what my knowledge tells me. This differentiates my approach from that of most other practitioners.
I consider you as a whole person, not as a series of disconnected parts. My first approach is to identify the cause of your symptoms, and then to remove the cause or to treat it as appropriate. My treatments heal and do you no harm. I encourage your body to heal itself by removal of toxins and other threats followed by gentle repair. My holistic methods include:
Iridology - study of the iris to identify how the body tissues are functioning. Identifies inherited active or potential weaknesses.
Kinesiology/Touch for Health - uses muscle testing to provide an analysis of the energy state in the body and correction of energy imbalance. Improvement of muscle tone. Identification of substances to which the body is allergic or sensitive, or medicines which can help. Identification and removal of emotional saboteurs. Can assist slow learning, hyperactivity, fear of exams, etc and help balance emotions. Identifies the cause and what your body requires.
Laboratory Tests - Special tests by a pathology laboratory can be arranged at cost to determine liver function, digestive tract health, bowel permeability, hormone levels, osteoporosis risk, etc.
Remedial Massage - Use of scientific massage techniques to alleviate discomfort and pain in the body’s musculo-skeletal system. Stimulates blood supply, nerve supply and lymphatic drainage. Relaxes tense muscles, racing mind and fragile emotions. Ladies only.
Nutrition - Use of appropriate individual diet and nutritional supplements to correct biochemical imbalances which are contributing to poor health. Improvement of wellbeing through adoption of more appropriate diet.
Herbal medicine - Use of safe herbal extracts to improve metabolism of the whole body and to correct health problems. Herbal medicine has been used for centuries to gently heal without the dangerous side effects of modern medicine. Particularly beneficial for women’s and children's ailments, sinusitis, immune dysfunction, nerves/stress, bowel and skin problems.
Lifestyle Advice - Advice on how to increase wellbeing and resistance to disease through lifestyle improvements or adjustments
Health Classes - At our clinic or your location. Get a group of friends together for a fun course in Natural Health, Home Massage, Healthy Food, Women’s Health, Meditation and Stress, etc.
I am available for consultations Monday to Friday during normal business hours, late morning, early afternoon or after school hours. Payment by cash or EFT.
Rebates are available for some services by most health funds.
Phone or email for detailed introductory letter.
- BSc(Geol), Naturopathic Diploma, Diploma of Herbal Medicine, Diploma of Nutritional Science,
- Diploma of Remedial Massage, Diploma of Iridology, Diploma of Homoeopathy.
- Touch for Health Kinesiology training and continuing professional education in all fields I use in my clinic.
Member ATMS No.1887
Professional Membership
- ATMS - Australian Traditional Medicine Society
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