Lila Chance
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Kinesiology is used to identify and treat root cause of imbalance/s you are experiencing. Muscle monitoring locates where in your being the stress is held and what changes will support you in reaching your goal. Appointments are clothed, non invasive, and just requires a person willing to be free of the old patterns limiting their ability to thrive and nourish their body.
Servicing area
Birtinya, Meridan Plains, Currimundi, Little Mountain, Wurtulla QueenslandFocus areas
Bookings can be made online through Square appointments:
For all appointment please wear comfortable clothing where leg or arm movement is unrestricted. This will enable effortless muscle moitoring. Initial treatment is for an hour and a half with follow-ups of one hour only if required.
Initial appointment 1.5hrs $135
Follow up appointment 1 hour $90
Children ages 0-8, 45min $75
I have been a Practitioner in the health industry for over 16years. I am passionate in facilitating positive changes to my clients. My aim is to inspire growth in various areas of each person so they can shine their light (the light of their soul) into the world and deepen their existance as they then help raise others up by just holding their light. I look forward to working with you soon. Let's let go of just surviving and now choose to THRIVE.
The process of each treatment is determining a clear intention of your goal/s and the desired outcome. This may alter with multiple treatments as you become more conscious of the limitations or expectations that are either self imposed or that dis-integrate your neurology when you’re exposed to a stress.
Healing sessions are tailored to each individual and completed in a holistic manner. Your environment (home, workplace, family, partner) may be integrated into the session allowing all aspects of your life to be in alignment with each balance. This assists in permanent corrections being accepted harmoniously into each being - mind, body and soul. Emotional release can in itself bring profound changes by freeing the body, mind or soul to a peaceful state so you may continue on your journey once again.
Balancing areas:
- Structurally: Crainial bones, Neck/ Back/Pelvis alignment, Lymphatics.
- Physiological/Biochemical: Nutitional absorbtion issues, Digestive Issues, Endocrine Balancing, Leaky Gut, Histamine issues, Hormones, Heavy Metal Toxicity, Liver Toxicity, Metabolism (Weight issues),Vagal Nerve Clearing, Anxiety, Depression, Nutrition balancing to support healing, Estrogen toxicity. Epigenetic expression - reducing stress in the body to enable healthy expression of your genes. Adrenal function - burnout.
- Karma: Resolve 'why' events from the past that block you from moving forward. DNA and soul clearing.
- Energy: Auric Fields, Chakras, Meridians, Spiritual Energy Centres - clear the blocks and restore function.
Be empowered to overcome any obstacle, restore energy, vitality and peace of mind gently.
Kinesiology is non-invasive and uses the art of gentle muscle monitoring to access information about a person's well-being. Western techniques and Eastern wisdom combine to promote physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. By identifying the elements which inhibit the body's natural internal energies and then releasing them, each individual has the enhanced potential to heal themselves.
Beneficial for all people of all ages including pregnancy, babies, and elderly.
Treatments can Include
- Access Bars Consciousness
- Acupressure
- Aura Balancing
- Chakra Balancing (major, minor or celestial)
- Cranial Kinesiology
- Energy Healing (Reiki/Pellowah)
- ESR (Emotional Stress Release)
- Feng Shui/Space Clearing
- Flower Essences
- Fractal Art/Essence Healing
- Essence of Angels
- Intuitive Healing and Guidance
- Kinesiology
- Neuro Lymphatics
- Belief Upgrade
- Nutrition
- Sound: Tibetan Singing Bowl, symbols
Qualification Details
- Level 5 Kinesiology Professional Practitioner (Diploma equivalent)
- Level 2 Pellowah Practitioner
- Level 2 Reiki Seichim Practitioner
- Essence of Angels Practitioner
- Access Bars Facilitator
Modalities include:
- Touch For Health
- Neural Organisational Technique 1,2
- Neuro Spiritural Intergration
- Crainial Kinesiology 1,2,3
- Primitive Reflexes/Learning Difficulties
- Australian Bush Flower Essences
- Essence of Angels
- Reiki Seichim 1,2
- Access Bars
- Pellowah 1,2
- Neuroenergetic Kinesiology: Brain Formatting, NEPS 1, Chakra Hologram 1,2,3,5; Burnout, Leaky Gut, Histamine, NHA, NHB & NHC, Adv Physiology Formatting, Physiolgy Formatting.
1hrKinesiology balancing allows you to access and clear stress from your physical, biochemical, mental, spiritual, & soul level.
1hr 30minInitial kinesiology session allows for information gathering and to bring into alignment your desired goal/intention.
Business Hours
We're open 2 days.
Wednesday |
8:30 am | To | 3:00 pm |
Saturday |
9:00 am | To | 12:00 pm |
- Professional Kinesiology Practice
- Neuroenergetic Kinesiology Practitioner
- Reiki 1 & 2
- Certified Pellowah Healer Level 1 & 2
- Pellowah Healing Practitioner
- Australian Bush Flower Essences (ABFE) Practitioner
- Access Bars Practitioner
Professional Membership
- Australian Kinesiology Association
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