KIT Health therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2012

KIT Health

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Some of my clients have been generous enough to allow me to share their experiences below. If you would like to know more or discuss your particular needs with me, please contact me on one of the numbers listed or email me through the "Make an enquiry' button

KIT Health - Testimonials

Servicing area

Fitzroy North

Focus areas

Joy Circulation Athletic performance Lifestyle Physical pain Love

Kinesiology has had a positive impact on the way I respond to everyday living. More than that, I now find joy in the many activities I am involved in. I am not suggesting that everything is perfect but I have been given tools, ideas and new ways of thinking that help deal with situations, events and people.

'Several years ago I was at a very low point and feeling that most aspects of my life held no fulfillment or joy. I was suffering from depression. Although I was able to get out of bed, holding back the tears and getting myself to work was a struggle. As someone who has done meditation, self help reading and participated in many ‘life changing’ courses I could not comprehend why my life felt so bleak. Although I have always been against medication such as anti-depressants, I started to consider that medication might be the only solution.
It was at this point that a close friend (who herself had had kinesiology) insisted I try kinesiology. So I took my last leap of faith.

Meeting and working with Marcella has been a great gift. She has guided me with her professional and caring manner, always providing a safe space in which to explore my issues. Marcella has a beautiful energy and I have always felt secure and comfortable in expressing my thoughts and feelings. I am so grateful to have met this wonderful healer.'

Gemma D

When I met Marcella, I was basically a ball of barbed wire:
Our family were showing signs of being swamped under “stuff” like..reassuring others, remembering meds, keeping the calm. Me not working, driving to and from Melbourne, hating chemo but not hating chemo.
I couldn’t find any happiness in me, and I was always the happy one, I knew the “real Lisa “was still in there, but I couldn’t seem to get her out.
Then Marcella made me stop for a second – which turned out to actually be an hour – I was so nervous about what “cats would be let out of the bag” and what they would do.
Well!! …It wasn’t the cats, Marcella did something barely noticeable to me…., and then, without any thing truly remarkable happening I felt lighter and free-er and I was laughing, I’m still smiling, inside! And out!, for no particular reason!!!…., everything just seems to be so much… better !!!!
…………………….and then I realised………………………
I have never felt this positive and centred… I now even know what centred means! …and I use too many !!! ‘s because that’s how “up” I feel☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺
You allowed me to sail through a day that I’d been petrified of and… you have given me the peace to enjoy every day the same way.
Wow!!!! Marcella !!!.... I cannot thank you enough!!!
You gave me the gift I needed above all others.
I THANK YOU from the bottom of my ….. soul!
You are out of this world!!!!!!!!
I never want to lose HAPPY LISA!!!
!!!!!EVER AGAIN!!!!!!

"I began Kinesiology with Marcella without knowing anything about it. I was experiencing stress and overwhelm, unhappiness and health issues which despite my continual "work" on, were still chronic issues.

We worked on an array of issues including: anxiety, stress, depression, trauma, self-love, self-acceptance, food intolerances, body function, skin conditions, career development, limited beliefs about money and much more.

I have seen Marcella in-person for 10 months (and 4 months via skype) and in that time she was able to help me uncover and clear issues that I had spent 10 years working on with various psychologists with little or no success.

For me, Kinesiology bypassed my brain! For people who spend a lot of time thinking and analysing, that is an amazing experience! By going straight to the body, subconscious, intuition, I found Kinesiology to be freeing and fun!

The changes in my life have been profound and I know that I wouldn't been in the state I am today, had it not been for her help. I have experienced massive benefits in my emotional, mental and physical life. My intuition has developed, as has my interest in and understanding of the subconscious mind and energy healing.

The level of care and support from Marcella has always been exceptional.
Marcella is a wonderfully fun, passionate and truly exceptional healer, she loves what she does and it shows. I will continue to work with Marcella and kinesiology for the rest of my life and I highly recommend Marcella and kinesiology to you too!"
- Lauren

"Working with Marcella and experiencing the power of kinesiology has been a real eye opener for me. Although I am always open minded and have used a range of different 'complimentary/alternative' practices over recent years in my daily life and as an athlete, I was initially skeptical about the benefits of kinesiology.

However, having worked with Marcella regularly over the course of 6 months, I am absolutely convinced that it had and continues to have a profound effect on my physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. From decreased anxiety and stress, enhanced athletic performance, improved clarity and purpose in my thoughts and actions, stronger relationships with those around me, and an heightened sense of overall vitality and health, the positive effects have been wide ranging.

Marcella is an amazing professional who combines her warm, caring and friendly approach with a deep understanding and knowledge of the way the mind and body connect and work together to give you the tools and ability to improve yourself and your life on multiple levels. An amazing listener with incredible intuition and ability to calm you in her presence, I can't recommend her highly enough!"
- Luke

"I just wanted to quickly email you to say thank you for everything you did for me before I entered the army.

You helped me so much with breaking out of an emotional rut and believing in myself. I still use your techniques and they helped immensely whilst in Kapooka and the three month training. I entered the training course full of confidence and this was mostly due to your sessions.
Thank you so much Marcella. I hope to come back someday soon to see you but am living in Sydney these days.

I feel I would have never reached my full potential without your help and I thank you for that."
- R. D.

"To be honest, I really don’t know how kinesiology works, but it does!! Thanks to you, Marcella, my life has improved in areas that I thought were stuck the way they were going to be forever… for the past 8 years I’ve been having panic/ anxiety attacks that had become so crippling that I was on medication… since trying kinesiology (as a last ditch effort) I no longer am on any medication, my confidence has sky rocketed so much so that I have changed jobs and am now studying at university as a mature age student… something I would never have had the courage to do. Also, my skin has stopped breaking out, my weight is back to what is was 10 years ago and I cant remember I last time I felt this much energy and contentment.

I still have mental blocks and have moments, but you have helped me tune in to myself and find the tools to cope when life throws a curve ball at me."
- M Fraser

"I came to have Kinesiology sessions with Marcella for some long-standing issues around fear, anxiety, depression and trauma. Through kinesiology I have gained insight into and healing of old patterns, blockages and deep pain.

In my sessions with Marcella I have found clarity, hope and awareness as I build confidence, strength, peace and freedom to discover and honour myself; live my life the way I want and learn to let go of that which no longer serves me.

Marcella has a deep understanding of the complexities of life, is empathic, warm, honest and supportive and I have found she creates a healing space that is safe, empowering, positive and uplifting."
- Name withheld

"Thank you again for the wonderful reflexology session on Sunday – I described it to people, as like being in a confessional box with my foot in someone’s hand."
- C.Murdoch

"I have had three Kinesiology therapy sessions with Marcella . The result, two persistent pains completely gone. This sceptic is a convert, thankyou Marcella."
- G. Dulson

"After some health issues, I had several Kinesiology sessions with Marcella Russo.
The results for me have meant that emotional issues I had been experiencing have now been resolved. Also my sleeping and energy improve after every session ,I cannot recommend this therapy highly enough."
- Pamela

"Integrated Kinesiology has been an amazing and practical support during an extremely difficult and challenging period with my health.

Marcella has helped me to understand and identify the many different areas of stress in my life, how they are affecting my health and well-being and the importance of addressing these issues. It has helped remind me how much of my health care is in my own hands, and recognise and address some of the habits and behaviours that have created this stress and limited my potential, which in turn has helped me make different, more supportive choices and long lasting lifestyle changes.
With much humour and encouragement Marcella has helped me to avoid feeling overwhelmed during times of chronic pain, and helped me to prioritise and implement changes in small, manageable and achievable ways into my day to day life, and at my own pace.

Her genuine, supportive, pragmatic and inquisitive approach to my health care has helped me to create a new sense of belief in myself and my bodies ability to deal with whatever arises with a keen sense of curiosity and humour, and the knowledge that there is always a way to help myself."
- K. McDougall

I first came across Kinesiology about a year ago, when a friend recommended Marcella to me. I was dealing with a very stressful time in my marriage, struggling to cope and was feeling very overwhelmed. I didn't have any understanding of what Kinesiology was but was desperate to find something to help me process how I was feeling. Marcella took the time to listen to me, find out what I was going through and work through some solutions. I felt secure and safe in her care and felt that I could really open up to her. Over the course of a few months things really changed for me, I found a strength in me that I was desperately needing to find. It was a very interesting experience, one that really helped me through an extremely difficult time in my life. I am extremely grateful for Marcella’s wisdom and care and couldn't recommend her services highly enough.

I have been working with Marcella for only a few weeks now, and am thrilled with the progress I have made. I was hoping to make at least a small change to help a recent injury to my sacrum, for which I was facing the prospect of surgery. I had quite a low expectation because I felt that I had “tried everything” – Medical, Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Myotherapy, Massage, Acupuncture, Dry Needling, Physiotherapy and various rehabilative exercises and more. I noticed an immediate improvement in my sacral pain after the first session and was able to drive home in relative comfort for the first time in over 6 months. In the following weeks my pain levels were receded to the point where I was able to sit for longer and longer periods and again enjoy basic things such as sitting down at dinner with my family or watch a movie without having to pace the floor! I would highly recommend this process as a starting point for healing to anyone





For more information , contact me on the phone numbers listed or send me a message by clicking on the 'Make an Enquiry' button below



  • Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy)
  • International Advanced Diploma Kinesiology Practice
  • International Advanced Diploma Kinesiopractic

Professional Membership

  • NHAA - Naturopaths & Herbalists Association of Australia
  • AIK - Australian Institute of Kinesiologists

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