Sarah Ellingworth therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2021

Sarah Ellingworth

Meraki Holistic Healing

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Nourish the mind body and soul with energy healing, meditation, spiritual development and soul coaching

Meraki Holistic Healing

Servicing area

Mornington, Frankston and Berwick and also do Online Consult

Focus areas

Arthritis Distance healing Aura Adults Subconscious Mentoring

Energy Healing

What is Energy Healing?

Every human body sits within a bubble known as an Aura. Within this Aura there are layers of energy bodies that each interpenetrate the other including the human physical body.  By clearing and energizing the energy bodies, it shifts dense, stuck or toxic energy and replaces it with fresh clean, healthy, energy. The result is an acceleration of the body's natural healing process. This can be applied to physical, mental and emotional ailments or imbalances.

How does it work?
Sarah connects to the divine and accesses life force energy which she then applies using divine guidance, specific and advanced healing techniques to clear the energy body and chakras or meridians (energy centers within the body) releasing stuck, dense or toxic energy. She then replenishes the energy body with fresh life force energy promoting relaxation, pain reduction and speeds up the healing process.

What can Energy healing help with?
Energy healing can help assist with easing or eliminating chronic pain and illness such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, asthma, kidney disease, psoriasis as well as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia and mental health imbalances just to name a few. Energy healing is a complimentary therapy which means it is to be used in addition to your medical health care plan. Energy healing has the capacity to clear blocks that are preventing you from getting well as well as restore balance to all aspects of your health and well being.  

Who is suitable for Energy Healing?
The great news is...Anyone! Energy Healing is beneficial for every living thing. Adults, elderly, children, babies and animals....even plants! 

Do I need to do anything?
YES! Energy healing can only work if you are open to receiving it. That can be achieved simply by you setting the intention to release all that no longer serves you. To ensure the best results, especially with physical ailments, it is advantageous for you to follow a clean eating program that supports your return to good health as well as a positive and open mind set. No matter what I take out as I clear your energy, if you do not choose a more positive mindset, you will simply recreate the old energy. I generally give clients homework after each session which is always divinely guided and simple to do. The point is for you to empower yourself and participate in your own healing and soul growth. I may clear the path, but only you can move forward! So I do expect clients to take responsibility for themselves, their behaviors and the choices they make to help themselves.
Other than that, in session all you need to do is sit back or lay comfortably and be willing to receive!

Distance healing
?A distance healing is where the practitioner and the recipient are in two different locations. This is possible because with clear and focused intent, the practitioner calls in the energy and soul of the recipient and channels the divine energy to them. Whilst this may sound supernatural, it is simply working within the natural laws of life force energy. The results of distance healing are just as powerful and beneficial as a healing session conducted in person.

The benefit of having a distance healing is being able to be in your own private space. There are no limits by distance, you could be on the opposite side of the world and you would still receive the full effect of the healing sent to you. This is a highly beneficial option if you are too ill to travel or do not live close enough to visit Sarah in person. Zoom consultation is not required for a Reiki distance healing.

Sarah provides an email after the healing to check in with you, provide feedback on the healing, and relay any messages that came through from spirit for you as well as any guidance or follow up actions you can work on in order to get maximum results out of your session.

Energy Healing Services Sarah Provides:
Metatron Healing
?Pranic Healing


Meditation Classes

Allow Sarah to guide you through gentle yet powerful meditations where you will deepen your connection to self, the divine and the Angelic kingdom. Working with Ascended Masters, and crystal healing, be taken on a journey of self discovery, healing, blessings, and new spiritual experiences on your path of soul awakening. Now running weekly due to popular demand. No week will be the same. Sarah will be guided on which Ascended Master and Crystal to work with each week as well as a spiritual topic or overview to complement the healing meditation. Step into a space that has been created for your healing. Bookings essential, limited spaces available, $30pp casual class. Term passes available.  Duration 90mins.
To book contact Sarah 0403 960 849

Testimonials from previous participants:

"I had always thought why should I pay someone to meditate with me. But meditating with Sarah is worth every penny! She creates a very nurturing atmosphere and safe environment for our meditations. She intuitively knows how to guide us through the meditations for our greatest benefit, and with her guidance I have been able to go very deep into meditation. She is passionate about her own spiritual development as well as ours and responds to all questions in a very insightful, caring and supportive manner. And to top it all off, we‘re getting some pranic healing while we are innocently sitting there meditating ?" - Anni

"I have been attending Sarah's meditation group for around 6 months now as well as receiving Reiki treatments and I have truly found her to be an angel. She is so kind, caring and considerate and extremely true and good at her calling. I would highly recommend her" - Lyn

"Sarah’s weekly meditations are a beautiful source of guidance and reflection, awakening a consciousness of higher self through her teachings and insights into the Spiritual world. 

Each week Sarah introduces a Spirit guide into our discussions and works with them in our meditations. Our meditations are gently guided by Sarah – completely relaxing and transcending. Although Sarah refers to these sessions as meditations, for me they are far more transformative and more aligned to a holistic healing – harmony in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.  Releasing beliefs that do not serve and rejoicing in our spiritual consciousness as we continue our journey of growth and awareness.

Through the world of Covid, our weekly sessions are an audio zoom call – which means I can still be in my pjs with messy hair sitting in my bedroom and I am exactly where I want to be with no pressure to appear or be anything different - I give myself permission to completely let go.  Because of Sarah’s strength as a healer and teacher, there is a really strong connection with the group and the meditations themselves are very powerful.

In a time where the new narrative is around ‘self love’ these weekly meditations is an hour (and often longer) that I look forward to each week where I nurture and honour ‘me’". - Kylie.J September 2020

Open to men and woman of all ages, no meditation experience necessary, all levels of meditators are welcome.

Thursday Mornings weekly at 10:00am via Zoom
Contact Sarah for bookings on 0403 960 849

Term 2 begins Tuesday 20th April 2021


Tarot Reading  & Spiritual  Mentoring

Intuitive Tarot Reading and Spiritual Mentoring
Tarot cards act like a mirror for the soul. They can provide us with clarity, insight, and offer another perspective as well as access to our subconsciousness. Despite the old and outdated 'Fortune telling' connotation, Tarot cards are actually all about intuition and empowering you to manifest your dreams, goals and the life you truly desire.

During an intuitive Tarot reading I will connect in with the highest source of love and light, your higher soul, angels and guides who are there to serve your highest good. As a clear and open channel, messages flow though providing you with divine guidance, support, wisdom and enlightenment that will help you to empower yourself. Healing, transmuting, processing and releasing can often occur during an intuitive reading as the room is filled with healing energy and you are in a state of openness and receptivity. Every session is uniquely different and will be highly individual and intuitively led.

Tarot reading and mentoring sessions help you navigate the challenges of life whilst providing you with intuitive insight, higher perspectives and spiritual development which can assist you to make empowering choices for yourself, find your power and step further into your true self.

To book a reading with Sarah text or call 0403 960 849

"Thank you so much for my session with you on Wednesday. I found it to be really helpful and insightful, and felt totally safe and comfortable in your healing presence. Everything you said was spot on, and it was valuable to hear it from an outside perspective" - Julia

Soul Mentoring and Spiritual development allows a space for you to examine where you are on your journey and where you are going. This is an opportunity for you to really look at yourself and examine where you hold opportunity for personal development, soul growth and spiritual evolvement. Sarah acts a sounding board for you to discuss anything you are working through or struggling with. Sarah offers divine guidance, insight and spiritual truths that can assist you to heal, grow and refine your character, your response to life and all situations. This kind of guidance is invaluable and holds the key to further and deeper healing as well as learning how to heal yourself. An excellent addition to an energy healing or book a Soul Mentoring session purely to assist yourself navigating life and the lessons it holds for you.


Home & Office Clearings

Sarah offers Home and Office clearings to help rid any unwanted energies. If you have been harboring stress or negative emotions this can often create and overall sense of negativity within the space you live or work. Many people request a home clearing when they feel something is there with them such as a spirit or entity that needs to be moved on.
This kind of clearing is highly beneficial when moving into a new home or place of business to remove the energy of the previous occupants. Available to Victorian clients only.


3 Services

Online Meditation

1hr 30min
Energy Healing Meditation Meditation Online
$33 Per class

Connecting through the heart waves of an online meditation, Sarah will guide you through an immersive healing meditation where you will be taken on a journey with the Ascended Masters. Each week an Ascended Master steps forward to work with the group as t


Energy Healing Reiki Reiki Online
$100 Per hour

Reiki is the spiritual practice of channeling divine energy with the purpose to clear, cleanse, heal and energize any living entity. It moves old stagnant or low vibrational energy out, and brings fresh, clean, clear and higher vibrational energy into the

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