Margaret Kaye Feldenkrais therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2005

Margaret Kaye Feldenkrais

Margaret Kaye Feldenkrais Practitioner

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Margaret at Studio 3 Newtown specialises in providing a range of professional Feldenkrais Method services, to people of all ages. For more information or to discover the benefits to your health, just give us a call!

Feldenkrais Method at Studio 3 Newtown

Servicing area

Newtown and Woollahra (Home Visits)

Focus areas

eDISC Growth Joy Purpose Motivation Self-esteem

What is the Feldenkrais Method?

The Feldenkrais Method is a form of education that uses gentle movement and directed attention to improve movement and enhance human functioning.

By paying to attention to the way we move we can increase ease and range of motion, improve flexibility and coordination and rediscover our innate abilities to move gracefully and efficiently. The teaching of the Feldenkrais Method focuses on improving our abilities to conduct everyday activities and explore our potential for learning undiscovered and rediscovered actions.

Benefits of Feldenkrais

The benefits of Feldenkrais

  • Easy, enjoyable, efficient movement
  • Improve posture, breathing and digestion
  • Improve balance coordination and spatial awareness
  • Alleviate the effects of stress and reduce pain
  • Enhance performance skills, such as sport, dance and music
  • Greater self-awareness, self-esteem and motivation
  • On the job injury prevention and rehabilitation

Who Can Try a Feldenkrais Treatment?

Young or old, physically challenged or psychically fit, anyone can benefit from the Feldenkrais Method. It has proved to be beneficial for those experiencing chronic pain of the back, neck, shoulder, legs or knees, as well as for people who work in an area demanding peak physical performance, such as dancers, sportspeople, musicians and actors.

It is extremely suited to older people who can regain their ability to move without strain or discomfort. And it has been very helpful for conditions of the central nervous system such as stroke, cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis. In other words any kind of movement can be enhanced.

What Happens During an Awareness through Movement Session?

In Awareness through Movement (ATM) lessons the Feldenkrais practitioner verbally directs people through movement sequences, with an emphasis on learning which movements work better and sensing the quality of changes within our bodies. Through increased awareness we can recognise habitual patterns of movement and develop new alternatives.

ATMs are generally taught in groups and last from thirty to sixty minutes. They provide tools for us to develop the ability to care for oneself.

Wednesday Evenings Classes - 11 x Online or Newtown Studio

An 11 week series of Feldenkrais: Awareness Through Movement® (ATM) lessons. Open to everyone, of all ages and abilities.

Classes run by Margaret Kaye


Classes will be conducted online or at Studio 3 Newtown.

Classes commence at 6:15pm and run for one hour


5th June

12th Jue

19th June

26th June

3rd July

Bookings are essential

Friday Morning Classes - 11 x Online or Coogee

An 11 week series of Feldenkrais: Awareness Through Movement® (ATM) lessons. Open to everyone, of all ages and abilities.

Classes run by Margaret Kaye


Classes will be conducted online and in person at Coogee East Ward Senior Citizens Centre - 97 Brook St, Coogee

Classes commence at 8:00am and run for one hour


7th June

14th June

21st June

28th June

5th July 

Phone or email Margaret Kaye if you have any queries
0402 116 406 or

For more information about the best services for your needs or to organise an appointment - just give us a call!


2 Services

Feldenkrais Functional Integration

Feldenkrais Method Feldenkrais Online
$135 Per session

Indiviual sessions, often involving hands on movement guidance.

Awareness Through Movement classes

Feldenkrais Method Feldenkrais Online
$25 Per hour

Easy-to-Do Health Exercises to Improve Your Posture, Flexibility, Balance, Vision, Imagination, and Personal Awareness

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