Michelle Loree therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2017

Michelle Loree

Michelle Loree - Tranquility Energy Healing

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Nurturing the Mind, Body & Soul ~ Certified Crystal Healer ~ Past Life Regression Therapist ~ Crystal, Pranic & Sound Healing, Meditation, Crystal Facials.

Michelle Loree - Tranquility Energy Healing

Focus areas

Emotional wellbeing Anxiety Grief Essential oils Stress Management Nervous system

Welcome to Michelle Loree - Tranquility Energy Healing

Tranquility Energy Healing is a spiritual and holistic based business offering a variety of healing modalities to heal and nurture the mind, body and soul.

Energy Healing and Meditation offer many healing benefits which include strengthening the immune system, relief and assistance with stress, anxiety, depression, grief, it also assist with increasing your energy, leaving you feeling more relaxed, peaceful and content.

Crystal Healing, Pranic Energy and Harmonic Sound Healing are all layered together to ensure a truly holistic and rejuvenating experience.

Crystals and Sound healing assist on an a vibrational and energetic level, while using essential oils activates the brains limbic system, allowing for a much deeper sense of peace, calm and relaxation.
Michelle takes great care to create and hold an energetic space that allows the body to achieve Theta Brain activity which is a state that facilitates the perfect environment for optimum healing to take place.

Tranquility Energy Healing sessions cleanse, balance and re-energize the Chakras, restoring the natural energy flow. This then allows the body to return to its natural state of physical and emotional balance.

Michelle is a Certified Crystal Healer and Soul Life Regression Therapist and is very passionate about the healing properties of crystals, energy healing, sound healing, past life regression, spirituality, the universe and so much more.

Michelle's Crystal Energy Healing sessions offer a deeply relaxing and rejuvenating experience for the mind, body and soul.
Specifically designed to Cleanse, Balance & Restore the Bodies Natural Energy Flow.

During a healing session, Crystals are placed on and around the body and are used as conduits for healing, allowing positive healing energy to flow into the body whilst allowing negative or diseased energy to flow out and be released.

Crystal Energy Healing Sessions

  • Induce relaxation

  • Therapeutic for stress management

  • Assists in the bodies natural energy flow

  • Cleanse / Balance / Energize the energy body

Harmonic Sound Healing Session

Everything in this universe is made up of energy, (which is measured in units of Hertz (Hz).
Sound healing works on lifting your own vibration to induce a state of healing. This deeply relaxing experience allows you to shift your vibration through sound in a unique way.

A Sound healing session using Harmonic Sound Chimes resonating at 432Hz promotes deep relaxation, with the opportunity for deep healing to take place. It is within this wonderful space, that the body then has the chance to re balance and rejuvenate.

Sound Vibrations interact with your nervous system and brain waves. The harmonic vibrations slows down the respiratory rate, brain activity and heart rate, creating a deep sense of well being. Sound Healing is an effective tool to support healing.


Michelle believes that learning meditation is a gift to oneself.
That once you have learnt the technique, it is a place to retreat too,
A place to feel safe and loved.
A place to reflect and draw strength from.
It is YOUR sacred space.
A place that know one can take from you,
A place you can never loose.
Once you find this place inside and connect with it, you start to feel stronger, you find more resilience.
You feel connected to something greater than yourself.
It is a wonderful feeling.
It is a feeling that grows within you.
This space and feeling that you find within, is a wonderful foundation to build your life around and draw strength from.

Michelle is passionate about teaching meditation to children and teenagers, and is hopeful that in the very near future Everyone will practice meditation daily.

Energy healing, Crystals, Meditation, Essential oils all offer wonderful health benefits. They all in there own special way have the ability to cleanse and eliminate negative energy while soothing and calming the Mind, Body & Soul.

Tranquility Energy Healing works on the premise that all living things are made up of energy. Stress, anxiety, grief, illness, including the pressures from modern day living, have the ability to block, impair or deplete the bodies natural energy flow.

Energy healing sessions will cleanse and balance the chakras and aura, restoring the bodies natural Energy flow, to help improve your health physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Leaving you feeling relaxed, refreshed and rejuvenated

Experience for yourself how Crystals, Sound, Vibration, Aromatherapy, Past Life Regression and Meditation can heal and enhance your life and well-being.

For more information about the best services for your needs or to organise an appointment - just give us a call!


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