Michelle Reinhardt therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2019

Michelle Reinhardt

Michelle Reinhardt


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During an Intuitive Massage and Soul Healing Michelle lovingly combines 30 years of experience and a variety of modalities so you re-align and remember how incredible it feels to be Pain-Free and Feel Amazing.

Intuitive Massage and Healing

Servicing area


Focus areas

Angelic reiki Essential oils Distance healing Adults Subconscious Cleansing

Mind, Body, and Soul Integration and Healing

Intuitive Massage.  Hands on and Hands off healing and coaching.

Many are feeling that things in and around them are really tough, feeling dark, tired, sore, sick, and sick and tired of being sick and tired, most have tried numerous mainstream options to no avail. 

You know when you "know" something’s not right but can’t put your finger on it?  Have you  ‘Awakened’ to the fact that life shouldn’t be this hard and found me by some kind of coincidence? 


Personally, I don't believe in coincidences, I believe you have been led right here to receive exactly what you need to begin your journey back to perfect balance and health. 


“Working with Michelle" offers you bodywork treatments and Energy Alignment, Spiritual Coaching, and Spiritual Hypnosis."  (not always all at once)  You can feel the weight of the World dropping away and the freshness of hope seeping back into your body, mind, and soul. 


With less time than you would think you can learn how to move beyond things that are holding you back and keeping you stuck, those repetitive patterns creating the same day every day with no reprieve. Via Soul Therapy you can learn to tap into the universal power that is all around us but most of all WITHIN all of us, waiting for the invitation to support us in life. 

What many haven't learned yet is how to tap into our own unique innate wisdom and healing potential, we have everything we need to step into a life of fulfillment, happiness, and fun! 

Many of my clients arrive out of balance Spiritually, Emotionally, Physically, and Financially with low energy, are sore and/or broken bodies with many labels that they 'believe' they must carry through life, I have found this often to be untrue. 

Are you tired all the time, have depressive tendencies, constant pain, mood swings, poor sleep and have low sexual energy?

Your infinite wisdom and self-healing are waiting to be tuned into, switched on enjoyed. It's just a decision away.

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4 Services

Angelic Reiki Level 1&2 Workshops

less than 1min
Energy Healing Reiki Reiki Courses Spiritual Healing Courses
$750 Per course

Angelic Reiki Course dates are available here https://bit.ly/AngelicReikiBoronia This transformational Angelic Reiki healing system is taught over 2 1/2 days in Boronia and is suitable for beginners and those experienced in other healing systems.

Vaccine Injury Removal and Healing

1hr 30min
Spiritual Healing
$300 Per session

Cellular Restoration for Vaccine Injury sufferers. Some of the symptoms that clients were experiencing prior to the vaccine removal are Small fiber neuropathy Cognitive dysfunction Migraines and brain fog. Cell and nerve dysfunction..To name a few

Business Hours

We're open 5 days.


10:00 am To 5:00 pm


10:00 am To 7:00 pm


10:00 am To 7:00 pm


10:00 am To 5:00 pm


10:00 am To 5:00 pm


  • Reiki Master
  • Hypnotherapist
  • Mentor
  • Qualified Hypnotherapist
  • Coach
  • Massage Therapist
  • Angelic Reiki Master Practitioner
  • Spiritual Coach
  • Holistic Hypnotherapy Practitioner

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