Sage Centred Natural Therapies Clinic
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Sage Centred Natural Therapies Clinic - Naturopathy
Servicing area
Glass House Mountains, QueenslandFocus areas
Frozen shoulder
Pain relief
Genetic health
Optimal health
For all of your professional Naturopathy, Nutrition and Herbal Medicine treatments, you can't go past us here at Sage Centred Natural Therapies in the Glass House Mountains: perfect for people of all ages.
Naturopathy is all about balance and through working with your whole body my aim is to promote your body’s own innate healing ability, thereby stimulating the body back into balance. When the body is in balance, all conditions, acute or chronic, will resolve - it really is that simple. That is the law of nature — as disease cannot exist in a balanced body.
Principles of Naturopathy
Naturopathy uses Seven Basic Principles:
- Work with the Whole Person
- Find the Underlying Cause
- Help Nature do the Healing
- Encourage Prevention
- Encourage Wellness
- Teach by Example and
- Above all, to Do No Harm
Naturopathic consultations focus on regaining & maintaining optimal wellness with particular emphasis on resolving chronic ailments.
What to Expect in Naturopathic Consultation
In the first Naturopathic Consultation, is where the detective work begins – and one of the key components of this the comprehensive Health Appraisal Questionnaire – (HAQ) – used to better assess your personal requirements and fine tune your individual treatment protocols. A series of questions that looks at you current health issues and what areas of your health we need to focus on first.
The questionnaire can be done online in your own time and discussed at a follow up consultation with your practitioner. HAQ’s are completely confidential. For your convenience, and to save time, talk to Charlotte about completing the HAQ prior to your next appointment.
Iridology: Do you know what your eyes reveal about your health?
Iridology allows an iridologist to assess both strengths and weaknesses of your body, as observed in your eyes. These various areas of your health and wellbeing are based upon your inherited genetic potential.
How you choose to manifest your inherited potentials is very much determined by “how you think what you drink and eat, as well as how you live and love”.Toni Miller
Iridology Page
Once we find the whole health picture of what your health potentials are, what your current live blood screening shows, and the key points brought up on the HAQ, a Report of Findings can be created (ROF) and then at a follow up appointment we can discuss a course of actions.
Based upon your individual needs you may be prescribed various nutritional supplements or herbal mixtures. These will usually be ‘practitioner only’ products and although I have a small and limited range on hand, to ensure you have the freshest products available, a ‘patient order system’ has been put into place for your convenience. Herbal Mixtures can be made up on the day but re often collected / delivered to you at a later time.
At times you may be recommended a specific program, which may focus on detox, fat loss, stress management, healthy pregnancy or general Healthy Ageing and Wellness. Such programs run over a number of weeks and are designed to bring you back to optimal wellness.
These programs are designed to suit your specific needs and combine lifestyle changes, dietary changes and practitioner only nutritional supplements for the duration of the program. And all of this comes with the best possible ongoing support.
For more information about the best services for your needs or to organise an appointment - just give us a call or click on the 'Make An Enquiry' button below.
- Advanced Diploma In Remedial Massage
- Postgraduate Diploma In Integrative Iridology
- Bachelor of Health Science In Complementary Medicine
Professional Membership
- ATMS - Australian Traditional Medicine Society
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