Ultimate Detox Solutions
Ultimate Detox Solutions and Indian and Oriental Head Massage Institute
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Due to the environment, modern diet and stress, detoxification is essential for good health. You can detox to help cleanse the body of toxic build up and revitalize inner health. A program can be tailor-made for you that is more than just a detox diet. Its a complete plan that will improve energy and vitality.
- Release toxic accumulation
- Aid Liver detoxification
- Support the organs of elimination
- Repair and regenerate the body
Most of us are not functioning at our full potential. Stress, poor diet, lack of exercise and exposure to environmental pollution all contribute to increased toxicity in the body and lead to compromised health.
Detoxing for health improves overall energy and health. Programs can include or exclude Colonic Hydrotherapy. Lifestyle and exercise advice are also given. Healthy snacks and delicious meals are allowed.
Comprehensive pathology tests for a range of illnesses/disease including gut tests such as parasites, SIBO, bacteria and other gut concerns can be done.
Detoxing and colonics changed my life. My energy increased, I desired real food. Fogginess went from my head and I felt quite elated. I feel everyone must service their bodies. We spend enough servicing our cars! C. King Bentleigh
Every day you are exposed to toxins, like heavy metals, solvents, alcohol, oxidised fats, toxic creams, food additives, pesticides and drugs. Your body can struggle with excess toxins. Consider a detox to help your digestive system, liver and immune system work at an optimum level. Increase your vitality and lose weight.
Closed Method Colonics
Colon hydrotherapy was first recorded in 1500 B.C., in the Ebers Papyrus by ancient Egyptians. Hippocrates (4th and 5th century B.C.) recorded using enemas for fever therapy. In our medical clinic we find colonic irrigation to be one of the most important treatments available for a multitude of health problems. Health and sickness both have their roots in the colon. Almost a million Canadians a year, suffer from discomfort of Beast of the Belly. Therefore colon hydrotherapy is designed to improve the overall health of men and women.
There are two main types of colonics, and open system and a closed system.
An open system is a self-service system where you are left on your own and put yourself on the machine. There is no clinical support, diagnosis and qualifications aren’t necessary. Some people are happy with that.
We do the closed system which we find more holistic. The equipment used is disposable. There is a practitioner with you all the time adjusting the machine to suit your bowel. There is no odour, everything goes through tubes. You are covered up with a towel and abdominal massage is given when needed. The practitioner is able to tell a lot about your digestion by viewing the waste matter. Further testing, dietary and clinical support can be given if needed.
During your treatment you are lying on a Biomat which creates far infrared rays that penetrate 6-8 inches deep. This aids detoxification, enhances immunity, kills bugs and reduces the stress hormone cortisol. During this process benefits include strength, energy and pain relief.
You also have the opportunity to use the Powertube which uses three frequencies and results in rebalancing the body, creating wellness and detoxification.
The first treatment includes a 30 minute Naturopathic consultation reduced to half price with our experienced specialised digestive expert Michele Wolff with over 20 years’ experience in gut health. Michele is also a Registered Nurse and author of “Digestive Solutions- 101 Proven methods to solve your tummy problems naturally. “
"Excellent caring and professional staff who really help you to relax during the colonic detox treatments." Joe Elisha
Colonics' changed my life, it cleaned up long-term thrush, my energy increased, I desired real food. Fogginess went from my head and 1 felt quite elated. Thank you It's is the most significant treatment Ive had and in such a warm and relaxing environment. I feel everyone must Service their bodies. We spend enough servicing our cars C. King. Bentleigh
This massage has been practised for over 1000 years. It has many wonderful benefits. In the course you learn and also experience the difference it makes.
It involves over 80 movements on the shoulders head neck and face. The relaxation is brings needs to be experienced to be understood.
Indian head massage eliminates joint and muscle stiffness, re balances energy, stimulates lymphatic drainage and blood flow. It stimulates the scalp, and encourages strength and growth of the hair and is excellent for stress. It relieves tension headache and eyestrain. It helps jaw pain and muscular tension.
This unique method works intensely on the physical and subtle energies of the body. The technique is done seated and teaches neck, shoulder, scalp and face massage.
"I found the course to be an amazing experience. It was very energising and inspiring. After the first day I couldn't wait to come back for more"; Anja Sanderson. "If we all had half an hour of this a week I'm convinced we would seem sunnier." D. M.
Teaching techniques for safe and more comfortable birthing through guided imagery, visualisation and special breathing. Five 2 1/2 hour classes
Ive been delivering babies for over 20 years, including all of my own, and Ive never seen anything like this. Dont tell my wife - shell want another baby. N.H Obstetrician
1hrOver 20 years experience. Specialist treatment for Gut disorders and stress.Tests included valued t $130
1hr20 kg heated mattress that emits far infrared rays. It provides deep comfort, relaxation, pain relief and is immune boosting.
- Certificate In Indian Head Massage
- Bachelor of Health Science In Naturopathy
- Diploma In Hypnotherapy
- Diploma In Closed Colonic Hydrotherapy
- Graduate Diploma In Ayurvedic Medicine
- Hypnobirthing Instructor
- Diploma In Neuro-Linguistic Programming
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