Annmaree Refardt therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2013

Annmaree Refardt

Wellbeans Childrens Mobile Massage

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Wellbeans vision is to empower children to positively affect their wellbeing using massage, breathing, relaxation and meditation.

Wellbeans - For Families / Mother's Groups / Play Groups

Servicing area

All of Melbourne

Focus areas

Stress Management Circulation Active imagination Fine motor skills Nurturing Love

“Children need help and guidance with all behavioural and emotional aspects of their experience. Love, compassion and nurturing touch are vital to their development.” (Elmsater & Hetu)

Wellbeans ‘wellbeing’ program for children aged 4 to 5 years consists of peer to peer massage, massage to stories and breathing techniques. It is a complete program which takes approximately 9-10 weeks to complete. Or we can to tailor our program to fit your specific needs!

The main component of the program – The Massage in School’s Program or ‘MISP’ is described as ‘peer to peer massage’ because children learn by massaging each other. Children remain fully clothed and both give and receive massage to each other on the head, shoulders, back, arms and hands. The massage consists of 15 separate strokes and children are taught about seeking consent before touching others, the strokes, stroke pressure, parts of the body, the benefits of massage and how to provide feedback to each other.

The other components of the program are breathing and guided relaxation. It is amazing how quickly children grow to love relaxation time on the floor. Within weeks, even if they do not shut their eyes children are increasingly able to lie still and do deep breathing or relaxation exercises. These activities certainly appeal to a child’s sense of wonder and active imagination!

Why do families, mum’s groups/playgroups use our program?

"Play is a child's work." (Jean Piaget)

Children of 4-5 are really fun. Thanks to their very active imaginations they are entertaining to say the least. They are also very sensitive, taking in everything like little sponges. They have lots of energy and enthusiasm to do all of their important work, otherwise known as playing.

Wellbeans program can benefit pre-schoolers and their families in a number of ways:

Learning Benefits for the Child
  • Provides a great opportunity to learn hands-on social and emotional development
  • hands-on learning about appropriate touch
  • working with a partner
  • sharing and taking turns
  • learning about parts of the body
  • being together with other children quietly
  • discuss words/concepts such as being calm, relaxing, time out
  • increased concentration

Health benefits for the Child
  • Can improve sleep patterns
  • Promotion of healthy self-esteem and emotional development
  • Better management of anger and emotional upsets
  • Better performance of children with difficulties
  • Can assist children get back to sleep independently
  • Calmer children
  • Teaches children techniques to use to calm themselves
  • Improved circulation and digestive processes

Benefits for Parents

Touch is the first sense to develop in humans. It is essential to our health and well-being. Children who learn healthy views of touch, and who are provided with positive tactile experience by their caregivers, are more likely to grow up to be adults with healthy self- esteem, a sense of boundaries and long-lasting intimate relationships.

Whilst many people know of infant massage and the great benefits it provides for new mums and babies it is never too late to start massaging your child! Most of us do some type of massage on our children in the form of a back or neck rub however learning this course provides you and/or your child with the confidence to provide a complete, relaxing massage which is age appropriate to your child.

Leading such busy lives it is easy for a day to go by without much contact between us and our children and this is particularly so as they get older. By learning massage with your child whilst they are young you can establish an ongoing tactile and nurturing relationship with them.

In all of our parent/child classes we provide you with some basic theory on correct hand technique, pressure, positioning, and what is happening in the body during and post massage.

Children’s comments about Wellbeans classes:
  • “It helped me”
  • “I feel good”
  • “I feel better”
  • “It made me work better”
  • “It helped me because it was relaxing”. “It helped me calm down”
  • “It helped me calm down”

Parents’s observations about Wellbeans classes:

“He talked about it all to me and showed me how to do some of the massage.”

“She spoke about it often and went through the various strokes. It has taught her the benefits of relaxation. She said it made her calmer.”

“My child has massaged mum, nanna, aunties, cousins, even the cat!...and is more tactile and aware of other’s stress.”

Call us today on M: 0408 856 111 to book a class for your mother's group, playgroup or private home! Or reach us through the 'Make an Enquiry' form below. All enquiries are welcome!

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