Lydia Cotter therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2015

Lydia Cotter

Your Health Revolution

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Thinking about booking in? Perhaps you've never had a consultation with a Naturopath, Integrated Medicine Practitioner or Wellness Coach & not sure how to take that first step. I'm passionate about helping you get to the best version of yourself, so here's some extra info to help answer any questions about how I work.

Your Health Revolution

Servicing area

Brunswick Brunswick East Northcote Brunswick West Melbourne

Focus areas

Lifestyle Bloating Diarrhoea Functional medicine Love Food sensitivities


What can I expect from an initial session?
There is quite a lot to cover, which is why I allow 60 - 90 minutes for me to gather information relating to your current and existing health issues (these could be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual). Once I have completed the assessment an individualised treatment plan is created for you. I keep it relevant to your presenting health issue(s) and where necessary may explore diet, review your nutritional status, assess work/home environment, time management, self-care, exercise, relationships, and lifestyle. If necessary I will request relevant pathology testing to provide further insights into your health status. Time is allocated to go through your treatment plan in detail so you feel confident with taking the steps to revolutionise your health.

What do I bring to a consultation?
Please bring details of any prescribed medication or supplements (natural and pharmacological) that you are currently taking. Also bring any recent medical tests results, including blood tests or scan results.

What happens next?
In your following sessions I will review your recent treatment plan & any relevant pathology results and assess how things have been unfolding for you over the weeks. So how does it all work? I have a heap of tools under my belt. I use my training and experience to select the best remedies & regimes for short or long-term issues, acute or chronic conditions & creating inside-out wellness. This involves herbal medicines, functional medicine, nutritional therapy, flower essences, massage and lifestyle guidance.

What kind of health issues are treated?
I see people from all walks of life but the most common health concerns are stress, anxiety, digestive complaints, low energy, sleep management, menstrual or fertility issues, nutritional depletion and autoimmune conditions. I do all that I can to help my clients connect to the root cause of their health condition so that can achieve inside out wellness and become the best version of themselves.

How often will I need to see you?
This varies for each individual and is determined based on your current health needs. Most regular clients see me every 2-6 weeks depending on the nature of the condition and health goals.

Can I claim my appointment with private health?
Yes, as a certified Naturopath and member of the Australian Natural Therapies Association (ANTA), all appointment can be claimed with most major health funds. Please contact with your health fund to check your level of rebate.

A vibrant and healthy you starts today

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