Katie Kuivisto therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2018

Katie Kuivisto

BDHH: Naturopathy Lilydale

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What should you expect from a consultation?

What to Expect

Focus areas

Tension Coaching Inflammation Weight management Detoxification Digestive health

The Initial Consultation ($100 for 1 hr 15 min.)

At your initial naturopathic consultation, you will be asked to arrive 5 minutes early in order to fill out some forms. The first consultation is all about information gathering and goes for 1 hour 15 minutes. I will ask you a series of questions on your health priorities, symptoms, personal and family medical history, current medications, diet, lifestyle and more to gain a comprehensive picture of you and your health. A segment of this consultation will involve various physical assessments such as pH test, blood pressure, weight and height as well as tongue, eyes and nails to detect any nutritional deficiencies or other reasons for disease. Pathology tests or other more specialised tests may also be used or recommended.

The initial consultation allows me to collect information and make an assessment of your condition so that I am able to work out the most effective treatment protocol for you. I will give you some basic lifestyle and diet recommendations associated with your concern and supplements/herbs may be given after this first consultation. I will ensure that the supplements prescribed are safe and have no interactions with any prescribed medicines. These high-quality “practitioner only” products are TGA approved and are produced under Good Manufacturing Practice.

Follow up Consultation ($65 for 45 min)

Follow up consultations are about half the time of initial consultations and allow you to report back on any changes you have noticed or made. Your first follow up consultation is also the time you will receive your treatment plan based on what was shared at the initial consultation. Further follow up consultations will enable your progress to be tracked, give you that accountability that is so often needed when making changes to your health and allow for any adjustments to your treatment plan.

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