Lisa Ohtaras therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2017

Lisa Ohtaras

Caring Energetic Healing

Strathfield South NSW 2136

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Lisa Ohtaras offers to qualifying candidates exclusive 1:1 SOUL-U-TIONS Spiritual Coaching & Mentoring Programs, for people who want to fast-track healing of their mind, body, spirit and soul, that results in the spiritual evolution of their spirit and soul. Soulful Forgiveness® and Soulful Self-Forgiveness are one of the key components of the work. There are limited spaces available for this Program.  This Program is only for people who are willing to do the appropriate inner work that Lisa guides and oversees the client to do. It is a unique Program that is Divinely inspired and intuitively guided. Lisa works with Divine guidance channeling information to help the person to heal at the soul level. They are conveyed information and guidance to help the person to live from a conscious state of being and have greater awareness about why things are happening in their life, what the significance is for the client, their life in this incarnation, and the significance for their soul. Sessions are held weekly, are 1 hour in duration and are in person face to face or via remote.  Deep soul healing takes place at the point of creation where the energy originated.    

Caring Energetic Healing Lisa Ohtaras - SOUL-U-TIONS Spiritual Coaching & Mentoring Programs

Servicing area


Focus areas

Wellbeing Energy clearing Emotional wellbeing Complementary therapies Growth Stress Management

SOUL-U-TIONS Spiritual Coaching & Mentoring is a Program for people who are seriously wanting to move forward in life and want positive deep transformative change!
Lisa feels privileged and honoured to have the ability to be able to provide insight and conduct very Sacred work, working with clients who are Divinely guided to her.

Highly suitable for people:

  • In positions to be of service making a positive difference in the world.
  • Who know they have a special calling during this lifetime, but are feeling blocked from within (by their soul).
  • Who want to have a deeper understanding and have clarity about why things are happening in their life, the significance for them and their soul, and heal the inner beings who are creating the energy and experience.

The insight the person is given about their life experiences and journey thus far on Planet Earth is truly amazing!

The sessions are packed with quite often sensitive and very important information to help the client heal at the soul level. Having understanding and knowing the significance of why situations, circumstances, events, conditions, health afflictions and more have been created is profoundly life-changing! 
Why? The soul is recreating their past timelines so the person, the physical entity part of us known as our spirit,  can heal the different facets, mind, body, spirit and soul. When the inner work is done the energy within transforms at the point of creation. Having clarity allows the person to address the issues and transform the energy. 
Lisa shares specific details with clarity to help people have a deep understanding, and to help facilitate the transformation of energy.
Having spent the past 27 years doing personal growth and development and predominantly spiritual growth, deep introspection and inner healing, Lisa is a Divine Channel and vessel to help people who want clarity about their life, the significance of their life's lessons, and their growth opportunities to heal from within at the soul level. 
There is no particular structure for the Program. It varies from client to client and is based on the requirements of the person's Higher Self to assist the person's inner healing. 
Simplification of growth material which is provided by Lisa for the HomeJoy (homework) to have the transformation of energy at the soul level, which results in positive changes for the client is given weekly following the session.
HomeJoy is sent to the client following the sessions generally within 24 hours following the session.
Energy healing is provided in between the weekly sessions by Lisa for the client, to help them navigate their way through the growth with maximum ease and grace. 
Lisa is there to help with questions and unforeseen issues that may surface in between sessions. 
Following the inner work, people vibrate from a higher frequency from within. The person sees situations from a different broader perspective and lives from a more conscious state of awareness.
If the Program resonates with you, I invite you to make contact with me and I will discuss further details with you.














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Energetic Healing & Debriefing session

Thought Field Therapy Women's Health Men's Health Crystal Therapy Energy Healing Spiritual Healing
$363 Per session

1.5 hrs session includes energy healing working on the soul, physical body and the aura clearing energy blockages and negative energy from the past, present and help with the future. Sessions also include Soul Retrieval work, clearing of Ancestral Influen

Business Hours

We're open 6 days.


8:00 am To 6:00 pm


8:00 pm To 6:00 pm


8:00 pm To 6:00 pm


8:00 am To 6:00 pm


8:00 pm To 6:00 pm


8:00 pm To 6:00 pm


  • Former Registered Nurse (RN, 2002-2003)
  • Diploma In Energetic Healing
  • Angelic Healing Practitioner
  • Soulful Forgiveness Workshop Facilitator
  • Soul-utions Mentor
  • Soul-utions Coach

Professional Membership

  • IICT - International Institute For Complementary Therapists

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