Crystal Energies - Wholistic H therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2012

Crystal Energies - Wholistic H

Crystal Energies - PSYCH-K

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Crystals truly are amazing to work with and offer very powerful vibrational healing, especially when combined in a geometric pattern. The synergy of the combined crystals and the geometric pattern create a vortex of energy that can draw negative/dark energy out and pull in high vibrational healing energy. Once imbalances are removed, the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies can all come back into balance to support health and well being. I also stock crystal and environmental essences from Alaska.

Crystal Resonance Therapy/Crystal Essences

Servicing area

Geelong Region & Distance Healing Available

Focus areas

Emotions Love Brain integration Stress Management Guilt Grief

All of my crystals have been placed in a clearing grid when purchased, to remove negative energies or harmful symbols. They then are placed in a healing grid to energize and upgrade them before I dedicate them to work within the highest realms of love and light. So you can be sure that the crystals that will support you in your healing are at their highest level of vibration.

Crystals are a wonderful ally in spiritual development & of great assistance in meditation. They assist you to access the highest realms of love & light for guidance and wisdom.

Crystals have been used since the beginning of time for healing, protection, spiritual development and meditation. It is said they were used in Atlantis to generate power for entire cities. Crystals are used in Lasers for surgery, as memory chips in computers, in watches and are used in radios to control radio frequencies.

Crystals have a powerful molecular structure and are composed of atoms, which are made up of protons, neutrons and electrons, which give off subtle vibrations. Crystals are capable of receiving, containing, projecting and reflecting light, which is the highest form of energy on the physical plane.

When crystal energy blends with the human aura, an energy exchange occurs which can create tremendous power. Clear Quartz for example can be used to clear and dissolve congested blocked energy. When we increase the light force around the body in our aura, greater personal power and innate healing by the body can occur.

Crystals resonate energy continuously, and have the capacity to alter and harmonize our vibration. Crystals have their own power and energy, and when used in healing are able to increase our life force, assist us to activate our Spiritual gifts and connect to higher knowing and wisdom, deflect negative energy, elevate your vibration and assist you to connect to your truth and highest potential.

Once you have made an appointment with me, I then connect to Soul and ask for guidance for you with regard to the issues that you would like to address. Your Soul will share guidance that is for your highest good in relation to what you seek healing and direction for. A crystal healing will then be chosen to support you to release that which no longer serves you or is making you ill, either physically or emotionally.

I feel very blessed to have over 1000 crystals for your Soul to choose from to support you. After years of trying all different types of modalities on my own personal healing journey, when I received my first crystal healing I instantly new that this was going to be my passion and a large part of my life's work. I love to share my beautiful crystals with all those that seek change in their life.

Your Session - $190 ( 2 hours)

Geelong Region or Distance Healing Sessions Available



9 Services

Essences - flower, crystal, environmental.

less than 1min
Crystal Therapy Energy Healing Spiritual Healing Flower Essences Women's Health Men's Health
$20 Per course

Essences are vibration support to transform energy from dark to light, negative to positive. I stock Australian Bush Flower and Light essences, Alaskan crystal, flower and environment essences and other ranges too.

Emotion Code

Energy Healing
$190 Per session

Uncovering and releasing trapped emotions or inherited emotions.