Monica Williams
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Insomnia | Anxiety | Depression | Akathisia | OCD | ADD | Brain Health | Teenagers | Pain
Servicing area
Online | Sunshine Coast | Maroochydore, QldFocus areas
- Behavioural Naturopathy takes into account the way our biochemistry and physiology affect the way feel and behave. Whatever is happening it all started somewhere, it doesn't come from space. We seek the causative triggers and drivers so that we can resolve health issues permanently, not just bandaid symptoms as is the pharmaceutical model. We support you so that direction is clear, understanding is achieved, and change is easier. Naturopathic sessions are online via videocall, or in person in Maroochydore Queensland.
- Live Blood Screening - so much can be seen in just one drop of blood on a darkfield microscope. While this is not a medical technique, it brings value to seeing what is going on in the stream of life that runs your body. These sessions are available to existing clients of the Maroochydore clinic, once an initial consultation has been done. We find it offers a useful measure of progress.
- Functional Pathology and Genetic Screening for Functional Nutrition
- Frequency Specific Microcurrent Therapy (FSM) - Think of FSM as a battery for your body's repair crew. Shown to increase ATP, cellular energy, by up to 500%, FSM is one of the few therapies that can directly stimulate and support mitochondrial function, enhancing cellular repair, to help your body heal itself faster, function better, and accelerate recovery. It's like giving your body a much-needed tune-up, a healing electron recharge. Sessions available in Maroochydore Qld (Sessions in Melbourne are available four times a year - register via email if you would like to book a session series in Melbourne).
Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) is an advanced therapy technique that utilizes low-level electrical currents to stimulate the body's natural healing processes. Picture it like using a precise, targeted electrical signal to reboot your body's internal systems. It's a bit like hitting the reset button on your body's cellular functions.
Every cell in your body has its own unique electrical frequency. When you're healthy, these frequencies hum along in harmony, keeping everything running smoothly. But when you're injured, sick, or experiencing pain, these frequencies can go out of whack, causing all manner of problems.
Delivering specific frequencies to targeted areas of your body, FSM aims to re balance and harmonise these disrupted frequencies. It's like foptimising your body's operating system to enhance performance and self-healing. Because it stimulates and supports the body's own healing capacity, it can be used for most issues obstructing the process of wellness and healing. It is particularly useful for dissolving scar tissue and adhesions, working with the nervous system, digestive system, vagal tone, heart rhythm, immune regulation, pain, brain and neurological issues.
What's great about FSM is that it's safe, non-invasive, painless and able to be tailored to what is required. This therapy is versatile and able to address a wide range of health issues.
This work is wonderful teenagers. They don't have to talk, can lie down and receive a series of treatments and it helps them get out of a funk quite quickly.
At the clinic I am focused on brain health, sleep and mood disorders. When the brain works well, everything is better.
All programs start with an online Naturopathic appointment. Naturopathic sessions are online via videocall for easy access. A nutritional and dietary treatment plan will be prescribed alongside a series of Biological Resonance Therapy sessions. 4-6 sessions are required for most issues, up to ten sessions for chronic, severe or difficult conditions. (Please note, I run programs over a period of time and do not do one-off sessions.)
Biological Resonance Therapy and FSM sessions are on the Sunshine Coast, Maroochydore.
Learn more @ healthierbychoice.com.au
Professional Membership
- IICT - International Institute For Complementary Therapists
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