Hummingbird Intuitive Guidance therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2013

Hummingbird Intuitive Guidance

Hummingbird Intuitive Guidance

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Private readings allow you to book in a specific modality or a combination. Choose one or a combination of Tarot; Oracle Cards; Numerology; Palmistry; Astrology (Sun sign, Rising sign and current planiitary allignments) and Intuitive Reading (sometimes encompassing past lives). Book in advance, as these readings are popular and book out quick!


Servicing area

Sutherland Shire

Focus areas

Energy Manifestation Relaxation Space clearing Nurturing Distance healing


Find insight and clarity with a private reading, available via phone or email. Explore each modality below to see which feels right for you. If you need help with this, just let me know. It always comes about energetically when I speak with you. Remember when you are jotting down your questions to clear your mind and open yourself to profound guidance. The answers are yours to know in your heart. Your spirit guides you with love and light always. Align yourself with your truth and with the path that brings you the most joy. 



Tarot was initially used for playing card games before evolving into a powerful tool for spiritual insight and self-reflection. The deck comprises 78 cards divided into two main categories: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana.

The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards, each representing significant archetypal themes and life lessons. These cards depict pivotal moments and universal truths, guiding the seeker through profound spiritual journeys and personal transformation.

Conversely, the Minor Arcana comprises 56 cards divided into four suits—Cups, Swords, Wands, and Pentacles—each corresponding to specific aspects of human experience, such as emotions, intellect, creativity, and material aspects, respectively. These cards offer nuanced insights into everyday challenges, opportunities, and relationships, providing guidance on practical matters and psychological dynamics.

Tarot's efficacy as a compass and a perfect partner for manifesting lies in its ability to transcend mere fortune-telling, functioning instead as a mirror reflecting the intricacies of one's inner landscape and external circumstances. By organizing thoughts and experiences, Tarot illuminates hidden patterns, clarifies intentions, and empowers conscious decision-making.

Moreover, Tarot operates through synchronicity, where the cards drawn resonate with the seeker's subconscious, offering timely messages and intuitive nudges. This synchronistic interplay enables Tarot to adapt to changing circumstances, providing dynamic guidance aligned with the seeker's evolving journey.

In essence, Tarot serves as a sacred tool for self-discovery, introspection, and manifestation. It is not about predicting the future but rather about gaining clarity, making sense of events, and navigating relationships with wisdom and insight, making it an invaluable ally on the journey of personal growth and empowerment.



Oracle cards, are a versatile tool, offering succinct guidance and intuitive insights. Unlike Tarot, they do not have a structured system and can be read with intuitive exploration and interpreted according to themes. Oracle cards provide clarity on various aspects of life, including relationships, career decisions, and spiritual growth. From animal spirit guides offering wisdom to angelic messages illuminating paths of healing, oracle cards offer gentle yet profound reflections, serving as a beacon of inspiration and empowerment in intuitive readings.



I use Pythagorean Numerology in readings. Pythagorean numerology assigns numerical values to letters in a person's name and birthdate to unveil insights into their personality, life path, and potential. Understanding one's numerology offers profound self-awareness, illuminating strengths, weaknesses, and life's purpose. By decoding the energetic vibrations inherent in numbers, individuals gain clarity on their unique traits, relationships, and life experiences. Knowing how numerology aligns with their life provides a roadmap for personal growth, decision-making, and fulfillment. It empowers individuals to embrace their authentic selves, navigate challenges, and cultivate a deeper understanding of their place in the universe.



Understanding palmistry offers a window into one's past, present, and potential future. It reveals innate talents, personality traits, and life patterns encoded within the lines, mounts, and shapes of the hands. By deciphering these intricate markings, individuals gain insight into their unique destiny, relationships, and career paths. Palmistry fosters self-awareness, guiding personal growth, and empowering individuals to make informed choices aligned with their true selves. It serves as a tool for introspection, resilience, and harnessing one's strengths to navigate life's journey with clarity, purpose, and confidence.



Your astrology reading will tell you how your sun sign and rising sign intertwine with the current planetary positions and could shine light on why you may be feeling a certain way at the moment or why things around you seem to be happening differently from how they normally would! Hello retrogrades!! The alignment of the sun sign, rising sign, and current planetary positions paints a vivid portrait of one's cosmic blueprint. The sun sign illuminates the core essence and life purpose, while the rising sign adds depth and nuances to the personality. Current planetary alignments provide insight into present opportunities and challenges. Together, they weave a tapestry of celestial influences, guiding individuals on their path of self-discovery and growth. By understanding these interwoven elements, individuals gain clarity on their innate strengths, challenges, and the unfolding cosmic energies shaping their journey through life's ever-changing landscape.


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3 Services

Reiki Energy Healing

Energy Healing Reiki Reiki Energy Healing
$110 Per session

Call now to book a Reiki Energy Healing session and experience rejuvenation and balance. Experience healing on both a physical and emotional level and expect to connect with your energetic self. Book in clinic or you may like to have a mobile session at y

Private Intuitive Readings

Life Coaching
$110 Per session

Private readings are available over the phone or email. Select one or a combination of Tarot; Oracle Cards; Numerology; Palmistry; Astrology (Sun sign, Rising sign and current planetary alignments). These readings are popular and book out quick.

Business Hours

We're open 6 days.


9:30 am To 2:30 pm


9:30 am To 2:30 pm


9:30 pm To 2:30 pm


9:30 am To 2:30 pm


9:30 am To 2:30 pm


8:00 am To 4:00 pm


  • Certified Reiki Practitioner

Professional Membership

  • Reiki Australia

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